Kivaverse world of Pokémon New version - Chapter 3 - KivatheDCWizard - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)


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Archive Warning:
  • Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
  • F/F
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  • Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types
  • Kasumi | Misty/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum
  • Satoshi | Ash Ketchum
  • Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak
  • Kasumi | Misty
  • Takeshi | Brock
  • Yellow (Pokemon)
Additional Tags:
  • Reboot
  • New attempt
  • Written differently
  • More written in a timeline format
  • Ash is actually smart
  • combination of anime manga and games
  • new cast each season
  • so only Ash for Kanto
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Kivaverse world of Pokémon New version


Chapter 3: Kanto Arc P3

Chapter Text



Rocket Meeting

  • Cassidy, Butch, Jessie and James meet. Cassidy can’t help make fun of Jessie. Everyone but Cassidy gets Butch’s name wrong and Meowth and James stand up for Jessie. The bicker-fest is interrupted when they get a message from their boss.
  • All of them are sorry for having failed. The boss doesn’t get too angry. They were side hustles and it is important to focus on his main goal. But the Gym Leaders need to be kept distracted so as much chaos needs to be sowed across Kanto to do so.
  • As the Rockets explain more about a meddlesome twerp, the boss starts to wonder. Once is a start, twice a coincidence. He wonders if it is going to be a pattern. And something about the description of the boy seems familiar, though the boss waved it off and dismisses them for now.

Cerulean Cape and Bill

  • Misty takes a rest on the Cerulean Cape, alongside Ash. Misty says that Ash impressed her. She can’t believe she got two epic defeats from two trainers in a short while. Ash asks whom the other trainer was and Misty replies ‘a jerk called Gary. He was co*cky, way too much in love with himself.’
  • Ash opens on how he and Gary used to be friends, and Gary’s friendship is what made him as confident as he is today. Gary is sort of cordial but at the same time distant. He misses his friend. Misty says Ash may need new friends.
  • Misty offers to visit Bill, a young researcher from which Ash can learn, and the youngster excitedly agrees.
  • They arrive at Bill’s, whom is stuck in the form of a Clefairy after an experiment. After the shock wears off, the two help Bill reverse the experiment.
  • Bill returns to normal and gives the two tickets for the SS Anne. Bill says they were given to him by Oak but he doesn’t like crowds. Ash said he would like to have some rest before jumping into his next gym challenge. And Misty has been battling hard for the past few days and agrees on a little vacation too. Though she’ll have to talk her sister Orchid into not slacking off while she’s gone.

Route 6

  • Ash and Misty travel to Vermillion to catch the SS Anne.
  • Along the way the heroes run into the Squirtle Squad and after some mischievousness on the water Pokémons’ part and another tussle with Jessie and James, Ash catches the lead Squirtle and the others become part of the fire department (1)
  • Jessie is revealed to have caught one of the Beedrill in Viridian Forest when they were swarmed, while James has a Bellsprout.

SS Anne

  • Ash and Misty finally make it onto the SS Anne. They meet Elite Four Lorelei, whom is Misty’s idol.
  • Ash also meets Gary again. Ash asks how Gary is here, Gary says that being the grandson of Professor Oak has its advantages. He asks how Ash is here. Ash notes that he helped someone out and got rewarded with tickets.
  • Ash and Gary have another battle. They bring out their Pidgeottos first. When they prove matched Ash switches out for Pikachu whom makes short work of Gary’s Pidgeotto.
  • Gary brings out Kadabra, whom now is powerful when evolved, and takes out Pikachu and Ivysaur. Ash brings out Charmeleon whom hits a critical Metal Claw to take out Kadabra.
  • Ash calls back Charmeleon as Gary brings out Raticate. Ash uses Squirtle, but is forced to recall him when he isn’t strong enough yet. Butterfree comes in and gives Raticate a Stun Spore. It leaves him vulnerable enough to be blasted by Confusion.
  • Gary is down to Wartortle. Ash brings out Charmeleon. Gary raises an eyebrow as Ash says he has a plan. Wartortle blasts Bubblebeam, but Charmeleon uses Smokescreen. He strikes from the shadows a few times, but Wartortle eventually picks him out and lands Water Gun. Though in return Charmeleon lands Mega Punch. Gary chuckles as he says he admits Ash’s plan is good.

Rocket Hijack

  • However, before the battle could be settled, several Rockets shed their disguise and hold the ship hostage. They are led by the third of the Rocket Great Four, Bonnie. Despite acting and dressing like a little girl, she is utterly insane and sad*stic.
  • They Rockets have special backpacks that would suck up any Pokéball the trainers would use. However, several Trainers whom had their Pokémon already out of their Pokéballs tried to fight using them, but they are still outnumbered by the Rockets.
  • However Lorelei comes out, and she had one of her Slowpoke out of the Pokéball. The Rockets laugh at it until the Slowpoke disproves it name by rushing around really fast and strike the Pokémon down.
  • Ash gets an idea and tells trainers to throw stuff at the Rockets, faking them out by thinking they draw out more Pokéballs, but instead their vacuums get clogged and blow up, releasing the Pokémon.
  • An angry Bonnie attacks Gary and Ash with her Dodrio as they are distracted. With their active Pokémon fighting other Rockets. Raticate, while he had no battle strength left after Gary and Ash’s fight, pushes himself in Dodrio’s path and takes a Drill Peck, dying. An angry and distraught Gary has his Wartortle blast off the Rockets with a Torrent and rage fueled Water Pulse.
  • Jessie and James, whom were knocked in the water are saved when James’ Magikarp evolves into Gyarados. Jessie and Meowth say they’ll never complain about Jame’s shopaholic tendencies again.
  • Lorelei compliments Ash and Gary on being strong trainers, and is sorry about Gary’s Raticate. Gary doesn’t react. Lorelei gives Gary a cheque so that ‘that brave rodent Pokémon has a funeral befitting of a hero like him’.
  • A Gentleman was saved by Ash’s Pokémon during the battle, and gives him a Bike Voucher. Ash gives it to Misty (she was still there helping to fight) so that they’re even about the bike.
  • When Ash mentions Misty no longer has an excuse to go after him, Misty says that being friends now is a good enough reason.
  • With the Rocket Attack, the SS Anne has to force its passengers to go home and repair the ship in the aftermath of the Rocket attack.

Vermillion City

  • Ash tries to cheer up Gary, but Gary is sulky and moody. He first blames Ash, thinking if they didn’t have a Pokémon Battle Raticate may have lived. But he quickly regrets it and apologizes when he realizes Bonnie would have tried to badly hurt or kill people regardless as she wasn’t playing with a full deck.
  • The next day Gary is gone, probably having challenged the gym and moving on. He left a note to Ash saying he wants to be alone, and he has to become stronger at all costs.
  • Misty meets up with Ash again. She was ready to leave with her Bike Voucher back to Cerulean. Ash still feels bad for Gary. Misty tries to cheer Ash up with a battle.
  • Ash and Misty have a friendly match where Ash’s Squirtle faces off against her Poliwag. Both Squirtle and Poliwag evolve into Wartortle and Poliwhirl. The match ends up in a draw. Both had fun and part on good terms.

Vermillion Gym

  • Ash arrives at the Vermillion Gym. He is in time to catch part of Gary’s match against Lt. Surge. Lt. Surge’s Raichu has knocked out most of his team and now Gary is only left with Wartortle, whom doesn’t have an advantage. He retracts in his shell and uses Rapid spin to try and avoid but a single Thunderbolt takes him out.
  • Surge is quick to realize Gary suffered a loss. He gives Gary a speech as how, as a war veteran he has suffered and seen his fair share of losses. Though he had to push on and keep fighting since a lot was at stake. Does Gary have something worth fighting for?
  • Gary is given food for thought as he settles in the bleachers as Ash begins his match with Lt. Surge.
  • Surge starts off with Elekid, with Ash using Ivysuar. Elekid is faster and Ivysaur misses. However, Ash has Leech Seeds planted into the ground in front of Elekid, whom gets it stuck on his foot, his legs ties by the growth from the seeds and knocked out by Razor Leaf.
  • Voltorb comes in and delivers a series of Sonic Booms whom bypass weaknesses due to delivering consistent damage. Ash brings in Charmeleon. It uses Smokescreen but Voltorb uses Rapid Spin to blow it away. Voltorb uses Shockwave but Ash grounds the lightning using Metal Claw on the floor.
  • Voltorb uses Rollout, and gets faster and stronger with every hit. Charmeleon uses Mega Punch on the floor in front of Voltorb, the shock wave taking him off course as Charmeleon uses a few well placed Embers to finish it.
  • Surge brings out Raichu. It is even faster then Elekid, and overwhelms Charmeleon. Charmeleon is ordered to use Dig. Charmeleon manages to strike Raichu. But as he goes Underground, Raichu blasts a Thunderbolt down the hold Charmeleon made and forces him back above ground as a Mega Kick from Raichu finishes it;
  • Ash’s Mankey is next and delivers a good fight, and using Low Kick while Raichu runs knocks him on his face as he tries to run into Mankey with Quick Attack. However, as Mankey goes in for a Karate Chop, Raichu grabs him in his tail and knocks him out with a Thunderbolt.
  • Ash knows Ivysaur isn’t strong enough and Wartortle, Pidgeotto and and Butterfree don’t stand a chance, so he goes into Pikachu. Pikachu’s speed matches Raichu but the latter has the strength advantage.
  • Raichu knocks Pikachu on his back and then goes in for a Body Slam but before he lands, Pikachu lands a Double Kick in Raichu’s stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Ash orders a rapid Thunderbolt and Quick Attack, so that even if Raichu dodges one he’d get hit by the second. However, Pikachu accidentally comes up with a new move, an electric charge attack that knocks out Raichu.
  • Surge is impressed with Ash’s Pikachu, that it is a scrappy little fighter. Ash gets his third badge and dubs Pikachu’s new move the Pika-Pikow!

Gary’s Rematch

  • Gary returns the next day, ready for challenging Surge again.
  • Surge starts with Magnemite. Gary reveals he caught a brand new Growlithe and it takes out Magnemite quickly, it being too fast for Magnemite’s attacks.
  • Surge sends out Voltorb but Kadabra Teleports too fast too and with enough Confusions wins.
  • Raichu matches Kadabra’s speed but gets Paralyzed with Thunder Wave. Synchronize doesn’t work as Raichu cannot be paralyzed. Kadabra pulls off one Kinesis and is recalled.
  • Pidgeotto comes out and uses Sand Attacks, evading Thunderbolts before a lucky one hits him and knocks him out.
  • However, Growlithe is safe to come in and has learned Dig. With Raichu’s accuracy low it lands enough successful hits without being hit itself and Gary wins, obtaining his badge.
  • Gary sees Ash waiting outside of Vermillion. Gary says Ash could have gotten the lead if he had left. Ash said that he didn’t want to get in the lead. Besides, it is not about the destination, it is about the journey. They both are going the same way, Ash says he takes the scenic route.
  • Gary appreciates the sentiment, but calls Ash foolish. There is a dangerous world out there so they have to be stronger, more dangerous then them so that they can never be hurt again. While Gary has found his drive to fight again, Ash feels Gary was far less playful in his interactions.
  • Ash calls his mother, Daisy and Professor Oak about everything. Professor Oak and Daisy already heard and are worried about Gary. They ask Ash to keep an eye on Gary. He is strong as a trainer sure, but he may still not be in the right mind.
  • Dahlia also sends her son an Egg, saying Mimey has been courting a different Mr. Mime at Oak’s lab resulting in an egg. Ash promises to look after ‘Mimey Jr.’ and raise him into a strong Pokémon. (2)


(1) I felt I couldn’t think of a better or updated scenario in which to start Squirtle so it is basically close to the anime but without Brock.

(2) Ash borrowed Mimey as a combatant early in his Galar journey in the anime, so I give Ash a Mr. Mime here too, only it will be raised from an egg. And in another project of mine, I gave Mr. Mime an evolution (to the Kanto variant) hence it would be good to include as Ash could use a Psychic type on his team.

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Kivaverse world of Pokémon New version - Chapter 3 - KivatheDCWizard - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.