Black Lotus - Chapter 59 - Sybaen (2024)

Chapter Text

Ruby sipped sparingly on the drink she'd been given, a rather fruity beverage that only held hints of the alcohol she'd tasted long ago. If this was the type of drink that her sister and Olivia regularly came to places like this for, she could better understand their desires. The loud music and crowds of sweaty people weren't as much to her liking on the other hand. Already, Ruby had noticed lingering gazes from several of the men nearby, their eyes hesitating over her a few moments too long before likely realizing she was underage.

Blake was there with her, keeping a close eye as she'd promised and watching the real celebration taking place a dozen feet away. After Olivia had vanished so suddenly, the faunus had reappeared moments later to join the older students in doing body shots. Blake had been forced to explain that one to her, though the older girl seemed just as confused about thewhy.

Weiss was with them as well, sitting on Ruby's opposite side in what could only be described as a depressed slump. Her eyes remained fixed on the group across from them, glowering occasionally.

Encouraged by her teammates' earlier words and feeling a slight numbness to her usual social anxieties, Ruby took one final sip before leaning into Weiss's shoulder, surprising the quiet heiress.

"Weeeiiiissssss," Ruby whined playfully, elongating her partner's name. "Why aren't you having fun with everyone!?"

"Iamhaving fun," Weiss replied, ignoring Ruby as the younger girl leaned across further to stare up at her with a pair of large, silver eyes.

"This isn't one of your fancy parties in Atlas! Let loose a little!"

A hand grabbed Ruby by the forearm and dragged her away from Weiss, Blake sparing the other girl an apologetic smile before turning her gaze to Ruby. "Weiss just needs some time to… acclimate, yeah. This must be a culture shock, after all."

Ruby snorted, "What's theclimategot to do with this?"

Blake was about to retort when both of them paused, hearing Weiss laugh off to the side. "Nothing, Ruby. Nothing at all." The heiress stood and pushed her chair in, leaning against it while appearing to work up her courage. Light blue eyes glanced in their direction, and she visibly straightened to smooth out her clothes. "I suppose I'll need to get used to this sort of thing if I am, getalongwith Olivia." Weiss raised her eyes, clearly staring at the beautifully dressed Cinder. The older girl had chosen an outfit that conflicted harshly with her own, a black dress with gold filigree running up the sides. "And I can't just sit here andletmyself lose."

Ruby frowned, 'She and Olivia already get along really well! What has she got to lose?' The older girl, Cinder, had already joined the festivities. Currently, she was busy pouring out a shot of alcohol on to Olivia's stomach, the other girl grinning a wide challenge after shivering upon initial contact. Cinder smiled in return, and showed no hesitation at all in leaning down to drink from the short girl's navel.

Weiss's hands tightened around the bottom hem of her jacket, and without another word, strutted from her place at their table to join the others in their festivities. Olivia turned to acknowledge her, and the two shared words while Weiss began to blush more profusely. With a shaky hand, she accepted the bottle that Cinder offered her.

"No… she isn't going to…?" Blake muttered in apparent bewilderment.

'Isn't going to what?'

Weiss bit her lip, the inside of her mind screaming in protest for the indecent act she was about to do. Her hand held the bottle of liquor in a shaky grasp, eyes staring at the place she was meant to pour. Olivia's stomach was already wet from the previous body shot, the liquid glistening in the many lights that danced across the room. Her purple sweater was bunched up out of the way beneath her breasts, revealing more of her lightly muscle toned body than Weiss had ever seen before then.

"Well? I'm waiting, Princess~" Olivia chided playfully, shifting in place to give Weiss an easier target.

"R-right," Weiss breathed deeply, hesitating only a moment longer before pouring out some of the liquid. With shaking hands, Weiss was destined to fail. Olivia gave a small gasp as Weiss missed, the cold liquor splashing across smooth flesh and running down the cracks of her abs instead.

"Sorry, sorry!" Weiss realigned her aim while Olivia blushed at the sound she'd made, then glared as if she believed Weiss had done it on purpose. Weiss was more careful on her second attempt however, and managed to fill the crevice created by Olivia's navel.

'Okay, Weiss! You can do this! I-It's no big deal! Just a belly button filled with alcohol! Dad wouldn't freak out or disown you or anything if he saw this!' Weiss took a second to glance around the room, suddenly fearful of any cameras that may have been focused in on the Schnee heiress performing such a deplorable act.

"Down here, Princess. Or are you planning on leaving me like this?" Olivia goaded her. Cinder grabbed the bottle from Weiss's hand and gestured her forward, encouraging the younger girl to finish the act she'd started. "Maybe you are as uptight as I thought…"

Weiss glared at the challenging words. Firming her resolve as well as she could, she leaned forward to rest one hand on the table and the other a little above Olivia's knee. Her teammate grinned more widely, watching as Weiss lowered herself to a point and stopped. The final bits of hesitation held her back, mere inches away from the liquid filled belly button.

"If you can't, then maybe Cinder is up for another shot?"

Weiss leaned down the last few inches, angered into action by Olivia's words. She'd already noticed the way Olivia had been acting with the older woman. Flirting the first time they'd met, in a way that Olivia never would have dreamed of doing with Weiss herself. A damn name held them back, one that she was no longer proud to be associated with.

It was about time she distanced herself from all that the Schnee name entailed.

Weiss couldn't help but grimace when the alcohol hit her tongue, the liquid being a higher proof than any she'd drank in the past. Her cheeks burned brightly, but she powered through, noisily sucking the liquor out of Olivia's navel. In a final, impulsive act, Weiss allowed her tongue to flick out and licked the inside of Olivia's belly button. With her lips wrapped around the sides and hair cascading down, none were capable of seeing what made the other girl squeak in surprise.

Weiss grinned triumphantly as she rose, cheeks still reddened. Unlike with the accidental spill, she had been hoping to get a reaction out of Olivia this time. Her teammate's cheeks now had a slight red dusting of their own, and she stared aghast at Weiss with a pair of wide eyes.

"That was a cute little sound you just made. I thought you were used to this sort of thing?"

Olivia recovered quickly enough for her expression to change into a scowl, "Iamused to it." Her hand raised up to grasp Weiss's own as the heiress began to step away. Olivia smiled, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Guess we'll see how well you do in comparison?"

"W-wait, wha-!?"

Olivia used her grasp on Weiss to jump to her feet, pivoting the heiress midspin so that her backside now rested against the edge of the table that her teammate had just vacated. Olivia stepped closer, pressing against Weiss so that she was off balance. The only thing keeping her on her feet was Olivia, forcing the heiress to hold tightly to her teammate or risk falling back on to the table.

"Fair's fair, wouldn't you say, Princess?" Olivia grinned, pressing harder so that Weiss's feet scrambled for purchase. "I mean, youcouldback out before it's too late, but…"

'But then I'd be boring, and Olivia would end up hanging out with Cinder more…'

Taking a deep breath, Weiss let go of her own hold on Olivia so that the surprised faunus could lower her onto the table. Weiss was shocked as well, wondering where exactly this newfound courage had come from. Her cheeks burned, and she stared up into Olivia's bewildered eyes.

"W-well? I'm w-waiting, Olivia…" Weiss attempted to capture the tone in her teammate's mocking words but failed utterly.

Olivia came back to herself unsteadily, coughing into a fist to clear her throat. "You'll need to lift up your dress, Princess…"

Weiss's courage evaporated at the realization, all the eyes surrounding them watching eagerly while her hands fretted with her clothing, holding down the hem of her dress with a pair of white knuckled fists. The tights she'd chosen to wear were mostly see through. Even now, those in particularly good vantage points would be able to get a glimpse of her panties due to her current position. If she pulled her dress up further, it would only make them visible to all.

Olivia noticed her clear discomfort and leaned closer, speaking as quietly as she could with the loud music blaring overtop, "You don't have to do this, Weiss. Seriously, we can forget all about it…"

Weiss was thankful for the offer and severely tempted. How would it look if she backed out now, though? She would forever be ingrained in Olivia's mind as the girl that never could. A teammate unworthy of anything more because she lacked the courage that Olivia herself possessed. The entire point of wearing that particular outfit to the party had been in the hopes of inspiring theoppositereaction.

'T-This is nothing... We fight Grimm, for goodness sake!'

Summoning up the dregs of her courage, Weiss slowly pulled on the hem of her dress, exposing her stomach for all to see. At the very least, the color of her panties matched those of the tights, giving her some small reprieve from the gazes of so many. Even so, Weiss's hands shook. She couldn't stop herself from turning her eyes away, incapable of holding Olivia's gaze directly.

Through her periphery, Weiss could see the uncertainty on her teammate's face. At a nudge from Cinder, Olivia accepted the bottle from her and waited, hand hovering near Weiss's stomach, hesitant to pour.

"J-Just… hurry up…" Weiss whispered, shifting awkwardly. She was severely tempted to cross her legs. As is, her thighs were pressed as tightly together as she could so that only those nearest would see much of anything from above.

Olivia nodded acceptance and began to pour. Weiss flinched at first contact, causing some to splash across her abs instead, as it had with Olivia. She let out an unbecoming squeak of her own, hand raising to futilely suppress the sound that had already escaped.

"Oh my, Princess~" Olivia smirked, handing the bottle off after she'd finished pouring. She leaned in closer, smile growing all the wider as she spoke quietly so that only Weiss would hear, "You should know that when it comes to revenge… I never settle for just gettingeven."

Weiss didn't have time to ask what Olivia meant before her lips were wrapped around her navel, mouth sucking out the cold alcohol that rested within. Weiss flinched again as she felt Olivia's tongue exploring her belly button, it's touch lasting far longer than her own instance of daring had allowed.

Olivia's eyes raised to Weiss's own in the few seconds she spent playfully exploring, a challenge that the heiress would never be able to reciprocate in present company. She could only glare bashfully as Olivia pulled away, one tiny thread of saliva still connecting them before the faunus quickly wiped her mouth with a cheshire grin.

Olivia extended a hand down, which Weiss was soon to accept. She was swiftly pulled to her feet, dress falling back into place so that she could reclaim her sense of decency. Weiss took an extra moment to smooth it out, suddenly aware of the way her body now felt. She rubbed her thighs together nervously, and glared at Olivia for all she was worth. Despite the overwhelming awkwardness of the situation, Olivia's act had ignited a warmth across her body.

It wasn't until then that Weiss even noticed the others in their group cheering loudly. She shifted her focus to them, seeing the genuine surprise on many faces, likely for the fact that a prim and proper Schnee of all people had gone through something so obscene.

Olivia returned the heiress's attention to herself by pressing a fist against her shoulder lightly, "Not bad, Princess." Her eyes glanced about the club for a moment, then settled on a pair of seats open at the bar, "You ready for an actual drink now?" she grinned devilishly, "Or do you prefer drinking them offme?"

Weiss brightened, "Yeah!" She immediately realized her mistake and nearly choked, raising her hands to stave off Olivia's grin, "I-I mean yes to thedrinks, not to… the other thing."

'Though I wouldn't mind if we were alone…' Weiss blushed, keeping the thoughts to herself while Olivia turned to excuse the two of them from the rest of the group.

The pair set off for the bar, Olivia leading the way through the crowd while Weiss followed after. Even if it had come at its own expense, her daring had paid off in the end. Weiss doubted that Olivia would be willing to spend time with her if she hadn't gone through with the illicit act. The heat in her cheeks steadily died down, replaced by a nervous excitement that she couldn't quite contain.

Reaching the bar, Weiss slipped on to one of the stools next to the one Olivia had chosen and smoothed out her dress. Her teammate caught the bartender's attention, ordering a couple shots of vodka before raising an eyebrow in Weiss's direction, clearly waiting for her to order as well.

'Anything she can do…'

"I'll have the same," Weiss spoke tentatively, seeing the two glasses that were pushed in front of Olivia along with a larger glass filled with water and lime as a… chaser? 'Isn't that what they're called?' She had only ever drank wine before tonight, and even then, never more than a single glass. Only overheard conversations from Schnee grounds workers had clued her in to the term.

Olivia grinned and raised one of her glasses, waiting for Weiss to lift one of her own. As soon as she did, Olivia clinked hers against it and took the shot, Weiss following hesitantly after. She immediately gagged, realizing that trying to taste the alcohol had been a severe mistake. The shot was even worse than the one from earlier, the situation involving Olivia at least distracting her somewhat.

Eyes brimming, Weiss grabbed the water and drank greedily, doing her best to wash out the taste while Olivia vied for her second shot instead. She finished up and slammed the glass back down on the counter, finally raising her own chaser to sip on it while eyeing Weiss with a smirk.

"Not as easy going down as what you're used to, Princess?"

"You could say that…"

"Try the lime. That might help a bit more," Olivia suggested, catching the bartender's attention to order once again. Thankfully, she only ordered a soda for each of them as opposed to more alcohol.

Weiss took Olivia's recommendation and bit into the slice of lime that had been placed on the side of her water glass, feeling a wash of relief as the sharp sourness cut through what remained of the alcohol. It didn't quite overpower it, but gave her something else entirely to focus on. Once the sodas had been delivered to them, it helped wash away the final vestiges of the unwanted taste.

"You going to finish up the second one, or just let it sit there?" Olivia teased, reminding her of the other shot she had yet to take.

Weiss could already feel a slight dizziness to her movements, the most recent shot and the one out of Olivia's navel beginning to get to her. Weiss's eyes flickered to it nervously, biting her lip while staring at the drink. If she kept going, she might get well and truly drunk for the first time. Even with the pressure of wanting to impress Olivia however… Weiss couldn't do it. Thoughts of her mother danced through her mind, and how the elder woman couldn't be seen without a bottle at her side.

'If I went too far, would I… end up like her?'

Olivia appeared capable of reading Weiss well enough, seeing the slight slump to her shoulders as the heiress lacked the confidence or will to continue. With a comforting smirk of her own, Olivia reached across and grabbed the glass, downing it just as quickly to take the choice forever out of Weiss's hands.

"Don't mind if I do," Olivia grinned after sipping on her water once more. She nudged Weiss with a fist, "Don't push yourself, Princess. You already impressed me earlier. Ineverwould have donethat."

Weiss frowned in surprise, "What do you mean? You already did, even before I got there…"

"Yeah, but I'm wearingpants," Olivia laughed. "I never could have exposed myself like that. Even those tights you're wearing…" She paused as her cheeks heated, struggling to speak while figuring out how to word what she wanted to say next. Olivia finally gave up, hand playing with the end of one long sleeve, "You're more brave in that regard than I could ever be. I don't really like showing my skin, you know…?"

Weiss laid a hand across Olivia's own, stopping the fingers that fretted with her sleeve to instead pull it back slightly. The beginnings of her black veins came into view, starkly contrasting the lightly tanned skin that surrounded them. Deciding that she might as well after coming this far already, Weiss traced the veins with her finger, gently caressing while Olivia stared apprehensively at those nearest them.

Weiss was immediately reminded of the clothes she'd seen in Olivia's dresser, all she'd ever seen the spider faunus wear. Top after top, all long sleeved shirts aside from the singular tank top Olivia slept in. Weiss had never stopped to think about it, never considering that Olivia might have been purposefully hiding her faunus heritage as Blake had with her ears. The first time they'd met, Olivia had been in her combat outfit after all, black veins at least marginally on display.

Looking around, there appeared to be a number of faunus within the establishment. Weiss could see horns and tails, ears and scaly skin. If the faunus here were at ease in such an environment, then why wasn't Olivia?

Her past was the obvious answer. Mistral itself wasn't known for its acceptance of the faunus, on equal par with Atlas when it came to degrading the entire race. Weiss smiled sadly, finger still tracing along Olivia's flesh.

"You know… you aren't in Mistral anymore. The faunus… they're accepted more easily here, and you have your team… your friends. I… I might have no place to talk when it comes to this, consideringwhoI am, but… I hope you can learn to be more comfortable in your own skin." Weiss's other hand absent-mindedly lifted to her own face, tracing the bottom half of the scar that decorated her eye. "No one deserves to be ashamed of the things they can't change…"

Olivia smiled, but pulled away from Weiss's touch all the same. "Maybe someday. For now…" She pulled the end of her sleeve back up, hiding her veins once more and breathing a quiet sigh of relief, "I'll do what I have to." Olivia's mood rose once they were covered again, expression shifting to a wide grin as she looked towards Weiss's left eye in particular. "Besides, you reallydon'thave a say in it. Your scar makes you look moremature. It's really cute."

Weiss blushed, even knowing that was the exact reaction Olivia had been hoping for. She ignored the faunus's laughter and busied herself by looking around the room, instead taking stock of all those they'd come with.

Yang and Pyrrha had left the bar and were now on the dance floor, Yang giggling while trying to teach Pyrrha some dance moves and failing spectacularly. Ruby and Blake had vanished from their previous table, and no flash of red hair or raven locks caught Weiss's eye. Most of Coffee and Carmine were accounted for, gathered around the tables they'd been at previously. It seemed their general excitement had died down somewhat, and they were now drinking companionably.

'All that leaves is…' Weiss finally spotted orange hair bobbing up and down through the crowd, Nora leading Ren by the hand towards a back set of stairs. The ginger girl grinned ferociously while Ren blushed, though he offered up no resistance while Nora pulled him through the crowd and up out of sight.

"What do you think they're doing?" Weiss asked curiously, pointing in order to draw Olivia's attention to the pair.

Olivia snorted, gesturing with a nod towards a spot behind the bar. Weiss turned to see an array of keys that dangled from hooks, and another couple seemingly in the process of purchasing one of them.

"There's rooms above us that you can rent out."

"Really?" Weiss was confused, taking in the loud music that pounded throughout the building. "How on Remnant are they expecting to get any sleep in a place like this?"

Olivia laughed and wrapped an arm around Weiss, pulling her in close. The faunus took a few moments to catch her breath, and leaned in conspiratorially once she finally had. "They aren't going upstairs tosleep, Princess. They've been sharing a dorm with Yang and Pyrrha for almost threeweeksnow." She raised an eyebrow, "Ireallyhope I don't need to explain any further."

'If they're not renting a room to sleep, then…?' The meaning to Olivia's words clicked in her mind, and Weiss buried her head in her hands while heat flared throughout her cheeks. 'They're… they're having sex!? In a place like this!?'

"I wonder if Nora ever lets Ren top," Olivia wondered aloud, "Maybe now and then? I bet he's really quiet while Nora moans and talks dirty. Do you think they've ever-"

"Stop!" Weiss cried, images of a naked Ren and Nora now flashing through her mind. 'Is that all you've got!?' Weiss shivered, imagining the things an energetic girl like Nora might yell as 'encouragement' to her soft spoken partner.

Olivia broke down, laughing hysterically and pounding a fist against the bar in front of them while Weiss pouted, crossing her arms and focusing on Olivia if only to keep the images from returning to her mind.

"You're impossible, you know that?" Weiss fumed, only managing to elicit further laughter from Olivia. The faunus's shoulders shook, and it took her a few long moments to finally recover from Weiss's reaction. She raised her head once more, wiping tears from her eyes.

"Come on, Weiss, it's not so bad. I know you probably never had a chance to do anything with boys your age, not with all those servants around. You can't tell me you haven't seen a guy and thought he was attractive though, right?" Olivia smiled and took a sip of her soda, gesturing with it towards the crowds around them. "If you had to choose any guy here, who would it be?"

"Don't be ridiculous-" Weiss began to protest before Olivia suddenly spun her stool, a hand on her shoulder the only thing that saved her from toppling to the floor.

"You don't have to hold back. It's just us girls, after all~" Olivia swept her eyes around the room, then back to Weiss, noticing her clear objections to the entire affair. "I'm notjusttrying to tease you, Weiss. Really, I'm curious... I've never thought of guys that way so I'm not really sure what's so attractive about them."

Weiss bit her lip, staring aghast at the various men that decorated the room. Some dancing, or standing around talking, others sitting with acquaintances, or playing pool. There was a wide assortment of body types to choose from, tall and short, thick and thin, muscle bound or wiry. Even after looking them all over and thinking her hardest on the question at hand… Weiss didn't know what to say. She wasn't attracted to them either, after all.

"I guess, um… the handsome ones?" Weiss muttered, trying to fake it as well as she could.

"Well, sure. Whatmakesthem handsome though?" Olivia asked, leaning forward and following Weiss's gaze around the room. She pointed out one guy in particular, a man a few years older than them that was perhaps a few inches taller, with a moderate build. "What about him?"

Weiss shifted uncomfortably, unsure with how to proceed. The man looked traditionally handsome enough. Weiss could see him appearing on the cover of a magazine or in a movie if a makeup crew got their hands on him. But, like Olivia, her frame of reference was only to compare him to others she'd seen in that type of media. As far as Weiss was concerned, his brows were too thick, his shoulders too wide, his body too tall, with an obvious lack of the feminine curves she appreciated on Olivia. Overall, there was nothing about him that Weiss found the least bit alluring.

"I… I don't know…" Weiss confessed, barely speaking above a whisper.

It appeared Olivia hadn't heard her, as the girl leaned in even closer while wearing a consoling smile, "Don't beshy, Princess. I promise I won't tease you about it. Just tell me. Who do you like?"

Weiss's cheeks burned, her heart fluttering in her chest. She could feel her palms sweating, and gulped down the excess saliva that had appeared in her throat. Olivia was so close to her now, asking a question that Weissdesperatelywished to answer truthfully.

'But… it would be too early, wouldn't it?' Blake had warned her not to take things too quickly. If Weiss scared Olivia away, she might never be this intimate or open with her again. Things might become awkward between them, with Olivia choosing to cut short the extra time they spent together. That time was precious to her, precious to them both, though the faunus wasn't likely to admit it. 'I can't tell her the truth yet, but maybe…?'

Maybe she could increase her chances of gaining Olivia's notice?

Weiss cleared her throat before speaking hesitantly once more. This time at least, she was loud and clear enough for Olivia to understand.

"I don't know."

Olivia raised an eyebrow in surprise, glancing back and forth between Weiss and the man, "You don't know? Is he not handsome, or…?"

Weiss shook her head, turning slightly so that Olivia was more in view. She still couldn't bring herself to look at the faunus directly, but perhaps that was for the best. She didn't want Olivia to fully understand the implications of what she wanted to say next.

"I don't know if he is, because… I don't like boys…"

Olivia glanced at him, laughing nervously, "Well, I wouldn't call him aboy, exactly…"

"I like girls."

It took all of Weiss's training, countless hours spent practicing business affairs and public speaking as she uttered those three words, words that potentially doomed her relationship with Olivia. If the faunus somehow realized what she really meant… Weiss didn't want to think about it. She could only hope for the best, hope that the target of her affections might come to understand and reciprocate those feelings in time.

'But not yet…'

Olivia stared at her, clearly surprised by the sudden news. Weiss couldn't blame her, exactly. It wasn't as if she went around ogling women, or flirting with them brazenly like Olivia. As far as society was concerned, it was expected of the prim and proper heiress to be interested in men. How else would the Schnee legacy continue? As the heiress to such an ancient line, it was only natural to think of her in such a manner.

"Oh…" Olivia raised a hand to rub it against the back of her head, sounding genuinely distraught by the news. "Sorry, Weiss, I-"

"Olivia~!" a feminine voice called out, breaking the faunus from her train of thought and pulling both their attentions further down the bar. Cinder stood a short distance away, standing with one hand on her tightly clad hip while spinning a key on her other finger. She smirked seductively, "Were you ready to have that chat? It's getting a bit late, after all. I wouldn't want to wait too long~"

"Right!" Olivia hopped off her stool and then paused, hesitating while looking back at Weiss. She smiled apologetically, still rubbing a hand through the hair on the back of her head, "I'll try and be more careful with my teasing from now on. I did it so much before because I thought it was just fun and games, but… Sorry, Weiss. I bet it's really been bothering you. I'm glad you finally told me. I… wouldn't want to really upset you, after all."

"I'm waiting~" Cinder called out, still spinning the key on her finger.

Olivia grinned, flashing Weiss a quick wink, "Wish me luck!"

'No… no, no, no…' Weiss's hand shifted in her lap, preparing to raise it and stop Olivia from leaving. Olivia turned around before she could get the chance to, however, and Weiss's words died on her lips. What could she say? What could she tell Olivia in order to keep her there without revealing the truth? Weiss's mind desperately searched for an answer, desperately sought some ploy that would stop Olivia from leaving, but to no avail. She didn't have the time to come up with a solution.

Olivia disappeared through the crowd, soon climbing the stairs behind the older girl, hot on her heels and with a skip in her step.

Weiss's heart felt as if it had been ripped in two, watching in pained silence as Olivia once again left to be with someone else, someone that wasn'ther.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hold back the tears.

Olivia sighed, following closely behind Cinder as the older woman led her upstairs. She hated leaving Weiss like that, so abruptly and without a proper apology. Instead, it would appear as if she'd left only to fulfill her carnal desires, a fact that was far from the truth. In any other scenario, Olivia would have turned down the offer, choosing to remain with her friend instead.

What Mercury had said earlier still weighed heavily on her mind, though. Cinder had set up something to happen while they were here, by the sounds of it. The White Fang would be involved, and while the general mooks posed no threat to Olivia or any of the Beacon students, Widow and Adam surely would.

Olivia was glad when she felt Ruby and Blake leaving earlier. They'd taken a side exit, stepping out into the alley and vanishing from the range of Olivia's sixth sense. Whether it was to get a breath of fresh air or head back to Beacon, the fact that they'd be out of the potential line of fire was a relief.

'Now, all I need to do is make sure the others are safe…'

Following along behind Cinder and away from the loud music, Olivia could now feel more precisely the Grimm that was nestled against her heart, identical to the one that Widow possessed. Black blood pumped through her veins as it undoubtedly did for the others. It was ironic in some small part, considering the color of her veins despite lacking a parasite of her own.

'If she offers…' Olivia wouldn't accept. She was fine helping Cinder's plans wherever possible, agreeing to most things as long as they didn't pull her deeper into the life she was so determined to escape. The idea of having one of them crawling around insideherwas far from pleasant, though. Being so close to one now and incapable of ignoring it, Olivia could only shiver at the thought.

"Right this way," Cinder smirked, inserting the key into one of the locks and opening the door for Olivia to enter first. She stepped inside the room, lights already brightly lit to display the pink walls and oversized bed. It was topped with white sheets, a heart shaped pillow resting near the headboard. Getting a look around, Olivia was surprised to see many other 'devices' within the room, one of which was a swing that hung from the ceiling. There was also a stripper pole, bolted into the floor for those that were feeling particularlyadventurous.

"I might have to bring Melanie here sometime," Olivia commented, eyes roaming back over the swing in particular. "Or make up an occasion to spend a bit of lien on her room's decor…"

Cinder held a hand against her mouth in an attempt to stifle her laughter, "Already thinking of other women when you're here withme? How rude."

Olivia raised her hands in a shrug, "Hey, you're the one that said my chances were off the table."


Olivia frowned, thinking back on the exact words that had been spoken nearly two months prior. "Until… I swore fealty to you…"

"Exactly~" Cinder rested her hand against Olivia's cheek, grinning as the younger girl's breath caught. "Seeing as you'llalreadybe down on your knees… perhaps…?"

"W-would we even have time? Mercury said… and what about Emerald? Are you two…?"

Cinder laughed, patting Olivia's cheek before walking over and sitting on the bed. She crossed her legs, appearing perfectly regal in her form fitting black dress despite the locale. "Emerald is of no concern. She has long since made her advances known, and I have long since turned her down. I wouldn't wish to string her along in such a way. Regardless, she is still rather territorial around me, despite my wishes to the contrary. If she were to protest…" Cinder shrugged, "It's not as though she's a threat to you, and I've taught her well enough not to counteract my commands."

Cinder sighed, staring up at the ceiling, "Weareshort on time, however. Mercury was correct in that regard." Her eyes returned to Olivia's own, hand gesturing for her to step closer. "For now, fealty will simply have to do. Maybe some other time… if you prove yourself. For now, swear yourself to me, and I shall reveal to you my purpose here at Beacon."

Olivia bit her lip, moving forward but not quite ready to kneel. The conversation she had shared with Melanie flashed through her mind, of the objections she wanted to make, of what might be asked of her. 'Fealty' was certainly the wrong term for what Olivia had in mind, but if she could learn Cinder's secrets in exchange, would it be worth it in the end?

After a few moments of hesitation, Olivia shook her head, "If I'm going to work for you, there are terms that you'll need to agree to. I have my own life, my own purposes for coming to Beacon. I want to study and train here. I want to become a Huntress with… with my team. If your plans mean giving that up… I won't be able to accept your deal."

Cinder nodded, "I expected as much, to be honest. Taming one such as yourself against your wishes would surely be a feat that evenIam incapable of. A deal is to be expected. After all, each of those who serve me do so for their own reasons. For Emerald and Mercury, they have found in me a place to belong. Both cast aside by society, growing up in conditions that would have broken most others… it doesn't sound too unlike your own experiences, does it?"

Olivia shook her head. She knew that Mercury had certainly led a difficult life. The knowledge that Emerald had as well wasn't too surprising either, to say the least. Who else would follow Cinder aside from those that had nowhere else to belong?

"You, on the other hand, have found your placehere. I can assure you… aligning yourself with me will greatly reduce your suffering. My Mistress has made… suggestions… that the Grimm be utilized, that I tear down this very city with my own hands while achieving my true goal." Cinder saw Olivia's eyes widen, and nodded agreement, "Such theatrics are unnecessary, in the grand scheme of things. What I require is an object held within Beacon, one that only Ozpin and his closest confidants know the location of. The woman that you helped me kill… I needed to steal her power in order to open the vault, wherever it might lie."

"You think your Mistress will agree to that? Who… who is she?"

"Salem. She is the Queen of Grimm. An eternal, immortal being that commands them to carry out hereverywhim. Her powers are unrivaled. Even the mightiest heroes and armies of Remnant: Vale, Vacuo, Mistral and Atlas, all joined together, wouldn't be enough to stop her. But…" Cinder raised a finger, holding Olivia's attention with baited breath. "With that immortality comes a certain… lack of haste. It is no real issue to Salem if her plans must be put on hold. All she wishes is that the object be acquired and given to her. The downfall of Vale isn't of any real importance, just the icing on top. If you were to swear yourself to me, I would be willing to convince her of this fact. The only casualty she would still demand is Ozpin himself."

'The Headmaster?' Once again, Olivia's mind lingered on the topic of Ozpin's two souls. If there was anyone in particular involved with an immortal being, surely it was the man possessing the soul she had sensed, itself ancient beyond measure. Ozpin had been kind to her so far, but he also seemed to know about Olivia's past. That was dangerous…

"You swear that my teammates, my friends,allof them will be left alive and unharmed?"

Cinder brought up one hand, gesturing with a finger and making an 'X' on her left breast. "Cross my heart. I keep my word, Lotus, as do you. Even from our first interaction, I could tell you were a kindred spirit in that regard. Your failure with the Huntsman was… unfortunate, but acceptable. I may have acted the same if I had been in your shoes, and as such, haven't held it against you. From here on out however, my ordersmustbe followed to theletter. IfImust trust that you won't turn on me… thenyoumust trust that I won't command you to do anything that harms your own aspirations."

"And… the power you 'stole'?"

Cinder smirked, and Olivia backed away a step as a large crimson flame ignited in her palm. It created no smoke, only a blistering heat that ebbed out in waves across the room.

"The Seasonal Maidens. Four women, granted magic by Ozpin in a life long since forgotten. The power is passed down from person to person, only ever through young women such as ourselves. Salem always craved their powers, to have their owners beneath a banner of her own. In time, she discovered a technique that would allow me to steal them for myself. With the power of the Fall Maiden, I will be capable of opening the vault." Cinder audibly snuffed out the fire by closing her hand, "All I need to do now is gain Ozpin'strust. Once he shows me how to access the vault itself, I'll no longer have any need of himorBeacon. My team and I will steal the object held within, and be on our way.Valeneed not fall with him."

Olivia stared at where the flame had been, considering her options. All things considered, as long as Cinder truly did stick to her word, then joining her was the best option available. Keeping Vale in one piece, sacrificing only Ozpin in exchange for her own future, and the futures of so many others was an obvious choice.

One question did still bother her however, one discrepancy in the tale that had been spun. "If Salem is so powerful, why hasn't she just taken the object by force? Surely Ozpin wouldn't be able to stop an immortal?"

Cinder nodded, "With Salem's powers, she could wipe humanity off the face of Remnant. That isn't her objective, however. Sheneedswhat's in that vault, and the Maidens are the only way to access it. Because of this, Ozpin has managed to keep her in a stalemate, of sorts. He wouldnevergive up the item, and he'll never trust me with the knowledge of it until he's certain thatIwould do the same. Even more so, considering that I'm now thesoleperson capable of unlocking it. As such, my goal revolves around gaining his trust wherever possible. He must come to know me as a valiant individual, capable of defending myself in order to protect it at all costs."

"So the attack on the town…?"

"Was twofold in its purpose. Neo's powers allowed me to disguise myself while trading places with Widow. She and my team protected Coffee, and 'killed' me, thus making it appear as if 'I' had gained the powers in a convincing way. Now that I've been accepted into Ozpin's inner circle, all that remains is gaining his trust."

"What are you planning tonight? A lot of my teammates and friends are downstairs right now. I don't plan on letting them get hurt to furtheryourgoals."

Cinder waved a hand dismissively, "As long as they have their aura they'll be fine. The White Fang has been ordered to attack, and the stage is set for me to make my grand reentrance. I'll save your friends and drive off the White Fang, earning myself a better reputation with Ozpin in the process." She pulled out her scroll to check the time, "Speaking of which, we don't have much longer. The clock is ticking, Lotus. Will you swear yourself to me, or doom Vale to suffer a farworsefate?"

Olivia sighed, closing her eyes while thinking over her options. Aside from being forced to help in Ozpin's assassination, there really wasn't much of a downside to Cinder's offer. On the contrary, saving Vale was a good thing, wasn't it? Shouldn't a Huntress dedicate herself to saving others? Olivia had to admit, she didn't really much care for people she didn't know. On the other hand, she was trying to better herself. She owed it to those she had killed, to the innocent lives who's blood decorated her darkest days.

If she truly wanted to make a change…

'There's no time like the present…'

Olivia kneeled onto the carpeted floor, raising her eyes to see the self-satisfied grin that Cinder wore.

"There is one more condition…" Olivia held up a hand as Cinder began to protest. She spoke slowly, her heart struggling to make sense of how her life had led her up to this point. Of what therightthing would be to do. This was the best she could muster.

"Just… from now on…" she sighed, "Call me Olivia…"

Qrow's scroll buzzed, the vibration all he could feel over the constant pounding of the club's music. He slipped a hand into his pocket and rolled his eyes, staring at the caller ID before accepting the call.

"I don't need you babysitting me, Oz. Really, I've got it covered." Qrow held the scroll up, back turned to the rest of the desolate rooftop while facing the club across the street. He was leaning against the brick wall now, having grown uncomfortable with his previous position. So long in the sky had done a number on his back, and the phantom pain was only now beginning to fade.

"I'm just anxious, Qrow. I have a bad feeling… consider it another sense of my own, born from countless lives. What's the situation like from your end?"

Qrow scratched the stubble on his chin awkwardly, staring off at the club that was now sans six students. Ruby and Blake had left via a side door, while Nora and Ren, Coco and Velvet, and Olivia and Cinder had all vacated the bottom floor, heading up at various times to the rooms above. Qrow didn't have to guess what they'd gone to go do, and didn't really want to think about it either.

"Eh… you sure you wanna know?" At the very least he could spare Ozpin the details, though he supposed the ancient wizard would likely be numb to such things. For him, most human and faunus interactions were just a matter of course.

"Yes, Qrow. What's going on?" Ozpin raised an eyebrow suspiciously, eyes becoming more stern as he demanded the answers he sought.

"Well, I don't have eyes on our Maiden anymore… She went, ahem,upstairswith Olivia." Qrow narrowed his eyes in a warning, "Don'ttell me to follow. You should know what that means for a club like this. Olivia would be able to sense me before I even got close anyway. I don't want to add any more fuel to the 'Peeping Tom' accusations she's been teasing me with."

Qrow was surprised to see Ozpin visibly pale, his hand shakily raising the mug in front of his face to take a sip. He lowered it, mouth moving with no words coming out. He stopped, appearing to be waiting for a reply despite no sound coming forth.

Qrow frowned, "Oz? You cutting out?"

Ozpin's eyes widened, and he pointed from his place on screen over the back of Qrow's shoulder. Sensing the man's fear, and following his gut reaction, he dropped the scroll. Qrow spun on his heel and drew his weapon with practiced ease, it's wide, thick surface the only thing that saved him from the eight inches of cold hard steel that had been aimed at his back.

Long, blood red hair and a black leather clad suit. Her face decorated with a White Fang mask held securely across her eyes. The woman he recognized as Widow paused in place, a seductive curl to her lips while grinding the point of her dagger against Harbinger.

"My oh my, youarequick on the draw~ My employer warned me that you might be fluttering about. An 'S' class Huntsman, justwaitingfor me to put that accolade to the test~"

Qrow extended his greatsword and swung, forcing Widow to take a few steps back across the rooftop. He grinned, "By all means. You've saved me the trouble of hunting you down myself! While you're at it, why don't you go ahead and give up your partner as well?"

Widow laughed, "I'm sure you'redyingto know. However, my purpose here is only to hold you off. Wouldn't want you getting in the way of the White Fang's great work, now would we?"

Qrow's eyes narrowed, "And what 'great work' might that be?"

Widow raised an eyebrow along with her dagger, pointing over Qrow's shoulder. "Why,thosefor starters."

Qrow turned only enough to glance over his shoulder, but what he saw made him immediately pale. 'Why didn't I hear those until now!?' What was he going to do now that they were there!? He needed to get down, needed to get into the club, or stop them before they-!

A flicker of motion caught his eye, his training bringing his arm up without any need for conscious thought. Widow's blade streaked across the metal once more, the piercing sound echoing above the thrum of the club. Screams could be heard now, coinciding with the whirring of barrels spinning to life.

Two Bullheads hovered in place before the large glass front of the club, Fire Dust fueled jets scorching the pavement beneath. The occupants inside had only moments to scramble for cover, jumping over the bar or ducking beneath the rim of the lowered dance floor.

The White Fang didn't wait, and Qrow's yell of anger was drowned out by the twin miniguns that opened fire on those inside.

Bullets scythed through glass and people alike. Blood flowed freely.

Black Lotus - Chapter 59 - Sybaen (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.