Reading Times from Reading, Pennsylvania (2024)

Twenty-Six THE READING TIMES, READING, FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 23, 1939 To Good Tenant Earn PENN 350-Beautiful, modern, furnished rooms. Semi-private bath. WHENEVER YOU Radio. Reasonable.

Dial 3-7055. Deaths in Reading and Berks MISS CORA L. North Sixth received word of the death of her cousin, Susanna (Shick), widow of Charles Armour, a former local resident, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mark A. Robinson, in HONOLULU.

Mrs. Armour was a member Holy Cross Methodist Church while a resident of this city. Her husband was general manager for the Wilmington Northern Railroad in this city, and was later transferred to Birdsboro. SHICK, of 321 Reading SUSAN E. GEISER, 67, widow of George K.

Geiser, died yesterday in St. Joseph's Hospital. She lived at 1520 Moss st. with a daughter, Mrs. Florence Barnes.

A native of Berks County, she was a daughter of the late William and Hannah (Fisher) Weidenheimer, and was a member Lutheran Church. Surviving are the daughter with 01 whom she resided: sister, Mrs. Rebecca Kachel, west Lawn, and three brothers, William Weidenheimer, Reading; Samuel WeidenLawn, and Morris E. Weidenheimer, Lenhartsville. Funeral services will be held on Monday at 2 p.

m. from the Henninger Funeral Home, the Rev. William A. Fluck officiating. Interthe Sinking Spring Cemetery.

Berks and Vicinity JAMES MONROE TRUMBORE, 85, his died yesterdand daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David A. Clump, Crowder avenue, RIDGE PARK. He was a son of the late James and Angeline (Heist) Trumbore, and was a member of the Lutheran denomination.

He was also a member of the Washington Fire Company, Knights of the Golden Eagle, Knights of Friendship Foresters of America. Surviving are his daughter, Daisy, wife of David A. Clump, with whom he resided; two brothers, Daniel of Pottstown, and Andrew, this city, and two sisters, Lizzie, wife James Wenrich, and Mary, of Jerry Miller, both of this city. Auman, services from on the Saturday parlors at 1 p. m.

Interment in Trinity Lutheran Cemetery. JOHN S. STINE, 15, son of Howard and Annie (Smith) Stine, of UPPER TULPEHOCKEN TOWNSHIP, died yesterday in the Reading Hospital. He was a member of the Lutheran catechetical class of St. Michael Union Church and would have entered high school this fall.

Surviving besides his parents are these brothers and sisters: Bertha, wife of Mahlon Bubbenmoyer, of Berne; William, of Hamburg; Mabel wife of Charles Mengel, of Shartlesville; Mrs. Minerva Marx, Bernville; Franklin, of Strausstown; Herbert, of Wernersville; Morris, of Sinking Spring, and Raymond Walter, Ellen and Cora, all at home. Funeral Sunday at 1:30 p. standard time, at the home. Further services in St.

Michael's Church, with the Rev. L. R. Miller officiating. Interment in the adcemetery with the Kirkhoff Funeral Home in charge.

Committee Appointed For Trinity S. S. Picnic TOPTON, June 22-The following general committee has been announced to arrange the annual picnic of Trinity Union Sunday School: Edward Adams, chairman; Rothenberger, Clara Scheck, Annie Gibson, Esther Willits, William Marks, Herbert T. Moyer, Francis Graeff, and Leon Riegel. The chairman wishes to meet the members of the committee following the Sunday school session, Sunday morning.

Lutheran Missionaryl Society of Trinity Union Church held its meeting at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Karl L. Reisner, in Temple. After interesting meeting, refreshments were served.

The following members and friends were present: Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Loose, Mr.

and Mrs. L. L. Riegel, Mrs. K.

L. Reisner, Mrs. Pauline Nies, Mrs. R. L.

Graeff. Mrs. Irvin Barr, Mrs. Agnes Spayd. Mrs.

Charles Rickenbach, Mrs. Luther Kauffman, Mrs. George Hoyer, Mengel, Mrs. William Marks. Mrs.

George Rahn, Betty Jane Graeff, Helen Reisner, Kitty Nies, Ella Rickenbach, and Anna Kauffman. Shartlesville Family To Move To Colorado SHARTLESVILLE, June and Mrs. John Mincke will sell their household goods and move to Colorado. They moved here about 10 years ago. The following returned from a fishing trip to Little Creek, Mr.

and Mrs. LeRoy Stoudt and son Richard, Mr. and Harvey Yoder, Mrs. Alberta Degler, Mrs. Rachel Koller, Miss Leona Long, Mr.

Frances Stoudt and Alvin Snyder. The annual picnic of Freidens Union Sunday School will be held on Saturday, July 22, in Frick grove, west of town. The following committees have been appointed: Entertainment and social, Mrs. Esther Henne, Mary Moll, Mrs. Viola Buck, Estella Kauffman, Arlene Haag; cake and cakewalks, Mae Wehr, Carolyn Degler, Viola Degler, Grace Moll, Lucinda Berger; soup and lunch, Helen Degler, Katie Spatz and Katie Kauffman.

Extra HAVE ANYTHING MESSAGE Reading Folks Visit Kin In 2 Towns MAXATAWNY, June 22-Mrs. H. B. Roshon and daughter Germaine, Reading, are spending a fortnight here visiting Mrs. Roshon's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. John Metzger, and her sister, Mrs. Ellis Schmoyer, Breinigsville. Mr. and Mrs.

Herbert Weisel, Hellertown and Mrs. Mary Leibensperger, Shillington, called on Mrs Ida Welder. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Romig, Reading, were among the callers in the Fegley home.

Clara Richards visited the homes of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Titlow. Trexlertown and Mr.

and Mrs. Levere Swoyer, Breinigsville. Mr. and Mrs. Warre Ziegler, Allentown, were among the callers on Mr.

and Mrs. Warren Dietrich. Kermit Bennecoff, Kutztown R. visited his uncle and aunt, Mr. and William Stump.

Mrs. Mary Klump, Philadelphia, visited her brother and sister Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Leibensperger. Miss Miriam Grim, Allentown, spent the week-end here with Mrs.

Stella Guldin. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mertz, Laureldale, and Mr. and Mrs.

Nathan Walbert, Allentown, called on their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Walbert, Aid Society Meets At Body Home WEAVERTOWN, June following attended the Ladies' Aid Society meeting at the home of Mrs. Alice Body: The Rev. and Mrs.

Howard Althouse, the and Victor Ruth, Magdalene Schneider, Clara Saylor, Sara Trace, Dora Geiger, Barbara Miller, Annie Schearer, Etta Stufflet, Minnie Keehn, Alice Body, Mamie Schurr, Anna DeLong, Annie Schaeffer, Mamie Reeser, Kathryn Rahn, Sara Breitenstine, Howard Body, Howard and Billy Body, John and Mary Body, Dorothy Body. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rhoads and the five children visited Glenson Rhoads and family. Miss Millie Keehn is spending several weeks in Wernersville, visiting her sister, Mrs.

Ellen Hassler. Miss Catherine Strassburger is spending several days visiting her nephew, Thomas Jeffries, jr. She expects to bring him east with her. Mr. and Mrs.

John Harner and Mr. and Mrs. Glenson Rhoads visited Leroy Rhoads in Catawissa. True Blue Class To Have Program On Church Lawn FLEETWOOD, June the monthly meeting of the True Blue Class of Emmanuel Evangelical Church, held at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Gundry, it was decided to have the girls' band of the Lewisburg Orphans' Home render a program on the church lawn, Saturday evening, July 1.

After the business meeting games were played and prizes won by Mrs. Maude Stoudt and Mrs. Edith Schaeffer. Mrs. Catharine Strause will In hostess at the next meeting, June 30.

Those present were: Mrs. Catharine Strause, Catharine Kauffman, Mrs. Maude Stoudt, Mrs. Edith Schaeffer, Mrs. Effie Schoedler, Mrs.

Gertrude Schlegel, Mildred Foose, Florence Wentzel, Louise Kelchner, Emily Kelchner and Mrs. Dorothy Gundry. Naftzingers Hosts To Weekend Guests BERNE. June and Mrs. Warren F.

Naftzinger, west of town, entertained the following guests over the weekend: Mrs. William A. Strecker, of Wyomissing: Mr. and Mrs. Weinbert Reber, of West Lawn; Mrs.

Sadie Miller, Mrs. Charles Yoder, Bessie Heidman, Mrs. F. B. Weidman and son Louis, of Shoemakersville; Mrs.

P. Naftzinger, of Berne. Rev. Dr. Morgan A.

Peters will conduct mid-summer communion service in St. Michael's Church Sunday at 9:30 a. m. His theme will be, "Our Relation Through Blessed Ties of Closeness." Sunday School at 8.30 LEGAL NOTICES ORPHANS' COURT NOTICE IN THE Orphans' Court of Berks County, Pennsylvania, File 26465, ESTATE OF DAVID H. HEFFNER, DECEASED.

To the heirs, representatives and persons interested in said estate: NOTICE is hereby given that the heirs of David H. Hefner, Deceased, have filed in the Office of the Clerk of Orphans' order Court. of their private joint sale of petition certain praying real for estate an of said decedent, comprising a certain tract of land situate in District Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, adjoining lands late of David Hess. Jacob R. Hunter others.

containing 44 Acres 100 Perches, more or less, to Elda H. Reider, of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, for the sum of $350.00, for purposes of partition in distribution, and that if no objections are filed or exceptions thereto taken. said Court will be asked to authorize said sale on July 15th. 1939, at 9:00 o'clock A. Eastern Standard Time.

EDWARD A. HEFFNER. Trustee for Sale of Real Estate of David H. Hefner. Deceased.

Emerson B. Rasbridge, Attorney, 410 Berks Trust Building, Reading, Penna. SEALED PROPOSALS SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED for the furnishing of school supplies, bituminous coal. and repairs to the heating system of the High School Building at 4th and Franklin Streets and Grade Bullding of 5th and Chestnut Streets for the school year 1939-1940. Specifications and instructions to bidders may be obtained at the high school office at 4th and Franklin Streets, West Reading, between the hours of 8:30 and 3:30 p.

D. S. T. Bids will be opened at the regular mecting of the school board on July 12, 1939. at 7:30 p.

D. S. T. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Signed, WEST READING SCHOOL DISTRICT.

Miles A. Seidel, Secretary, Cash Thru FOR SALE OR RENT, BEFORE THE THOUSANDS LEGAL NOTICES SEALED PROPOSALS SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED at the office of the Purchasing Agent, City of Reading, until 9:00 A. E. S. Wednesday.

June 28. 1939. for furnishing for the use of the Bureau of Police METAL STREET NAME SIGNS and Axtures. Information and bidding blanks, on which all quotations must be made, can be secured from the undersigned. City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

RAYMOND E. KIEBACH. Purchasing Agent, ANNOUNCEMENTS DEATHS (1) GEISER- this city, on the 22d Susan E. (nee Weidenheimer), widow of George K. Geiser, of 1520 Moss aged 67 years.

Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, from the Henninger Funeral Home, 229 N. 5th on Monday at 2 p. D. S. T.

Interment, Sinking Spring Cemetery. Friends may call Sunday evening at the Funeral Home. (Henninger) TRUMBORE-In Ridge Park, on the 22d James Monroe Trumbore, of Crowder Ridge Park, 85 years, 11 months, 20 days. Relatives and friends, also all organizations of which he was a member. are invited to attend the services, without further notice, from the Theo.

C. Auman, Funeral Parlors, 247 Penn on Saturday at 1 p. m. Interment, Trinity Lutheran Cemetery. Friends may call Friday evening.

7 to 9. (Auman) DIRECTORS (4) F. F. Seidel, Inc. "Endeavoring to Serve Humanity Better." 117 N.

5th St. Phone 7486. Reading. Pa LUTZ FUNERAL HOME 2100 PERKIOMEN AVE. READING, PA.

PHONE 7121 CLAYTON MILLER FUNERAL DIRECTOR 48 N. FOURTH ST. henninger funeral home BURIALS AND CREMATIONS 229 N. 5th St. Dial 3-4500 Greenawalt Funeral Home 800 5th St.

Phone 3-1123 KERN FUNERAL HOME 117 N. 9th St. Phone 3-3979 IRVIN J. CRAMP Funeral Director 839 Washington St C. NORMAN LAMM Funeral Director.

Wernersville. Pa FLORISTS (5) FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONSMae's Flower Shop, 919 Walnut St Dial 3-7771. LOST AND FOUND BLACK TAN-Toy terrier, male, weighs about 5 vicinity of Kenhorst. Rew. Phone 4-0559 after 4 p.

m. LOST-2 pups, about 7 mos. One, white black with tan, heavy set; other, all black tan, thin. Call 431 S. 7th rear.

Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES (7A) GREENGRASS FOOT CORRECTION Is different, new and better. It gets at the CAUSE of the trouble and makes expensive shoes unnecessary. Thus it gives comfort and saves money. The best by test.

R. G. GREENGRASS, Chicago Grad. Office and 757 N. 12th.

In Rdg. since 1929. Dial 3-0117. FEET -Why suffer? Visit A graduate registered foot specialist. Dr.

Harris Eskin. Corns, callouses, painlessly treated, $1 both feet. Penn Chiropodists, 613 Penn. 3-2870. WHITE ELEPHANT SHOP -Last week, closing June 30th: reopen Sept.

5th. Apply 60 S. 6th 12 m. to 6 p. m.

PERSONALS (8) MADAME BENNETT Palmist and Adviser Office at Private Cottage at Lakewood Park near Mahanoy City. Satisfaction guaranteed. No appointment necessary. Not to be classed with gypsles. Madame Bennett will be at the park all summer.

GOING TO FLORIDA- for 3 persons. Share expenses. Leaving June 22. Write Times, Box M-934. A MIDDLE AGED Motherly woman wishes to care for children.

Any age. By hour or day. Dial 2-4983. PRIVATE READINGSDaily except Thursday afternoons 108 S. 4th formerly 1223 Green St.

READINGS an expert. Lucky Irish leaves for sale. Problem solved by one who knows. 632 N. 2d St.

2-6089 BUSINESS SERVICES BUS. SERVICES OFFERED (10) CESSPO cleaning and pumpIng. Ten 30-gal. bbls. Very cheap.

Hunsicker, 1722 Centre Ave. 3-8994 FUMIGATING EXTERMINATINGJ. C. Ehrlich, Mfgr. of 303 products for insects and rodents.

641 Franklin Reading. Pa. Phone 3-3848 UPHOLSTERING Special summer prices. Living rm. suites made to order and re-upholstered.

Free est. Work guar. J. J. LeVin, 5th Bingaman Dial 4-2467.

Year or more to pay. BUILDING CONTRACTING (12) CARPENTER Sol Rickenbach, 1116 Hampden personally takes care of all repairs and alterations. Dial 2-9052. CLEAN'G, DYE'G, RENOVAT'G (13) RUG SHAMPOOING- With our scientific method brings out all the beauty of gn. Oriental and domestic rugs look like new.

(All kinds repairing; Reading Rug 19:0 Perk. Ave. Dial 2-7453. After 5 p. 3-3012.

Called for and delivered. RUGS- Cleaned, repaired. Upholstered furniture cleaned, moth -proofed Vacuum Carpet Cleaning Works, 419 Woodward St. Dial 3-1713. TIMES FOLLOW THE SUCCESS OF DAILY TIMES BUSINESS SERVICES MOVING STORAGE (16) POSITIONS Moving local, long distance.

Anytime. Free est. 122 Chestnut St. Dial 3-7831. Special cash MAURER'S EXPRESS, Inc.

tion days; 60c, ads-3 Want OF OTHERS READERS EMPLOYMENT WANTED- -FEMALE in advance rate for lines only $1, four days. WASHING And ironing wanted. Will and deliver. References. 1033 Robeson.

Dial 2-9705. WOMAN-Des. housework in adult family or widower's home. Write Times, Box E-950, or dial Kutztown 4671. WOMAN Reliable, aged 40, desires housework by the hour or day.

Refs. Write Times, Box J-954. -Desires general housework and assist with cooking days a week. Sleep in. Times, Box D-949.

INSTRUCTION (27) $25 A earn while learning radio; spare time. Local shop, not a corr. school. Latest equip. Times, F-951 FINANCIAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (28) THESE BUSINESSES FOR SALE Downtown restaurant for $1,200.

Does $400 business weekly. Country store with lunch, groceries and gasoline for $1,500. ALEX MANN, 403 Walnut St. restaurant liquor license. Centrally located.

Profitable business. Reasonable rent. Phone 3-9306. CONFECTIONERY And luncheonette, in N. E.

sect. of city. Escab. bus. Selling for pers.

reas. Write Times R-961. FOR SALE Complete auto repair equipment. Just the place to start in business. Write Times, Box F-928.

GAS STATION-5 pumps, latest equip. Best loc. For rent monthly or gallonage basis. End Boyertown, Route 100. J.

L. Degler. GROCERY BUSINESS--For sale. Old established stand. Excellent opporstore competition.

Reasonable rent. tunity con, add fresh meats. No chain Call evenings, Fri. or Sat. all day, M.

B. Cammauf, Terre Hill, Pa. GROCERY Business. complete, for sale. New fixtures clean stock.

Bargain to quick buyer. Some cash needed. Phone 2-2465. PARTNER Not afraid of work, who can drive small truck. $250 required for interest.

Write Times. S-962. RESTAURANT- -For sale cheap. Has living quarters. Good location.

Low rent. Write Times, Box C-825. RESTAURANT- living quarters. Will sacrifice on account of ill health. WM.

SOTE, 424 1 N. 9th St. SMALL- Restaurant; est business: in boro of 4,000 in Berks. Incl. fixtures.

Low rent incl. living quarters. Write Times, Y-944. BUS. OPPOR.

WANTED (28-A) WANTED--A going retail store, with living quarters, if possible. No agent. Write Times, Box H-953. MONEY TO LOAN (30) Auto Loans 10 IN MINUTES NO ENDORSERS NO INVESTIGATORS NO RED TAPE We can also refinance your present balance, reduce your payments and advance you additional cash. BORROW WITH SAFETY FROM THIS LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED COMPANY.

STANDARD CREDIT CORP. 46 N. 6TH ST. LOANS $30 TO $300 Auto Family Note No endorsers. No wage assignments.

18 Months To Repay PUBLIC FINANCE SERVICE, INC. 634 PENN STREET. 2d Floor. Dial 2-1200 LOANS If you need cash why not borrow money on your ON AMOUNT BORROWED Berks County Trust Company LOANS Up to $300 your own signature. PERSONAL PIN FINANCE co.

Room 304, Colonial Trust 5th and Penn Sts. Dial 7397. MORTGAGE MONEY- -Private party for good mortgage investments on good properties. Write Times, Box M-880 CASH ONCE--Auto Loans. Interest figured on unpaid balance.

Cars refinanced, extra cash given. Universal Auto Loan 24 N. 5th. Dial A 2-4522 IMMEDIATE CASH To Auto Owners and Housekeepers Henry Disser. 547 Penn St.

Dial 2-7838 $700-To place on first mortgage. Private party. No charges. Write Times, Box W-942. WANTED TO BORROW (31) MORTGAGE WANTED $3,000 first mortgage on a beautiful stone property 11 Springmont.

Dial 3-6248. Ask for Miss Coyle. LIVE STOCK DOGS, BIRDS, PETS (32) BEAUTIFUL Setter Puppies. 7 weeks old. Cheap.

Apply 1542 Centre Ave. TOY RAT TERRIERS -Black and tan. Apply Hollenbach, Kutztown, Pa. POULTRY SUPPLIES (34) BABY CHICKS- C. White Leghorn, New Hampshire and Barred Rock, on Tuesday of each week.

Aaron Zook, Glen Moore, Chester County, Pa. Phone 50. BUFF COMB -Bantam chickens for sale. Cheap. Apply evenings, 512 Cedar rear.

-Day old and started White Leghorns and New Hampshires, hatches weekly. Wm. F. Noecker, West Lesport, Pa. NEW LOW PRICES--On all chicks.

turkey poults. ducklings. Faust Poultry Farm. Ephrata, R. 1.

Phone Denver 6R12. -Blacktail Japs, black Cochen. blue quail black quail. Apply 117 S. 4th Hamburg.

Ads AND PLACE YOUR LIVE STOCK (26) POULTRY WANTED (34-A) situa- WANTED TO BUY-Young fowl and eight pullets. Salsburg's Market, 209 N. 9th St. Phone 4-1720. MERCHANDISE ARTICLES FOR SALE (35) BARGAINS 3-Pc.

Maple Living Room Suite, Floor Sample $19, $29, $39 $35 Studio Couch, now $12.50 Dining Room Oak Buffets. $5, $7.50 Walnut Buffets $10, $12.50 9x12 Woolen Rugs $7.50 to $10 3-Pc. Living Room Suite, $39, $49 4-Pc. Bedroom Suite $39 "The Furniture Corner" Brighter Furniture Factory S. E.

Corner 3d and Penn Sts. AUTOMATIC cond. hot Cheap. Apply heater 1442 for Muhlenberg St. BEDFull sized iron bed and spring, $3.

Like new. 148 Walnut St. DINNETTE SUITEOccasional table, child's crib, full size. Dial 4-3672. FOR SALE One only, used automatic coal stoker, Combustioneer, Model 35.

Call Purchasing Agent, City Hall. 18-FT BAR 9-ft. dairy bar and Bosch; large Coca Cola cabinet. Phone 3-9598. GUNS-12-gauge Springfield dbl.

brl. shotgun, $9: .303 Enfield, $25; .22 Mossberg, Winchester single shot, $3. Priv. party. Phone 2-4288.

OUTBOARD MOTOR-6 H. like new. Apply Jameson Place after 6 p. m. SELLING OUT -Cash register, Neon sign with clock and letters, typewriters, radio tubes, radios, dinner sets, radio tester service manuals for sale, separate or bulk.

1118 N. 10th St. SPECIAL SALE High Class Luggage-Regular $7.95 Airplane luggage for $5.95, all colors, plain and striped, big selection; men's Gladstone bags, ladies' wardrobe cases, $5.95. Sam's Luggage Store, 126 N. 9th.

SHOTGUN-12 D. Fox, $25. Port. Corona typewriter, (4 rows), $22. Chaitt, 49 S.

7th. SHOCK -All makes, for all cars. Parts, fluids, service. Davis Auto Equipment, 119 N. 3rd St.

USED- -Printing presses, equipment type bought sold. Job printing, all kinds. Open evenings. 8 N. 7th St.

BUILDING MATERIALS (37) SAM STRAUSE (Specials) New and Used Kitchen Sinks New Y. P. Roofers L. Ft. New Y.

P. 2x4 L. Ft. 116 BLAIR READING. Dial 7881 BUSINESS EQUIPMENT (38) DESKS! DESKS! Flat, roll and typewriter desks, wood and steel; steel filing and storage cabinets, office chairs, safes, floor and counter showcases.

Apply N. FEDER SON, 21-23 N. 8TH ST. OFFICE CHAIRS For lawyer's or doctor's office. 4 mahogany, black upholstering.

Bargain to quick leather. COAL WOOD (39) A Special prices truckload lots. We deliver and tons on short notice. Dial 4-1337 Oak Hill and Silver Brook Coal. We Anance.

Gehret Bros. 832 Weiser. Dial 3-4628 or 7649. A SPECIAL--White Ash Coal. Stove nut.

pea, buck, $4. BUD'S COAL 305 S. 6th St. Dial 2-1037. BRANCHDALE COLLIERY COAL--Pea nut, stove, buck.

$4.50. Messina's Coal Yard, 312 Rose St. 2-6967. 3-DAY SPECIALEgg. Stove and Nut, Pea, Buck, $4.

Dial 2-7189. 10-DAY SPECIAL-White Ash Coal! Egg. nut stove, pea, buck, rice, $3.25. Dial 2-4981. HOME FURNISHINGS (41) SAVE OR MORE NEW AND REBUILT FURNITURE 3-pc.

friezette living room suite, $35; nice studio couch, $10; lounging chair. 5-pc. breakfast set, beds, springs. $1 30: new mattresses, day beds, folding cot beds, rebuilt sweepers, $5 up; chest of drawers. 2-burner oil stove, 3-burner oil stove, porch rockers.

screen doors, screens, 25c; window shades, 29c. OPEN TILL 9. DIAL 2-8814. 355 PENN ST. BAsem*nT BARGAINS Electric Washers $39.95 3-Pc.

Maple Bedroom Suite. $39.00 7-Pc. Maple Dinette $39.00 HAROLD'S 726-728 Penn St. RECONDITIONED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS $40 up RADIO EXCHANGE READING, Penn St. BEDROOM SUITE Modern style, like new.

Used less than 3 months. Can be bought for $39 on terms. Dial 2-3620, Hirshland. -Refrig. G.

Spartons, Atwater. Kents, Kelvinators, Frigidaires. All sizes. $29.50 up. Goldman Adams, 1152 Perk.

3-6375. Open eves. REFRIGERATOR-In very excellent condition. Priced right. Apply 304 Fairview Hyde Villa.

6 cu. excel. condition. $40. Apply 412 S.

16th, between 4 and 7. MAHOGANY -Empire table, antiques. dishes, walnut drop leaf table Cheap. Call 2 to 8 p. m.

321 N. 11th. NEW--And reconanioned electric refrigerators, $40 and up. Reading Radio Exchange, 324 Penn St. RECONDITIONED--And guar.

electric bargain. Easy terms. Weller Appliance, 2433 Perk. 2-5049. 10-PC.

OAK-Hand-carved dining room Suit, cheap to quick buyer. Apply Lucian Bloch, 38 N. 6th St. SEWING MACHINES OILED INSPECTED AND ADJUSTED. 50.000 PARTS.

1437 N. 10TH ST. DIAL 2-2988. SCREENS- -Screen doors. lowest prices Dial 9631 or 9-1730.

Call 508 Jefferson Hyde Park. SOLD FOR Second Day Advertised OUTBOARD MOTOR-6 H. in good condition; including life preservers and equipment. Apply 133 Rose St. RICHARD D.

FELTY, two-yearson of Harry M. and Mary (Berger) Felty, died at the home of his parents, 108 North Berne brospinal meningitis. SCHUYLKILL HAVEN, of cereSurviving besides his parents are these sisters and brothers: Thelma, wife of George Thrush, of Cressona; Mildred, Earl, Joan Rita and Shirley Rose, all at home. Funeral Thursday strictly private, at the convenience of the family. Funeral Director D.

M. Bittle, Schuylkill Haven has charge. HOWARD H. BORKEY, 43, a AUBURN citizen and man- leading ufacturer, suddenly of a heart attack, at died, home on Market street. Borkey, who was associated with the Auburn Knitting Mills, returned to his home on the advice of physician, whom he had visited when he felt ill while at work.

Shortly after reaching home, became seriously ill, and died. He was a son of the late Henry and Ida (Schoener) Borkey. He was president of the Auburn school board, was a member of the Church of God, and served as a member of the board of trustees on the church council, was assistant superintendent of the Sunday school, and a member of the teaching staff. Borkey was a World War veteran, and served as a member of Battery 101 Field Artillery, 26th Division. He was a member of the V.

F. and of the F. La A. Orwigsburg. Surviving besides his widow, Ernestine (Diefenderfer) Borkey, are a daughter, Janice: a sister, Miss Ida, superintendent of Grace and Hope Mission, Philadelphia, and three brothers, Clarence, Frederick and Edwin, of Funeral services in Albumirch of God Saturday afternoon, Bishop Manning, of Shippensburg, and the Rev.

E. K. Snyder, of town, will officiate. D. M.

Bittle, Schuylkill Haven, is the funeral director. Overcome by coal gas escaping from kitchen range and furnace, a Pottstown woman was found dead on the floor of a second-story bedroom, and her husband, unconscious, crosswise over a bed in their home at 545 King st. Dead ad is MRS. FIETTA (Moser) FAWKES, 58. Her husband, Daniel S.

Fawkes, was removed to the Pottstown Hospital in the Goodwill ambulance, where he was revived and held for observation. At a post-mortem performed on the body of Mrs. Fawkes by the coroner's physician, John C. Simpsin, Norristown, in the H. R.

Houck Son mortuary, it was revealed she died of carbon monoxide fumes. Mrs. Fawkes was a daughter of the late Nathan and Sallie Moser and was born in Gilbertsville. She was a member of Zion's Reformed Church and resided in Pottstown nearly all her life. Besides her husband there survive two sisters, Louise of Warren Johnson, Gilbertsville; Alice, wife of Edwin Leister, Pottstown, and a brother, John Moser, Reading.

Funeral services in the Schwenk Funeral Home, Boyertown, on Saturday The Rev. George G. Greenawald will officiate. Interment will be made in the Pottstown Cemetery, West End. Children's Day Festival At Zion's Church, Sunday MAXATAWNY.

June 22-Children's Day festival will be observed by Zion's church school Sunday evening in the church auditorium, beginning at 7:15, standard time. A song service entitled "Song and Service" will be given in connection with recitations, songs and exercises by the various departments of the school. The following made a trip Ocean City, for deep sea fishing: The Rev. Franklin D. Slifer, the Rev.

Morris and son, Samuel, Lee Trexler, Ralph Rahn and Victor Walbert. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin N. Fegley and sons, and Mrs.

Tina Fegely motored for. and Womelsdorf Mrs. Richard where they Miller, visited Following spent a evening in town at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Spohn and family: Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Spohn and son, Paul, Wescoesville; Mr. Mrs. Edwin Warmkessel and son, Leroy, Franklin Spohn and Mrs. Isabella Spohn, Breinigsville; Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Sang and daughter, Mary, Bowers. Mrs. Mary Leibensperger, Shillington, a former resident of town. called on friends here during the week-end.

Churchwomen Plan Basket Picnic On Saturday ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH, June 22-The Ladies' Aid Society will hold a basket picnic in the pavilion adjoining the church on Saturday, beginning at 1 o'clock. All members are urged to attend. The Rev. Dr.

Morgan Peters will administer communion on Sunday The and Mrs. L. R. Miller were entertained at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

William Seyfert. Dale Balthaser of Mohrsville R. who spent several weeks with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Raymond O.

Stoudt, here returned to his home. Richard Bartholomew, who received a fractured skull and arm, when he fell out of the barn onto the cement at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Althouse, is improving. Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond O. Stoudt visited William Mohn and family. Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Reinsel and son Charles spent Sunday with friends at Lebanon and Ephrata, PAINTING PAPERING (17) -PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Have your work done now for lowest prices. Work guaranteed. Dial 2-4000. PRINTING ENGRAVING (18) LET US HELP YOU Make your business better with Good Printing. F.

A. WOERNER 30 N. 6th St. SHUMWAY PRINTERY Printing. Publishing, Advertising 632 Washington 1st Floor.

2-1701 w. L. FEGLEY, PRINTER Business stationery, forms, cards, wedding invitations, announcements, etc. 2513 Grant Mt. Penn.

Dial 3-0377. REPAIRING (20) ABC Apex, Aerobell, Easy, Maytag. Thor, any make washers and ers repaired. Work guaranteed 1 year. C.

F. Gieringer. 306 N. 11th St. Dial 3-0308.

FREE ESTIMATES- On repairing and re-upholstering furniture. Enterprise Furniture Factory, 727 Penn St. 7267. FURNITURE REPAIRED REFINISHED -Missing pieces -replaced. Prices reasonable.

51 Madison Ave. Dial 2-0933. LAWN MOWERS -Sharpened by machine, $1. All work guaranteed. We call for and deliver.

Dial 2-3714. WALL AND WINDOW Washing and floor scrubbing. International Win- dow. Clg. 142 N.

8th St. 3-6903 EMPLOYMENT MALE HELP WANTED (22) WHOLESALE HOUSE- With long experience selling groceries, canned goods and household supplies direct to consumer has opening Reading and vicinity for salesman over 25 years of age. Weekly cash advance. No investment required. For particulars write P.

O. Box 1838, Columbus, Ohio. Auditions to be held in near future for 14-piece dance orchestra; saxes, trumpets, trombones, bass violin, piano, guitar. Must be union or willing to Join. Must have experience.

Times, Box T-940. A 100 MEN- earn big money using home phone. Lauer's Park Baseball Centennial. Dial 3-2382. A LARGE--Group of men and boys.

Benefit Jumbo Bingo. Call Lauer's Park, 10 a. m. daily. Dial 4-3036.

ALL- tool maker, exp; casualty ins. salesmen, exp. Shick Emp. 520 Washington St. BLAKE HOBBS-Agency.

No. 1, tool die maker; No. 2, all around machinist; No. 3, dry clean route man. 632 Wash.

BOYSTo carry morning papers. BERKSHIRE NEWS 14 N. 6th St. 3 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN-Aged 25 to High-class product. Excellent earnings.

Car necessary. Start at once. Apply Health-Mor, 22 N. 5th St. For taking modern full pretzel charge.

bakery. Give capable of full particulars in first letter. Write Times, Box B-970. IF THE POSITION -You seek 1s not offered here try a "Situation Wanted" ad-3 lines cos only $1, 8 days; 60c. 4 days.

Others have quickly found employment this way. MAN-Drive service car collecting and delivering nursery stock orders, city and suburbs; pay weekly. Will give hustler chance to earn $300 or more, and learn landscaping business. A. B.

Wrench, Newark, New York. FEMALE HELP WANTED (23) A 100 WOMEN--Can earr big money using home phone. Park Baseball Centennial. Dial 3-2882. BINGO PLAYERS-Can earn big money home phone.

Lauer's Park Benefit Jumbo Bingo. Dial 4-3036. EXP. COOK WANTED-Apply Square Bar Cafe, 10th Washington Sts. Dial 3-9508.

GOOD HOME--And small salary for nice Christian woman for housework. Write Times, Box E-927. IF THE POSITION -You seek 1s not offered here try a "Situation Wanted" ad-3 lines cost only $1, 8 days, or 60c, 4 days. Others have quickly found employment this way. WANTED Exp.

loopers on 22-point machines. Apply JUNIOR HOSIERY MILLS Pearl and Willow Sts. WANTED -Elderly woman for general housework. Adult family. Sleep in.

Write Times, Box D-972. POSITIONS WANTED-MALE (25) COLLEGE STUDENT -Desires any kind of work for summer. Has driver's license. Phone 3-7576. -Desire to go to resort for summer.

r. Man as chauffeur or butler and wife cook or maid. Exp. Times, M-957. HIGH 16, des.

pos. during Exp. in gen. store soda fountain. Dial 4-3529.

MAN-Desires grocery or other retail store work. operate for owner if desired. Best ref. Write Times, K-932. YOUNG -Desires position as Janporter, 5 years' experience.

Call 2-8417, 8 a. m. .3 12 noon. Special casn in advance rate for situation ads-3 lines cost only $1, eight days: 60c, four days. WHARTON SCHOOL SENIOR-Desires any kind of statistical or clerical work.

Exp. ref. Write Times, Box T-963. YOUNG -Desires work AS truck driver or any other employment. Apply 556 N.

12th St. POSITIONS WANTED- -FEMALE (26) IST CLASS HOUSEKEEPER-Country woman, good plain cook, desires pos. Adults only. Write Times, Box E-973. GIRLSDesire housework.

Both experienced. Apply 1021 N. 11th St. MIDDLE- WOMAN--Not servant type, desires light housework. Sleep in.

Write Times, Box G-906, RELIABLE WOMAN--In 40's, desires pos. as housekeeper in widower's home. No small children. Write Times, Box N-958. Reading Times A John Perry Newspaper Published Continuously Since 1858.

Reading Times Publishing Co. Owner John H. Perry President Eagle Preshwater Publisher Abe Hurwitz Editor Published every morning except Sunday at Sixth and Walnut Reading, Pa. Entered as Second Class Matter at the Reading Post Office. Member of Associated Press.

The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not credited in the paper and also the local news pubdished herein. National Advertising Representative. John H. Perry Associates. 225 West 39th New York.

N. Subscription rates: By carrier: 1. week, 12c: 3 months. months. $3 00: year, $6.00.

By mail (1st and 2nd post office mail zones), 1 year. $6.00. payable in advance By mail outside 1st and 2nd post office mail 1 year. $8.00, payable in advance. OLD (TRADE UNO COUNCIL READING EA The Reading Times 6th Walnut Dial 6101 Transient Want-Ad Rates (Minimum Charge, 3 Lines) 19c per line 3 Days.

per line 4 per line Days. 10c per line 00 8 9c per line Discount for Cash or paid within 7 days. EXAMPLE By paying cash in advance or within 7 days after ad a expires (3 lines) cost only 1 .45 4 Days 1.06 8 Days 1.74 words count line. Cash In Advance Rate for "Situation Wanted Ads" 3 Lines Eight $1 Days 3 Lines 60c Four Days CONTRACT RATES Furnished Upon Request "Your Morning Newspaper" FIRST IN THE DAYFIRST WITH RESULTS! ADS RECEIVED DAILY 8:30 A. M.

TO 10 P. M. MERCHANDISE MACHINERY TOOLS (43) PRIVATE PARTY buy used machinists maker's tools. Dial 3-6471 after 5 p. m.

USED BINDERS-1 Oliver 10-ft. power take-off: also 6 8-ft. Used Bean 400 8-row sprayer mounted on Ford truck. Closeout sale of several new Oliver cylinder hay loaders. J.

M. SNYDER SON, Netts, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (44) REAL OPPORTUNITY--For piano buyers. Grands. Spinets, Studios. Latest models.

Special sale prices for June. Real savings. Easy terms. Helen Guthrie Cleaver, Studio of Music, 223 S. 5th St.

COMPLETE LINE OF SPINET PIANOS Best Prices and Terms. BROWN'S, 17 N. 8th St. KIMBALL -Best by test. See the difference.

ZESWITZ, 835 Penn St, RADIO REPAIRING (45-A) Stanley Radio, Sales Service 331 N. 9th St. Dial 3-0661 or 3-8980. WEARING APPAREL (47) BOY'S-Palm Beach suit, and girl's 3 silk dresses, all about 10-yr. size.

Very reasonable. Phone 4-5979. 2 TUXEDOS--Young man's, 42; also swallow -tail coat; all in good cond. Will sacrifice. 302 N.

4th St. 2-3059. WANTED TO BUY (48) ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE Stoves, household goods, pianos, bought and sold. Pay highest cash prices. No.

lot too large. Strasburger, 226 Mulberry St. Dial 2-8122. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE Beds, stoves, bought and sold Pay best prices. Weiner, 24 N.

3d St. Dial 7743. WE BUY OR LOAN MONEY On guns, rifles, and mdse of value. M. CHAITT.

S. 7th St. 2-8214. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE And stoves bought and sold. Highest prices paid.

Call 2-8814. ANTIQUES WANTED- -Furniture, glass dishes. Pennypacker Antique Shop, 2610 0 Penn. Lawn, 8-1020. 81-9353.

CASH--For all kinds of antiques. furniture, dishes, glass, anything old. Schaefer. 412 Robeson St Dial 4-3219. KNITTING MACHINES Sewing machines and electric motors wanted.

Write Times, Box K-955. ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD (43) $3 and $4 Week GUESTS' LAUNDRY FREE MILNER HOTEL 4 6TH ST. 2 FURN. ROOMS--All conveniences. Suitable for young couple.

Reasonable. 146 N. 11th St. Dial 2-7504. LANCASTER home, trolley service.

Ref. exch. Call 4-3041. Also garage for rent. MERCHANTS HOTEL-3d Penn Sts.

Newly remodeled shower bath, garages. New low rates. Dial 6337. -Furnished room in private family. All conveniences.

Apply 145 N. Front St. N. W. rm.

in priv. home, board if desired. Newly papered painted, cooling system. Home priv. $2.50 week.


Reading Times from Reading, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.