I wrote this using ChatGPT | Fandom (2024)

Date: July 20th, 2024

Location:'Potenza Province, Italy

The sun, a lazy orange orb, bathed Potenza's rolling hills in a golden warmth, a stark contrast to the chill that had settled over the village of Ashley nestled amongst the emerald vineyards. Centuries had softened the once-sharp edges of the hills, transforming them into gentle swells. Here, nestled amongst the sun-drenched grapevines, time seemed to stand still. Stone houses with terracotta roofs, the color of sunbaked clay, whispered of generations past. Yet, an unsettling stillness draped itself over the village, a chilling shroud replacing the laughter that once echoed through the cobbled piazza.

It had begun subtly, a theft of life cloaked in silence. First, it was Signora Sunzasie, a woman as constant as the rising sun. One afternoon, during her customary stroll on July 1st, she vanished. Her wicker basket lay abandoned on the path, its contents a silent testament to her absence – a half-eaten loaf of crusty bread, a single wilting sunflower like a tear upon the earth, and the unfinished threads of a knitted scarf that dangled limply. Whispers turned to murmurs as the days bled into weeks, and Signora Sunzasie remained missing.

Then came Jurat, the young shepherd with a smile that could rival the summer sun. On July 10th, while tending his flock on the sun-drenched slopes, the sheep scattered and bleated in confusion. Jurat was simply gone. Fear, a creeping vine, began to strangle the once-vibrant village. The warmth of the Tuscan sun couldn't dispel the chill that gnawed at the villagers' hearts. Every rustle of leaves, every cry of a night bird, amplified the chilling possibility of another vanishing. Doors were bolted shut with trembling hands at dusk, conversations became hushed whispers exchanged through cracked windows, and wary eyes scanned the familiar landscape for any hint of the unseen threat.

Sheriff Greg, a man whose heart held the warmth of a village oven but whose face now bore the weight of his responsibility, led search parties that returned empty-handed. Each unanswered question, each unreturned villager, added another layer of dread to the suffocating atmosphere. Ashley, once a haven of warmth and laughter, now resembled a living tomb, its residents mere ghosts waiting for their turn.

Ten-year-old Marco, his youthful innocence tinged with a shadow of fear, chased a runaway soccer ball down the dusty path on July 20th. A skidding stop, a ragged breath, and his ball bounced off a gnarled olive tree, rolling towards the edge of the vineyard. Squinting through the dense foliage, he searched for his prize. A sudden rustle in the leaves startled him. He braced himself for the sight of a startled rabbit or a flitting bird, but a flash of movement caught his eye – a blur of shimmering silver streaking across the sun-drenched clearing beyond the vines.

Before Marco could register what he saw, a bloodcurdling shriek pierced the peaceful silence. It wasn't a human scream, but a sound that sent shivers down his spine – a chilling mix of a growl and a screech. Panic flooded his veins as he recognized the source of the scream – Signor Ricci, the kind old baker, stood bent double a few meters away, a basket of overturned bread scattered around him. The familiar scent of freshly baked bread, a hallmark of Ashley's mornings, was replaced by a metallic tang that turned Marco's stomach.

Terror replaced confusion. Marco squeezed his eyes shut, squeezing out a whimper. Through trembling eyelids, he dared to peek through his fingers. Signor Ricci was gone. In his place, a faint, swirling distortion shimmered in the air for a brief moment before vanishing like smoke.

Legs pumping like pistons, Marco sprinted back towards the village, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs. Tears streamed down his face as he choked back another scream, the baker's anguished cry echoing in his ears. The once familiar path now seemed menacing, every rustle of leaves a potential threat.

Bursting into the piazza, Marco tripped and fell, scraping his knee. Ignoring the sting, he scrambled to his feet and looked around wildly. Villagers, drawn by his frantic cries, gathered around him, their faces etched with worry. Gasping for breath, Marco blurted out the fragmented story – the shimmering blur, Signor Ricci's scream, the vanishing. The villagers listened, their expressions a mixture of disbelief and growing dread. This wasn't the first disappearance. Now, they had a witness, a child who had seen the impossible with his own terrified eyes.

The news of Signor Ricci's disappearance, coupled with Marco's eyewitness account, sent a tremor of fear through Ashley that resonated like a death knell. Gone was the initial disbelief; in its place, a chilling certainty. Something sinister lurked within the idyllic folds of their familiar landscape, something that preyed on unsuspecting villagers and vanished without a trace.

Sheriff Greg, a burly man with a face etched by years under the Tuscan sun, called an emergency town meeting in the heart of the cobbled piazza. The air crackled with a nervous energy as worried faces filled the square. Greg, his voice heavy with a weight he hadn't known before, recounted the disappearances and Marco's testimony. A collective gasp rippled through the crowd.

"We can't just sit here!" a voice boomed from the back. It was Enzo, the village blacksmith, known for his fiery temper and unwavering loyalty. "We need to find whoever took Signor Ricci and Signora Sunzasie! We need to form a search party!"

A murmur of agreement swept through the crowd. Fear, however, remained a potent undercurrent. Who would dare venture into the unknown, where even the familiar held a new menace?

Seeing the hesitation, a young woman named Emily stepped forward. Her fiery red hair, usually worn loose, was now pulled back in a determined braid. "I'm going," she declared, her voice ringing with a surprising authority. "My father was a shepherd. I know these hills better than anyone. We need someone who can track, not just search blindly."

A flicker of hope ignited in the crowd. Emily, known for her adventurous spirit and sharp mind, was a beacon of defiance in this sea of fear. Soon, others volunteered – Luca, the quick-witted mechanic with a knack for improvisation, and several young men, their faces resolute despite their trembling hands.

Sheriff Greg, his heart heavy but his spirit bolstered by the show of courage, made a decision. "We can't send you out alone," he said, addressing Emily and the group. "I'll lead the search party myself. We'll track Signor Ricci's last known steps, see if we can find anything that might lead us to the source of these disappearances."

The following morning, a tense silence shrouded Ashley as they watched Sheriff Greg and his team disappear into the verdant embrace of the vineyards. Hours stretched into an agonizing eternity. The sun climbed its zenith, casting long shadows across the parched earth, but no news arrived. Every rustling leaf, every distant bird call, sent a jolt of fear through the villagers left behind.

The silence in the Sheriff's office was as thick as the dust motes dancing in the single shaft of sunlight that speared through the cracked window. Emily, her red hair usually a beacon of defiance, now hung limply around her shoulders, the fiery spirit in her eyes dimmed by the weight of despair. "There's no hope left, Ben," she said, her voice barely a whisper but her chin held high in a show of defiance for the fear gnawing at her heart. "Whatever took Greg and the others… it was stronger than them. No gunshots, no screams, just… nothing."

Ben, his face etched with the worry lines of a man who had seen far too much in his years as Sheriff, slammed his fist on the oak table, the sound echoing hollowly in the confined space. "We can't just leave all these people behind!" he roared, his gruff exterior barely masking the terror that clawed at his gut. He knew Emily was right, rationally. There was no way they could stay in Ashley, not after losing Greg and his men who were the best trackers and fighters the village had. But leaving felt like abandoning the remaining villagers to a fate worse than death – a slow, suffocating surrender to a fear they didn't even understand.

"It's been four days since Greg and his men vanished," Emily countered, her voice laced with the logic that had always been her strength. "No contact from any of those search parties either. Greg is probably…" her voice trailed off, unable to utter the grim truth. "We will be too if we don't leave and inform someone about this."

Silence hung heavy in the air, thick with the weight of their decision. Ben ran a hand through his already-tousled hair, lines deepening around his eyes. Outside, the midday sun beat down on Ashley, casting long, ominous shadows across the deserted cobblestone piazza. It was a stark contrast to the bustling marketplace it used to be, filled with laughter and the aroma of fresh bread from Nonna Amelia's bakery – the stain of overturned flour and a single, forgotten sunflower on the cobblestones now a grim reminder of the village's stolen joy.

Finally, Ben sighed, the fight momentarily draining out of him. "Alright," he conceded, defeat heavy in his voice. "If you want to leave with me, we can call the army. But…" he paused, his gaze flickering to the window where the crimson hues of the setting sun bled into the night sky, "whoever took them… what if they come back for the rest of us?"

Emily, her youthful face etched with a newfound resolve, met his gaze. "Then we face them," she said, her voice surprisingly steady, a strength born out of desperation. "We can't abandon hope, not yet. We fight for Ashley, for Marco, for everyone who disappeared. We fight for survival."

A fragile pact formed between them in the dying light of the sun. Ben, fueled by a grizzled sense of duty and the love for the village that had been his home for as long as he could remember, and Emily, her youthful fear eclipsed by a newfound determination to protect her loved ones and their way of life. They decided on a course of action. Ben would take the Sheriff's car, a battered but reliable Fiat nicknamed "Rusty," and drive Emily the seventeen kilometers to the nearest military outpost, a small, isolated base nestled amidst the foothills beyond the rolling vineyards. There, they would raise the alarm, bringing the outside world's attention to the chilling mystery that had consumed Ashley.

As the first rays of dawn painted the sky in hues of rose and gold, casting long shadows across the deserted streets, Ben and Emily emerged from the Sheriff's office, their faces grim but resolute. The once bustling village square lay eerily silent, the villagers huddled within their stone houses, fear their only companion. Doors were bolted shut, windows boarded up, a stark contrast to the cheerful flower boxes and open windows that had once adorned Ashley.

Marco, peeking from behind a cracked window, watched as Ben and Emily said their goodbyes to a few brave souls who had dared to step out of their homes. A flicker of hope ignited within him. Maybe, just maybe, the adults would finally find a way to stop the disappearances, to bring back the laughter and warmth that had been stolen from their once idyllic village.

With a final, lingering glance at the silent houses and the ominous stain on Nonna Amelia's bakery – a chilling reminder of the horror that had begun the village's descent into fear – Ben roared the engine of Rusty to life. Dust billowed as the car sped away, carrying with it the hopes and prayers of a village on the brink. The journey to the outpost was fraught with tension. Every rustle in the bushes, every cry of a bird, sent shivers down their spines in a hopes there weren't too late.

I wrote this using ChatGPT | Fandom (2024)


Does ChatGPT give accurate answers? ›

Is ChatGPT a credible source? No, ChatGPT is not a credible source of factual information and can't be cited for this purpose in academic writing. While it tries to provide accurate answers, it often gets things wrong because its responses are based on patterns, not facts and data.

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Admissions officers may identify abrupt tone, vocabulary, or sentence structure changes that indicate the involvement of AI tools like ChatGPT.

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Is It Legal To Write Your Book Using ChatGPT? The simple answer is, yes, it is perfectly legal! You're not infringing on any copyright laws by using the AI as a tool to write your book. However, there are some caveats to this.

How to make ChatGPT write more than 1000 words? ›

Dividing your prompt into multiple parts is an effective strategy to make ChatGPT write longer. This approach allows the AI model to focus on each part individually, resulting in more comprehensive and detailed responses.

Can teachers tell if you use ChatGPT for essay? ›

Is ChatGPT detectable? The short answer is yes. Professors can detect conventional content generated by ChatGPT with a likelihood of 74%. A recent study called 'Testing of detection tools for AI-generated text' looked at over 12 publicly available tools and two commercial systems (Turnitin and PlagiarismCheck).

Can I trust ChatGPT answers? ›

It seems intuitive and authoritative, like it knows what it's talking about. The responses are well-organized. All these features can make it seem more trustworthy. But what users often don't realize is that ChatGPT gives generic, generally applicable answers.

How will my professor know if I used ChatGPT? ›

Universities are using AI detectors as part of their toolkits to detect ChatGPT. They use tools such as Winston AI to see if the text that students present is their original work and not written by an AI tool.

Can Turnitin really detect ChatGPT? ›

Yes—Turnitin can tell if Chat GPT is used.

Turnitin has built-in plagiarism-detection tools, and it can provide professors with an overall score of how closely submitted work resembles AI-generated content from 0% to 100%.

How to tell if someone used ChatGPT? ›

To detect ChatGPT writing, look for the telltale signs, such as: Hallucinations and made-up facts. Unusually formal tone in text that's meant to be conversational or casual. Overly complex sentence structures.

Is it okay to use ChatGPT to edit your writing? ›

However, if you do that, it usually gives robotic-sounding, repetitive content. But for editing already written content, there are quite some benefits: Improved clarity - ChatGPT helps you improve the clarity of writing your text by suggesting rewriting complex sentences, making the text easier to understand.

Can you sell a book you wrote with ChatGPT? ›

If you've been wondering: “Can I use ChatGPT to write a book and sell it?” The answer is…also yes. With some caveats. ChatGPT gets its information from material it finds on the internet. That means it might include copyrighted material in its answers, or infringe on intellectual property rights.

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So is artificial intelligence competely useless when writing a novel? Of course not, actually, I've even used ChatGPT myself when writing a novel!

What words does ChatGPT use a lot? ›

These are the words ChatGPT loves to use
  • Explore. How many times have you seen, "In this report, we'll explore..."
  • Captivate. ChatGPT can be a tad dramatic. ...
  • Tapestry. I love the word tapestry. ...
  • Leverage. Can we request that the machines please axe corporate jargon once and for all? ...
  • Embrace. ...
  • Resonate. ...
  • Dynamic. ...
  • Testament.
Apr 30, 2024

Why won't ChatGPT write 2000 words? ›

The technical reasoning for why ChatGPT cannot simply generate 2,000 words is max-tokens. Evidence of ChatGPT's token size points to a max-token size of ~8,000, translating into ~6,000 words based on this quick calculation.

How accurate are ChatGPT results? ›

ChatGPT is accurate around 88% of the time. The same model of ChatGPT can become more or less accurate over time. ChatGPT is most accurate in English. ChatGPT-4o is the most accurate OpenAI model released to date.

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To answer the question directly, ChatGPT does not necessarily give the same answers to everyone. The responses generated by ChatGPT are influenced by several factors, including the specific wording of the query, the context provided, and even the evolving nature of the AI model itself.

Is ChatGPT a reliable source? ›

Conclusions. The ChatGPT platform offers accurate and scientifically backed answers to inquiries about third-molar surgical extraction, making it a dependable and easy-to-use resource for both patients and the general public. However, the platform should provide references with the responses to validate the information ...

Can answers from ChatGPT be detected? ›

The short answer is yes. To test this each of the following detectors below, have been giving the same prompt and text. The AI-generated text was: “There are several ways to detect if a language model like ChatGPT generated a text.

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.