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Summer/Fall 2015 Volume 75, Number 2

Harvard School of Dental Medicinebulletin

Commencement & Alumni Day 2015 Generous Gift Establishes DMD Scholarship in Memory of Dr. Masako SakamotoRemembering Dr. Gerald Shklar

Commencement Issue

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Features 1 Letter from the Dean

2 Dr. Seizaburo Sakamoto, Former HSDM Faculty Member, Donates More Than $536,000 to HSDM Generous gift will benefit the School in many ways

5 Special Event: Annual Donors’ Appreciation Dinner

6 Faculty Profile: Dr. Leonard B. Kaban Reflections on the career of an exceptional clinician, educator and researcher

8 Commencement 2015

12 Reunion and Alumni Day 2015

1 4 Resident Profile: Dr. Shanele Williams Delivering oral health care to communities with the greatest need

16 HSDM Develops Collaborations in Asia

17 HSDM Students Explore Research Opportunities Around the World

18 Special Event: Remembering Dr. Gerald Shklar

19 Dental Bites Alumni News HSDM Awards HSDM News

Cover photo: DMD Class of 2015

The Harvard Dental Bulletin is published two/three times a year for alumni and friends of Harvard School of Dental Medicine. We look forward to receiving your feedback and news.

Please send correspondence to:

Harvard Dental Bulletin Harvard School of Dental Medicine 188 Longwood Avenue Boston, MA 02115 Email: [emailprotected] Phone: 617-432-2072

HSDM Office of Development and Alumni Relations Nancy L. Jones, Associate Dean Wanda Mock, Assistant Dean

Copyright © 2015 President and Fellows of Harvard College

Visit HSDM’s website www.hsdm.harvard.edu

Social Media Follow HSDM on Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube for news and updates from campus and our alumni around the world.

Produced by: HSDM Office of Development and Alumni RelationsSenior Editors: Heather M. Denny, Nancy L. JonesDesign: Glenn Ruga/Visual CommunicationsWriting: Heather M. Denny, Nancy L. Jones, Jessica Loew, Jason OutlawEditorial Committee: Dawn DeCosta, Amy Fenton, Dottie Kyranos, Jessica Loew, Wanda Mock, Lia Sgourakes, Harvey WillsonPhotography: Ann-Marie Ford, Steve GilbertPrinting: Puritan Press

Summer/Fall 2015 Volume 75, Number 2 Harvard School of Dental Medicine

bulletinHarvard Dental

Student HighlightFirst year DMD student, Samuel Lee, is working in Cork, Ireland. His research focuses on patients with hypodontia. See page 17 for more student research projects abroad.

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Dear Alumni and Friends of Harvard School of Dental Medicine (HSDM),

At the end of May, we celebrated thirty-seven new Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) graduates, twenty-four individuals who received Advanced Graduate

Education (AGE) degrees, and three PhD recip-ients during Commencement and Class Day. What a pleasure it was to celebrate with the new graduates and their proud families and friends! We also welcomed back HSDM alumni from across the country for Reunion and Alumni Day. It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces, and catch up on their careers and lives after HSDM.

During my Class Day remarks, I told the graduates that I knew they would contribute to making the world a better place. I said this because I see our alumni, faculty and students making an impact in so many ways. This is apparent in many stories throughout this issue of the Bulletin.

In this issue, you’ll read about the generosity of former faculty member, Dr. Seizaburo Sakamoto, whose recent gift to the School will ensure future HSDM students can follow in the footsteps of his late wife Dr. Masako Sakamoto and himself, two accomplished researchers and contributors to public health. You’ll see the impact accomplished HSDM alumnus, Leonard Kaban, DMD69, MD73 has made, and continues to make in education and research in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Dr. Kaban will soon step down as chair and Walter C. Guralnick Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, but will continue working in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. You will also learn about HSDM resident Shanele Williams, recipient of the Joseph L. Henry Oral Health Fellowship, who has committed her career to delivering oral health care to communities with the greatest need.

When this year’s graduates go out into the world, they will face a dental landscape in transition. As

the U.S. health care system changes in the coming years, the Class of 2015 will be at the forefront of those changes and can act as advocates for oral health care and the profession. As new alumni, they will have the support of a great community who has gone before them.

I am grateful to all those in the HSDM com-munity who have led the way. Through It Begins with Me—The Campaign for Harvard School of Dental Medicine, you have generously supported the dreams of these students with fellowships and scholarships. I’m thrilled to report that we have raised more than $5 million toward our $8 million campaign goal. With your help, I know that we will surpass all expectations, just as our new graduates will as they make their mark in the world.

R. Bruce Donoff, DMD67, MD73


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Seizaburo Sakamoto, DDS, PhD, and Masako Sakamoto, DDS, PhD, were husband and wife collaborators at HSDM. Together, they studied connective tissue metabolism and bone resorption in an attempt

to halt its pathological process. Their groundbreaking work led to HSDM developing a strong reputation in musculoskeletal-disease research.

Earning both the DDS and PhD (biochemistry) degrees from Tokyo Medical and Dental University in 1968, Seizaburo Sakamoto became a research associate in periodontology at HSDM. In 1983, he became a member of the faculty as an associate professor in oral biology and pathophysiology. Dr. Sakamoto was an investigator at HSDM for more than 22 years. His late wife Masako Sakamoto, earned both the DDS and PhD (physiology) degrees from Tokyo Medical and Dental University in 1968 as well, and became a research associate in peri-odontology at HSDM. In 1990, Masako Sakamoto moved

to the Department of Pediatric Endocrinology at Harvard Medical School’s Shriner’s Burns Institute as a lecturer. Masako was also a lecturer in oral biology at HSDM.

In 2014, Dr. Seizaburo Sakamoto made a gift of more than $536,000 to HSDM. The largest portion of the gift established the Masako and Seizaburo Sakamoto DMD Scholarship in memory of Masako. The earnings from the Masako and Seizaburo Sakamoto DMD Scholarship will yield one of the largest scholarships ever awarded at HSDM.

“My wish is to keep the name Masako Sakamoto in public health education with a special emphasis on dental education at HSDM by this endowment donation,” Dr. Seizaburo Sakamoto stated.

Dr. Seizaburo Sakamoto also established the Melvin J. Glimcher, MD Research Award to honor their late mentor Melvin J. Glimcher, MD50, a distinguished scientist and Harvard Medical School’s first tenured chair in orthopedic surgery. “We were always grateful to Dr. Glimcher for his help in our work and family life,” Dr. Seizaburo Sakamoto stated.

The third portion of the gift was given to the endowed Goldhaber Award. The Sakamotos were always respectful of the confidence the late HSDM Dean Paul Goldhaber had shown them, when they began their careers at HSDM. A final gift graciously went to the HSDM Annual Fund.

Seizaburo started his work at HSDM in 1968 and Masako joined him in 1969. In 1983, they began their independent study in their own laboratory. They served as mentors for several postdoctoral students and received many young postdoctoral students and visiting professors

Dr. Seizaburo Sakamoto, Former HSDM Faculty Member, Donates More Than $536,000 to HSDMGenerous gift will benefit the School in many ways Right: Masako Sakamoto shares a conversation with her mentor, Melvin J. Glimcher, MD50.

Bottom: In 1983, Seizaburo Sakamoto’s research group takes a photo with Professor Atsushige Sato from Tokyo Medical and Dental University.


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on sabbatical from other dental schools as well as their alma mater in Japan. The Sakamotos contributed numerous articles to Japanese journals, and hosted many visitors, among them Professor Sonoko Seki, who visited Dr. Goldhaber’s laboratory. Sonoko and Masako once served together on the faculty at Kanagawa Dental College in Yokosuka, Japan.

In 1991, the Sakamotos returned to Sendai, Japan where Dr. Seizaburo Sakamoto became a professor of preventive dentistry and retired as professor emeritus from Tohoku University in 2002. Dr. Masako Sakamoto joined a municipal planning committee and taught dental hygienists in Sendai. That is when she became interested in public health work. With the voluntary help of community den-tists, and the staff of the depart-ment of preventive dentistry at Tohoku University Dental School, Dr. Masako Sakamoto founded the Michinoku Society for Children’s Dental Health. As the Society’s president, she devoted

herself to the dental health of children, and the elderly in Sendai. Her daughter, Kaori Sakamoto, created an original character titled “Mr. Molar” to help promote the Society. The work of the Society has become well known throughout Japan.

In 1995, the 19th General Assembly on Dental Caries Prevention in Sendai, Japan featured the concept of “Mr. Molar.”

From June 28 — July 2, 1971, the Gordon Research Conference was held in Meriden, New Hampshire. Seizaburo Sakamoto is pictured along with other HSDM colleagues including the late HSDM Dean Paul Goldhaber.

In 1991, Masako and Seizaburo Sakamoto were honored by HSDM at a farewell celebration before they returned to Sendai, Japan.

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In 1995, Dr. Masako Sakamoto invited Myron Allukian, Jr., MPH67, PD68 (dental public health), as a guest speaker for the General Assembly on Dental Caries Prevention co-sponsored by the Michinoku Society for Children’s Dental Health. Dr. Masako Sakamoto worked as a moderator for the assembly and introduced Dr. Allukian. His zest for promoting oral health and dental public health made quite an impact on the audience. The Sakamotos visited Dr. Allukian’s office and work sites in Boston and were very impressed with his many programs for the underserved. In 1998, Dr. Seizaburo Sakamoto served as President of the Japanese Society of Oral Health and invited Chester W. Douglass, AM89, to serve as keynote speaker at the annual meeting’s General Assembly. Dr. Masako Sakamoto also served as coordinator at one of

Dr. Douglass’ submeetings at the annual meeting. The contributions of Dr. Allukian and Dr. Douglass to the enhancement of public health dentistry in Japan were greatly appreciated.

Dr. Masako Sakamoto also founded f*ckujusou, a society for the health and welfare of the elderly in the community. In November 2004, Masako died of colon cancer. “Her devotion to the community, along with her pro-fessional knowledge and care, has been tremendously missed since her death,” Dr. Sakamoto said.

Moved by Masako’s selfless devotion to these com-munities, Seizaburo and Kaori Sakamoto will erect an original large granite relief in her memory in July 2015, at Kamakura Health and Welfare Center (Kamakura, Japan). “The three sisters playing cat’s cradle” (Masako was youngest of three sisters) was commissioned by a well-known artist.

The Sakamoto’s generous gift to HSDM was established with funds from the sale of their home in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. It was originally built with funds inherited from Masako’s parents and the couple owned it together for 35 years. Fond of New England, they had kept their house even after returning to Japan. However, Seizaburo found the house too much to maintain alone, and in 2014 it was sold. He contributed the capital gains to HSDM in memory of Masako, his lifelong love. His gift will make it possible for many DMD students and researchers to study at HSDM, and possibly follow in the footsteps of two accomplished researchers and contributors to public health.

Note: This article was written in collaboration with Dr. Seizaburo Sakamoto. All photographs were provided by Dr. Seizaburo Sakamoto.

In 1995, Myron Allukian, Jr., MPH67, PD68 (dental public health), was a guest speaker for the General Assembly on Dental Caries Prevention co-sponsored by the Michinoku Society for Children’s Dental Health. Dr. Allukian is pictured with his son Jason and members of Seizaburo Sakamoto’s staff.

In 1986, Professor Sonoko Seki visited Dean Paul Goldhaber’s lab at HSDM and is pictured with Masako Sakamoto.

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On Thursday, April 30, 2015 the School celebrated its Annual Donors’ Appreciation Dinner. The evening began with a ceremony recognizing gifts to HSDM. Corporate Donor of the Year, Straumann USA, LLC, was honored for their $250,000 gift to support HSDM residents. Anita

Keefe and HSDM faculty researcher, Dr. Martin Nweeia, were also recognized for Ms. Keefe’s contribution of a Narwhal tusk to the School. Dr. Seizaburo Sakamoto, could not be in attendance that evening, but was also recognized for his generous gift, totaling more than $536,000, establishing the Masako and Seizaburo Sakamoto DMD Scholarship in honor of his late wife and research collaborator, Masako Sakamoto.

Tony Wagner, Expert in Residence at Harvard University’s Innovation Lab and author of Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World, delivered a thought- provoking keynote speech about innovation in education. The speech was followed by dinner and music under a tent adjacent to the Research and Education Building (REB).

Annual Donors’ Appreciation DinnerGuests gathered for dinner under a tent adjacent to the REB.

Michelle Mian, DMD11, MMSc14; Justin Raanan, MMSc16; and Edward Seldin, DMD68, MD68.

Cyndee Freeman and Ed Morin, DMD60.

Luke McCarthy with Anita L. Keefe standing beside the Narwhal tusk Ms. Keefe donated to the School.

Author Tony Wagner gave the evening’s keynote speech.

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6 Summer/Fall 2015

Harvard Dental Bulletin FACULTY PROFILE

Dr. Leonard B. KabanReflections on the career of an exceptional clinician, educator, and researcher

Leonard B. Kaban, DMD69, MD73, has had a long and accomplished career as chair and Walter C. Guralnick Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). He is internationally

recognized for his work in the fields of craniofacial deformities such as hemifacial microsomia-pediatric oral and maxillofacial surgery, jaw tumors in children and minimally invasive surgical techniques for maxillofacial surgery. He has published more than 300

peer-reviewed articles; authored several books; and received

numerous awards and hon-ors including the HSDM Distinguished Alumni Award, the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Research Recognition

Award, the Norton M. Ross Award for Excellence

in Clinical Research, and an honorary fellowship

from the Faculty of Dentistry of the

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, among others.

After 22 years at MGH, Dr. Kaban will step down as leader of the Department once a successor is found and appointed. In a recent interview, Dr. Kaban reflected on his career and accomplishments.

Path to HarvardAs a boy growing up in a middle-class neighborhood in New York City, young Dr. Kaban might have been just as likely to become a musician as a doctor. He loved music and played the saxophone and clarinet in a band that he led. His mother, who always empha-sized the importance of education, influenced his career path.

“My mother said to me, ‘You’re a good boy, and you’re very smart. But I have to tell you, you’re not a very talented musician, so I would advise you to keep playing your music for pleasure, but seek another career path.’ And so, I did,” he said.

Dr. Kaban enjoyed biology, math, and chemistry, and excelled in his studies at Queens College of the City University of New York. Former HSDM Dean J. Howard Oaks recognized Dr. Kaban’s potential and convinced him to attend HSDM on a scholarship.

“Oaks told me, ‘You should come to Harvard. It will get you out of your environment and it will change your life.’ It was true,” Dr. Kaban said.

Early careerAfter completing his residency at MGH, Dr. Kaban joined the staff as the first full-time oral and maxillofacial surgeon at what was then known as the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital and Children’s Hospital under the tutelage of Dr. Joseph Murray, the chief of plastic surgery. Kaban, along with Dr. John Mulliken (a young plastic surgeon recruited at the same time) and Dr. Murray, envisioned a craniofacial center with plastic surgeons, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, hand surgeons, and others working together to help patients with craniofacial anomalies.

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“During those years I had three mentors, Walter Guralnick, Joseph Murray, and Judah Folkman. Dr. Guralnick was a legendary figure on the faculty, and Dr. Murray and Dr. Folkman were quintessential academic surgeons. They all had expertise in research, patient care, and teaching. They were the ones who inspired me to go on to do what I ultimately did,” he said. “From Dr. Murray, I also learned the importance of collaboration, a team approach to complex diseases, and a centered approach to organization for taking care of complex problems. I was also influenced by his optimism, disci-pline, dedication, and his talents as a problem solver and a creative surgeon.”

Dr. Kaban considers his 12 years with Drs. Murray and Mulliken some of the most important and produc-tive of his career. He worked on novel treatments, such as the correction of hemifacial microsomia in growing children. He also rose from instructor to associate professor, and published nearly eighty peer-reviewed articles in collaboration with Mulliken and Murray.

In 1985, at age forty, Dr. Kaban was recruited by the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) School of Dentistry to become chairman of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS). At UCSF, he established a dual degree OMFS program, modeled after the MGH/Harvard program. Dr. Kaban returned to Massachusetts in 1994 to assume his current position at MGH and HSDM.

Surgeon and mentorOver the years at MGH and Harvard, Dr. Kaban has broken new ground in areas of research and treatment. He pioneered methods for treating congenital and acquired jaw and facial deformities, pediatric jaw tumors, fibro-osseous lesions, ankylosis of the temporo-mandibular joints, and minimally invasive techniques for mandibular trauma and reconstruction, and obstructive salivary gland disease.

“The work that we’re doing in giant cell tumors, one of the common primary jaw tumors in children, has eliminated the need for a major surgical resection with a comparable cure rate,” he said. “We are also investigat-ing the molecular biology of giant cell tumors to develop biomarkers and targeted pharmacologic therapies which might also be applicable to other jaw tumors.”

His work as a surgeon has improved the lives of numerous patients over the years, and has helped many children with life-altering deformities.

“Being a surgeon is a calling. The most enjoyable part of my day is when I’m seeing patients one-on-one, or when I am in the operating room helping my patients, ” he said. “Most conditions we treat in OMFS are not public health problems but for the individual patient who is affected, our work has very high impact.”

Dr. Kaban is equally passionate about teaching young surgeons. During his career at Boston Children’s Hospital, UCSF, and MGH, he has trained more than ninety residents. He is also dedicated to the develop-ment of junior faculty, many of whom he has guided through the ranks of promotion to assistant, associate, and full professor.

“I’m proud of having been a mentor to residents and faculty, and helping them develop their clinical, teaching, and research activities. That is one of the most enjoyable privileges of an academic career—watching people grow, and seeing their careers develop, as they climb the academic ladder from instructor to professor,” he said.

Dr. Kaban’s advice to his residents and junior faculty echoes the words he’s lived by throughout his career, “You have to be dedicated to your patients, infuse them with your optimism, work hard, pay obsessive attention to detail, be honest, be a team player, and you’ll succeed.” The sign on Dr. Murray’s desk has also served as a continuous inspiration to Dr. Kaban: “Difficulties are opportunities.”

Leonard Kaban, DMD69, MD73 talks with Walter C. Guralnick, DMD41.

“ I’m proud of having been a mentor to residents and faculty, and helping them develop their clinical, teaching, and research activities.”

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Commencement 2015

On a sunny, warm day in May, faculty, family, and friends gathered to celebrate the accomplishments of 37 new Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) graduates. The morning of Thursday, May 28 began with exercises at

Harvard Yard in Cambridge. The graduating class then returned to the Harvard Medical School (HMS) Quad to participate in Class Day with their HMS peers.

Speakers at the Class Day ceremony encouraged the new physicians and dentists to consider the power of selfless acts, and urged them to remain curious and devoted to the needs of their patients. After the grad-uates received their diplomas and hoods, they joined their guests, along with faculty and staff of HSDM, for a reception honoring the new oral physicians.


Graduating DMD Class of 2015.

Right: Dean Bruce Donoff, DMD67, MD73 with Class Day speakers Ali Naeem, DMD15, and Hope Lindsey Johnson, DMD15.

“I’m proud to be joining this profession. I respect all of those who’ve come before us, and I sincerely value the impact on day-to-day life of the service we are all now able to provide.”

— Hope Lindsey Johnson, DMD graduate and Class Day Speaker

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“Fellow caregivers: I believe selfless acts lie at the center of the caregiver’s soul. I believe selfless acts give us the power to change the world. And I believe in you.”— Keynote Speaker Rajesh Panjabi, HMS instructor in medicine at Brigham and

Women’s Hospital and co-founder and CEO of

Last Mile Health

Clockwise from top:

Ronald Arky, AM89, with Walter C. Guralnick, DMD41, professor emeritus of oral and maxillofacial surgery; and Thomas Albert, DMD71, MD77.

Grace Ellen Gianneschi, DMD15.

Sang Park, MMSc01, PD01 (prosthodontics), assistant dean for dental education; and Dean Bruce Donoff, DMD67, MD73.

Left to right: Former senior tutor and instructor Romesh Nalliah; senior tutor and instructor Peggy Timothé, MPH02, PD05 (dental public health); and Earl Jordan Blanche, DMD15.

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Harvard Dental Bulletin COMMENCEMENT

Clockwise from top:

Senior tutor Samuel Coffin, PD80 (general dentistry); senior tutor and instructor Peggy Timothé, MPH02, PD05 (dental public health); senior tutor Junhyck Caleb Kim, MMSc13, PD13; and former senior tutor and instructor Romesh Nalliah.

Demyana Ramez Azer, DMD15; with Earl Jordan Blanche, DMD15.

Sydnee Erin Chavis, DMD15 poses for a selfie.

Edward H. Schaefer IV, DMD15; Eshwar Arasu, DMD15; Sean Michael Geary, DMD15; and Eliezer Brecher, DMD15.

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“I expect that each of you graduating today will, in your own way, contribute to making the world a better place. We, the faculty, have been privileged to help you learn, grow, and develop your potential up to this point. The rest is up to you.” — Dean Bruce Donoff, Class Day 2015 Speech

Clockwise from top:

DMD Class of 2015.

Dean Bruce Donoff, DMD67, MD73 with Dean Jeffrey S. Flier of Harvard Medical School.

Nicole Chinwe Oparaeke, DMD15.

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Reunion and Alumni Day 2015


The joint HMS/HSDM Reunion took place May 28 and 29, 2015. Alumni whose class years end in zero and five were invited to Reunion, and all HSDM alumni were invited to Alumni Day on May 29. Reunion included several

activities including symposia, lunches by class, and a gala evening at Boston’s Four Seasons Hotel. Alumni Day at HSDM featured the annual Harvard Dental Alumni Association business meeting, the State of the School address presented by Dean Bruce Donoff, and an Alumni Symposium highlighting innovations in dentistry (see page 13). During the business meeting, the Dean presented the Distinguished Alumnus Awards to Andrea S. Schreiber, DMD80 and Carlotta A. Evans, DMSc75, PD75. He also recognized the fundraising efforts of the 2015 Reunion Year Classes who raised $57,415 for HSDM.

The two days gave alumni a chance to reconnect with classmates and relive their time on campus. The Class of 1980 was especially well represented with alumni attending from as far away as California and Colorado. A great time was had by all!

Brad Zamer, DMD80; Samuel Young, DMD80; Beth Goldstein Denner, DMD80; Andrea Schreiber, DMD80; John Pick, DMD80; George Acs, DMD80, MPH83, PD83; and Kenneth Yelland, DMD80.

Sharona Dayan, DMSc99, PD99 with Theodora Danciu, DMD96, DMSc00.

John Pick with George Acs, DMD80, MPH83, PD83.

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Alumni Symposium Innovations in Dentistry—Bringing Ideas to Market

The alumni symposium featured panelists with entrepreneurial ideas developed and incubated using resources across Harvard. Presenters gave a brief presentation about their product, followed by a panel discussion.

Moderator: German O. Gallucci, chair and the Raymond J. and Elva Pomfret Nagle Associate Professor of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials Sciences, at HSDM.

CaviTest: Early caries detection• Shigemi Nagai, associate professor and director of

HSDM’s predoctoral program in prosthodontics, and director of clinical research

• Sid Misra, MBA13, Harvard Business School Blavatnik Fellow

• Mindy Gil, DMD11, DMSc15

Liquid Toothpaste Delivery System• Mary Marefat, DMSc78, PD81, clinical instructor


DentoQ: A professional network designed exclusively for verified dentists and dental students

• Michael Sunwoo, MMSc15• Michael Jungwon Kang, MMSc15

Michael Jungwon Kang, MMSc15 and Michael Sunwoo, MMSc15.

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Dr. Shanele WilliamsDelivering oral health care to communities with the greatest need

Shanele Willliams, MPH16, completed her general practice residency at Harvard School of Dental Medicine (HSDM) working at the Cambridge Health Alliance. She is currently the supervising dentist for the Boys and Girls

Club of Boston, as well as a dedicated public health and community service advocate who serves as a clinic volunteer for ACTION (Action for Children and Teens in Oral Health Needs); the HSDM Wampanoag Oral Health Initiative; iSCAPE (Improve Special Care Access and Patient Equality); and WIC (Women, Infants, and Children of Boston).

Williams recently received the Joseph L. Henry Oral Health Fellowship in Minority Health Policy. The Fellowship is given to oral health leaders, particularly minority oral health leaders, who pursue careers in health policy, public health practice and academia. She was also recently awarded the Dr. Bessie E. Delaney Scholarship Post-Doctoral Award from the National Dental Association Foundation. The Award of $10,000 recognizes a female post-doctoral candidate pursuing a degree in a sub-specialty of dentistry. Williams will receive her MPH from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in 2016.

Williams is a native of Jamaica and a first-generation college graduate, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Integrative Biology from the University of Florida in 2007, and a DDS from Meharry Medical College in 2014. We asked her about her career in dental medicine, the fellowship, and her hopes for the future.

What inspired you to go into dental medicine? I’ve always had an interest in health, science, and art — dentistry is a natural fit for me. As a dentist, I have the opportunity to not just provide helpful treatment; but I also get to use dental appointments and outreach events as opportunities to educate and motivate others about maintaining oral as well as overall health. My volunteer experiences at a dental clinic in Gainesville, FL initially inspired me to pursue a career in dentistry. Gainesville and the surrounding areas are rural, and underserved. I saw the oral effects of methamphet-amine use during my time volunteering in that clinic, and met so many people who had little to no knowl-edge of how helpful preventive dental services can be. Having the opportunity to witness the significant need for oral health services and education among vulnera-ble groups compelled me to focus my time and energy in the field of oral health.

What does the Joseph L. Henry Oral Health Fellowship mean to you?The Joseph L. Henry Oral Health Fellowship signifies recognition of the need for progress with minority health policy. All too often, certain demographics are overlooked and underserved. I come from a family of migrants who did not have exposure to the concept of preventive dental care. I was raised in an underserved, predominantly African American neighborhood. I


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pursued undergraduate education in a rural region where poverty spanned across all races, and I have most recently had the opportunity to work in the public sector as a dentist in a safety net clinic. I see the need to improve access to dental care among so many groups – especially among members of minority populations. I believe that this Fellowship will give me an opportunity to acquire essential knowledge and further develop the leadership skills I need to make a positive and hopefully significant impact in communities with the greatest needs.

What does the future hold for you after you complete your MPH?My achievements stem largely from the guidance of so many gracious mentors. Therefore, I also intend to mentor young individuals who need exposure and guidance as they develop academic and career goals – especially those who, like myself, are considered to be from disadvantaged backgrounds. For professional growth, I plan to gain more experience in the dental public health sector as a clinician and plan integrative community outreach events. I then intend to transition into an administrative role, where I can eventually manage and optimize an oral health service model that reflects the shift towards integration of health services and value-based care. I expect that my continued involvement in dentistry and public health will allow me to contribute to health disparity research through-out my career.

Joseph L. Henry Oral Health Fellowship in Minority Health Policy

The Joseph L. Henry Oral Health Fellowship in Minority Health Policy is named after Dr. Joseph L. Henry, who served for twenty-one years as a distinguished faculty member at HSDM and as its interim dean during a critical period for the School from July 1990 to June 1991. A memorial page for him states, “Henry was a calm but persistent leader within his profession during the Civil Rights Movement. Being the first African American to break through a number of professional barriers, he carried the Civil Rights Movement into the health professions. Dr. Henry lived what he taught: that health professionals should be clinically competent, civically active, politically informed, and serve the community with a socially conscious commitment.”

The Fellowship in his name is supported by the Dental Service of Massachusetts/Delta Dental Plan and previously the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) through a coop-erative agreement between the Office of Minority Health and Minority Faculty Development Program at Harvard Medical School.

Previous Joseph L. Henry Oral Health Fellowship recipients from left to right: Christina Rosenthal, MPH15, owner/CEO of Paradigm Dental Center in Memphis, TN; Brian Swann, MPH08, an instructor in oral health policy and epidemiology and chief of oral health services for the Cambridge Health Alliance; and Shanele Williams, MPH16.

“I believe that this Fellowship will give me an opportunity to acquire essential knowledge and further develop the leadership skills I need to make a positive and hopefully significant impact in communities with the greatest needs.”

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Harvard Dental Bulletin GLOBAL FOCUS

Harvard School of Dental Medicine (HSDM) recently signed agreements with Taipei Medical University’s College of Oral Medicine in Taiwan, as well as Peking University’s School of Stomatology in Beijing,

China, that will allow for greater academic cooperation and scholarly exchange between the dental schools and HSDM over the next three years. The agreements build on earlier collaborations in Asia, including an agreement signed in October 2014 with West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan University.

The agreements provide opportunities for inter-national collaboration on basic and clinical research; graduate studies, continuing education, and workshops; faculty and staff exchange programs; and other activ-ities of mutual benefit. Faculty and student exchange programs will be considered at the discretion of the department program director at each institution.

T. Howard Howell, AM98, PD76, A. Lee Loomis Professor of Periodontology, and David M. Kim, DMSc05, associate professor of Oral Medicine, Infection, and Immunity, and director of the Advanced Graduate Education Program in Periodontology, were instrumental in building relationships with these schools.

“The core activities of these institutions correlate well with the mission and goals of HSDM and should provide several areas of fruitful exchange between students and faculty in these areas.”

“These schools have a long history of excellence in hospital based patient care, social responsibility, and biomedical research focused on regeneration and stem

cell projects,” Dr. Howell stated. “The core activities of these institutions correlate well with the mission and goals of HSDM and should provide several areas of fruitful exchange between students and faculty in these areas.”

This spring, Dr. Howell and Dr. Kim traveled to Asia to meet with representatives from Taipei Medical University and Peking University to discuss the collaborations. The agreements were formalized with signing ceremonies at both universities.

HSDM Develops Collaborations in AsiaHSDM faculty members professor T. Howard Howell, AM98, PD76; associate professor David M. Kim, DMSc05; clinical instructor Emilio Arguello; clinical instructor John Chang; and lecturer Jerry Lin are pictured with Taipei Medical University president Win- Ping Deng; dean Keng-Liang Ou; and other representatives from Taipei Medical University.

Right: Represent-atives from Peking University with HSDM associate professor David M. Kim DMSc05 (second from right), and HSDM clinical instructor John Chang (far right).

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HSDM Students Explore Research Opportunities Around the World

This summer, thirteen first-year DMD students are working on research projects in eight different countries around the globe. In Iceland, students are exploring risk factors associated with childhood dental decay and

caries; in Munich, Germany, students are conducting basic science research on biphosphates; in London, England students are working on early interventions to prevent dental decay; in Barcelona, Spain, students are examining nonverbal communication between doctors and patients and environmental health literacy; in South Africa, a student is studying why patients with HIV do not seek dental help; in Peru, a student is working with health literacy and patients seeking basic dental care; in Cork, Ireland a student is studying the quality of life for patients with hypodontia (missing teeth); and in Italy,

students are exploring Retts Syndrome, and the effects of a new ionizing agent in preventing dental caries. Previous DMD classes have also enjoyed research opportunities abroad, and have gained valuable experience related to their studies at HSDM.

Clockwise from top:

Ana Calles and Laura Rushford took a break from research to enjoy a camel ride, in the United Arab Emirates, 2014.

Sara Rosenberg and Leigh Yarborough took in the local sights in London, England, 2015.

Andrew Carranco and Yianni Ellenikiotis pictured with children from a mountain community in Ecuador, 2014.

Jack Klecker traveled to Salzburg, Austria, 2015.

Samuel Lee explored the local scenery in Cork, Ireland, 2015.

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18 Summer/Fall 2015

Harvard Dental Bulletin SPECIAL EVENT

Remembering Dr. Gerald Shklar

On Friday afternoon, May 29, a crowd of more than 100 gathered at HSDM for a remembrance program honoring beloved former faculty member, Gerald Shklar, DDS (1924-2015). Dr. Shklar was the Charles A. Brackett Professor of Oral Pathology

emeritus of what is now the Department of Oral Medicine, Infection, and Immunity at HSDM.

Friends, family, and colleagues shared memories of Dr. Shklar as a devoted teacher, mentor, father, and husband during a ceremo-ny led by Stephen T. Sonis, DMD, DMSc76, PD76. The program included heartfelt words by Dean Bruce Donoff, DMD67, MD73 as well as Dr. Shklar’s son David Shklar, MD; Paul Levi, DMD; David Chernin, DMD, MLS; and his wife Se-Kyung (Sue) Oh Shklar, PhD. The program concluded with a performance of Dr. Shklar’s favorite piece of music, “Sleepers

Awake” by J.S. Bach, followed by a reception in the REB lobby.

Above: Gerald Shklar, DDS (1924-2015).Left: Se-Kyung (Sue) Oh Shklar.

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ALUMNI NEWSD. MERCEDES FRANKLIN, DMD74, PD76, received the Harvard University Alumni Achievement Award for Excellence in Dental Medicine on October 11, 2014 in Cambridge from the Harvard Alumni Association and the Harvard Black Alumni Society.

NATALIE HASTINGS, DMD08, has been appointed chair of University of California San Francisco Dentistry’s Division of Clinical General Dentistry, effective July 1, 2015. “I’m looking forward to learn-ing the ropes and partnering with our exceptional faculty to create a positive, collaborative environment for the benefit of

our students and our patients,” she said.

On Thursday, June 11, 2015, MARCI H. LEVINE, DMD00, PD06 (Oral Surgery), welcomed Simon Blake Criss into the world weighing 5 pounds, 13 ounces. Mom, dad, and “big sister” Ilana are all doing well and so excited for the arrival of the newest member of the family! Dr. Levine is a Diplomate, American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, and assistant professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, New York University College of Dentistry.

HSDM AWARDSANNUAL GRADUATE RECOGNITION CEREMONY The following 2015 DMD graduates received student awards at the Annual Graduate Recognition Ceremony on Tuesday, May 26, 2015:

CHRISTOPHER PATRICK GOODELL, DMD15, Harvard Dental Alumni Association Gold Medal Award

GRACE ELLEN GIANNESCHI, DMD15, Harvard Dental Alumni Association Silver Medal Award

GINO INVERSO, DMD15, Roy O. Greep Award

MICHAEL THOMAS JUNGWIRTH, DMD15, Harvard Odontological Society Award and Paul E. Boyle Award.

ARTHUR JOON KIM, DMD15, Grace Milliken Award

STEPHANIE RACHEL SLATE, DMD15, Norman B. Nesbett Award

ELIZABETH JOAN EVE, DMD15, Gerald Shklar Memorial Award


NEDA SHAH-HOSSEIN, DMD96, PD96, and JOHN H. LAPIDUS, clinical instructor at HSDM, served as presenters.

The following 2015 AGE graduates received student awards:

HAWAZIN ELANI, MMSc15 (prosthodontics), Lois K. Cohen Award. Dr. Elani has been appointed a full-time faculty member in the Department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials Sciences at HSDM.

SCOTT PARKER IRWIN, Certificate 2015 (dental public health), James M. Dunning Award

MINDY SUNGMIN GIL, DMSc15 (periodontology), Joseph L. Henry Award

CHIN-WEI (JEFF) WANG, DMSc15 (periodontology), James H. Shaw Award


Natalie Hastings, DMD08. Photo credit: Elisabeth Fall.

Simon Blake Criss.

Outstanding Staff Award winner Mohamed Alaeddin pictured with Harvard Dental Alumni Association Silver Medal Award winner, Grace Ellen Gianneschi.

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20 Summer/Fall 2015

Harvard Dental Bulletin HARVARD DENTAL BITES

HSDM vice dean and associate professor of restorative dentistry and biomaterials sciences, JOHN DASILVA, DMD87, MPH87, PD89, PD91, SM92, was awarded the 2015 Distinguished Senior Faculty Award. GIUSEPPE INTINI, assistant professor of oral medicine, infection and immunity, and program director of the Harvard Forsyth Research Academy, was awarded the 2015 Distinguished Junior Faculty Award. The outstanding staff award was given to MOHAMED ALAEDDIN, laboratory coordinator and instructional dental technologist, and the outstanding teaching faculty awards were given to former HSDM instructors, MAIKO SAKAI and ROMESH NALLIAH.

CONSORTIUM OF UNIVERSITIES FOR GLOBAL HEALTH (CUGH): YIANNI ELLENIKIOTIS, DMD2016, won the prize for best student poster— Social and Environmental Determinants of Health—at the CUGH Conference in March 2015.

The following students were awarded the 2015 Community Service Awards by the Office of Global and Community Health:

SYDNEE ERIN CHAVIS, DMD15, Innovation Award


SOO YEON KWON, DMD15, Exemplary Service Award

SARAN RAI, DPH15, Impact Award. Dr. Rai will join the HSDM faculty as an instructor in Oral Health Policy and Epidemiology as part of the HRH Rwanda team this summer.

NATIONAL STUDENT RESEARCH GROUP: HSDM received a special award for having the highest percentage of student members.

HSDM NEWSHSDM Dean BRUCE DONOFF, DMD67, MD73, was the commencement speaker at the UCLA School of Dentistry on May 31, 2015. While in Los Angeles the Dean attended a dinner with several HSDM alumni.

Vice dean JOHN DASILVA, DMD87, MPH87, PD89, PD91, SM92, CATHERINE R. RAMOS, assistant dean of clinical affairs and business development, and ANNE BERG, director of admissions, participated in a panel discussion titled, “Tackling Complex Business Challenges,” at Harvard University’s second annual institutional risk management symposium on Monday, June 22, 2015. The group discussed lessons learned by HSDM and the Harvard Dental Center during the H1N1 crisis in 2009.

GERMAN O. GALLUCCI, associate professor of restorative dentistry and biomaterials sciences, has been selected as chair and the Raymond J. and Elva Pomfret Nagle Associate Professor of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials Sciences, HSDM. Dean BRUCE DONOFF, DMD67, MD73, stated, “Dr.Gallucci’s outstanding reputation as a clinician, researcher, teacher and administrator was a strong factor in the selection process. He is well respected at HSDM, and internation-ally, as a leader in restorative dentistry.” Dr. Gallucci has been with HSDM since 2005. In 2007, he established a new postgraduate education program in oral implan-tology and has served as director of the division of regenerative and implant sciences in the Department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials Sciences. Dr. Gallucci holds a Doctorate in Dental Medicine from the University of Geneva (Geneva, Switzerland) and a PhD from the Free University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands).

Dean Bruce Donoff, DMD67, MD73, pictured with Distinguished Junior Faculty Award winner Giuseppe Intini.

From left: Tina Chang, DMD02; Mrs. Mady Donoff; HSDM Dean Bruce Donoff, DMD67, MD73; Hamlet Gharabedian, DMD99; Howard Park, DMD92; Earl Freymiller, DMD84; and Vivek Shetty. Not pictured: Michael Bundy, DMD08.

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HSDM Dean BRUCE DONOFF, DMD67, MD73, was a participant at the Eastern Dentists Insurance Company’s Dental Support Organization Symposium held on May 20, 2015.

ARAM KIM, DMD 2011, has joined HSDM as Senior Tutor for the Peabody Society. Dr. Kim received her MS from the University of Illinois, Chicago in 2014 along with a certificate in advanced prosthodontics.

The Department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials Sciences welcomes PETER CHARLES GRIECO, DMSc 2015 (prosthodontics), as an instructor in prosthodontics.

NANCY L. JONES, associate dean of development and alumni relations, was selected to attend the 2015 Forbes Women’s Summit in June 2015. The yearly event brings together the brightest female minds across various disciplines to spotlight innovation, disruption and how women—across generations—are impacting the world in meaningful ways.

LEONARD B. KABAN, DMD69, MD73, will soon step down as chair and Walter C. Guralnick Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. In October 2014, Dr. Kaban was celebrated with a Festschrift organized by Massachusetts General Hospital and Boston Children’s Hospital. Two hundred participants attended from all over the U.S., Europe, Scandinavia, the Middle East and Asia. The papers from the event’s symposium will be published as a Supplement to the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

SOO-WOO KIM, DMD08, DMSc12 (periodon-tology), an instructor in oral medicine, infection, and immunity, is a 2015 recipient of the Dean’s Community Service Faculty Award given by Harvard Medical School for his work with Dentists for Humanity. A celebration

breakfast will be held to honor Dr. Kim and the other recipients on October 6, 2015.

In a ceremony hosted by Harvard University President Drew Gilpin Faust, SUSAN ST. MARTIN, patient services liaison at the Harvard Dental Center, was named a 2015 Harvard Hero – an honor that celebrates the “above and beyond” contributions of a select few Harvard University staff members each year. St. Martin is the nerve center of the Teaching Practices clinic where she exudes grace under pressure fielding phone calls, checking patients in and out, navigating insurance issues, and keeping things running at a highly efficient pace. Patients, students, faculty, and staff have come to know St. Martin for her radiant smile, buoyant personality, and trademark announcements over the Harvard Dental Center’s intercom that have earned her the moniker, “DJ Susan.”

SHIGEMI ISHIKAWA-NAGAI, associate professor and director of HSDM’s predoctoral program in prosthodontics, has been named the director of clinical research in the Office of Research. Dr.Nagai runs the Nagai Lab at HSDM, conducting clinical and in-vitro research, and mentors numerous pre and post-doctoral students and residents. Dr. Nagai recently presented some of her research at the 2015 HSDM alumni symposium.

SAWSAN SALIH, PD13 (dental public health), an instructor in oral health policy and epidemiology, has been named principal investigator for the Rwanda Human Resources for Health (HRH) oral health grant. Dr. Salih has also been named associate to the dean of the School of Dentistry, within the College of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Rwanda in Kigali.

LISA SIMON, DMD14, PD15, will be joining HSDM’s Department of Oral Health Policy and Epidemiology as an instructor.

LISA THOMPSON, an instructor in oral health policy and epidemiology, and program director of HSDM’s Advanced Graduate Education program in Geriatric Dentistry, has been awarded a Harvard Medical School Academy Fellowship for 2015-2016.

From left: Richard LoGuercio, Vice Chair, EDIC; Cecile Feldman, Dean, Rutgers School of Dental Medicine; HSDM Dean Bruce Donoff, DMD67, MD73; Kathleen O’Loughlin, Executive Director, American Dental Association; Ronald L. Rupp, Senior Vice President, External Relations and Institutional Advancement, American Dental Education Association; and Charles P. Hapcook, Chair, EDIC.

Susan St. Martin.

HSDM welcomes new staff membersHeather M. Denny: Director of Communications

Leanne “Jake” Jacobellis: Program Coordinator, Office of Research

Chester Kozikowski: Instructional Technologist, Office of Dental Education

Sherry Wilson-Johnson: Teaching Practices Manager, Harvard Dental Center

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HSDM is grateful to Dr. Seizaburo Sakamoto who donated more than $536,000 to HSDM in honor of his late wife Dr. Masako Sakamoto. Special feature article begins on page 2.

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