The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)


T1 be sole by auction, by 2vu. hopwood me iirreil UU-SeieV Amis STOCKIKin. Friday. Jimo. 1914..

at unn n'nlnrk in th I' -Dt. suoiect to tho ffBIicral conditiom af sola a orawlnff rooms, two JUtemenritV JJJ IT" nv 6ouiisry, rjantrv. Iiv bed- waahWtTn, v-awte). innta lSa'alZSK nowor 1 rr.uwri iiatrinir rninniTit. mpiinitn nnnnm an iaa iii t.i i.

i 1 1 nnri inv n. i 1 lT.r?7'. Guaid" a Sd ditto .16 Indies; tour hd tobutar banding of HOUSK aid numbed 79 and 81. BOLD. HABOLD 5-rri 16 D' Lannuth and 5ct.

weighlas- Brcadftone Road. Red-1ili. in tiio county borough of fitock- desiiabl fimUy rtuencoTTOaiaIni i Grago Pioprietora. Builders, Contractors, nail Others. maohine, latho bead, 40 baga mica, jute, and other port together with tlii Two St-ibles.

Large Yard flTe ns. dxesslng-rowi. bathw I and OutbuUdinss, Stabling. wltb'l-vo yarns. On view mominy of eale.

at two o'clock. Auc- (pnrtly Workshop, and other BuiliUnss at the tennJa lawn. caracMV'y. k- i Houses attached: oa low chiei: on main road, li muea tioneers" ofSccs, 17. Warren Street, Stockport, and 42.

John reir. of 4H0 sauare vanla. This lot la lense- i in ujiul aiuv aTiT.nAT mmtnoMi Qrit rati Street. Apply HEATH. Tii-irt -wiuaTO.

i iown, snuta Mancheater. 'Aid. "Mo Guard." Ualtoa Street. Manchester. ti fur l.nnn f- unobatruotad lCT wiTXTr'' I'iccadiily: aaiuLtHfE.

7, Cheapaide. Uond modern nu-i01' 8 "eddish. ait. frr-n 23rd June. iS3S.

Ywirlv cr'-uid rent Tirivr-pv rt i aminl SOLU BY AUCTION, by Messrs. HR.D umecr, 10 conainccs or sale uo iucu ana mure oruucoil TITHE' fnllowinrr dnhT "KPto Part-Sow ml- room, XKcben. ecullarr. mntn A on SZk UU cue ilooxj: eieJuti T'lUthtuct AjSPLmH. HID urv ususki conTaiTiir VomvifiJZrJA with poulL'y wm" sr SS 'KSiJs: nniir MiAiyji-yt bs T-ir0.

wm, uaual i fcW.r I W. ana YT i SALES BY AUCTION. To racking- Manufacturers and. others. machine, large bobbin, 24 oy Larmuth and ono eouare plaiting machine, large oooinn, spinel es; Y1' Kcnd, Hcaton Xorrls (the Houso odjoina aiirsery inn, ureon aiouuay, uaaoii, ti promrt.

otlico, 42. John Daltoa Street, WELL-SECUREU FIRST FREEUOLl) CHIEF RENTS. FIRST PKRPKTUAL YEARLY CTTIIF.I,' BF.XTS Issninrt cut of orGOLTtios SSSw ct lot, and if siiuaio in lixamhail ana xiuime. in r.r.o coi eo eoid will then be olfereu tno rouowing or sucn lots as may be determined by ice Auctioneers: Amount of rent iter annum. b.

d. Property caargea wun Kent. 9n ifl A nnn snunm vrLTrts ef Jjnnil nnrt tni Tl tachcd Dwelling-house thereon, Rco*k- situate in arr ooa r.cac, Bnmball. 3.600 Yards of Lind and the Thrco Dwelling-houses, navenseir," and two 18 IS 0 others adiomini situat3 in Manor Boad. 1 lieaille lluime.

2.310 Square Yarfs of and tho Detached BesiJonca thorecn, in the occupation ami ownership of -Mr. Harry Walker, altunte in Carr Wood Road, Bramhall. 2.2:'3 Srjuaro Yards of Land the Residence. Jl.irl Cotta-e," situate in Mancr Road. Cheadie Hulme.

2. 383 Square Yardn of Laud and the Dc-tnchc-ii Residence, Haven House," Lane. Hnzel Grove. 1.200 Square Yards of Land and tho Detached Residence, Oilstone," situate la Urn nihil! Hour Lane. 1 200 Square Yard of Land and the Detached Resilience.

Uheatfrfieid." sltuito Jn Ilramliall Moor Iir.o. 750 Square Yartis of I.ind and the Residence In Maple Road, BrarahaH. in the occupation and cvuership of Miss 12 0 8. 11 IS 0 19 0 5 0 0 BOO 318 0 MM Ar.hin.-Jn- 3 13 6 ITMIADY SON will ZELL AUCTION, cf Dnnv T'liw T.itims TT 11 irl- t. viiVwirnVv ADY SON aro favoured with instruc- H.iin,.

mi. CTTIO.V, at the above resioence, the Whole ot the Superior tibtitLU 1-lTKNLiLitE ana t-t-1' el. is. sue at one ijnc aril, or iina anu I in 1 JOKM i-RlT- TtTESSKs. j.

k. nnmfiwiDn gaagqr. III. CTb LTTTT street Ancoats Land and Buildings. "XUBued from previous pagex sGLEIW- oear siaUon: beautifully situated: i I plr? Auj's, targe kitchen, noullary, bam, w.c: Dalachatk Uwite Boafl, I Sll l.fL0 HBlDQilOliD Manchester.

vrm HOUSE, sesal: 2 tmtertainlnff- Pi i- xivoiaoa, BCiUry, good Calais. 3 beds, box, VT'anioi Urs Buriua, weajrtookoa ells nearly 'tdres3 1S5, Mq, guardian." (wIHnn an hour and a half VilfiilttvX-TO SOU), bp Private Contract, the late owner. lira. c*ntr REalDliNCE. known aa lVX many yoara iat in nor oocupauon: Wis of slons enjej-a a.

flno prospeot, vor Juate accommodatloa with oonvenieneea f-3. fcuailyi the pijuiuxe irrounds sjid eaxdena, i and have been lully noain. V- rVjj w-th outbuilding la modern and oem-. D'oduoUTe kitchen, tardea: the area ef the io etatuta acres. For additional partlcu.

elk Tl -LVI tm Apply VtLi tur-eyura, b5i. 'Aeal ooavealoBt trains Manchester. tb i nn T1n ntama I- untaip. 116, Myo ChLiidlan." TO SELL, lionasom. VeU-bullt, Scml- ilresslns and box rconaa, kitchen, r.6.

"culdoar washhousoi larga trardcnai 800 foot 1 -1: v-e ra: mqw cuat: oaeap. iVJl.LIUi. alticacer, cw r. 1 1.1 in LAND, comer utile ewtcn i IV and AHura Ancoata: area about 300 for warehouse or worka. JOHN Vii 1 3.

Brazenneae Street. Mancheater. -I: "riEEHOLD FARM, comprising well-built ctct dweillns-hausa (containing dining- larder. 4c, and four rood bed- "tT cuws (wlii lofts over), loose box, v.vj bewes, coachkouse, pigcories, with. excollont pasture land adjoining, situate rtfir Salop.

Tor lunher panic u- to w. gocoh thomas, solicitor. J-VX 1LES1DENCE: picturesquo secluded 1 1" jio-jt 44 acrea: boaatuui lawn and gardens sunk garden, loscia, ooachraan'a i aufit couuortabla, well-planned house: 'ji'-'J' rated partlculard of JJBOilLEY or i'. l'or cards to view 1.1. solicitors.

12a, Withy Grove, r.l!: riub urnuuia: eivuiriL- llgui, anu ll.L'J lit; or LET on lease. Detacho! iii IJ liWULLIXO KOOsE, known aa Tnorn-, lino I'Ltcriaiiiine rooms, nvo and douios'o CDnveulenoes, larva li-: cquaro yarua: unineaiate pos- -i i'UKSr 1-UEEHtiLD Manchester ij bvecred: pneo ill, 800: 23a. ilc. rilEEUOLD BUILDING SITES. li-clcs Ojd Itc.T), suitable for EAitLE LaTATB Mri-. 5, A.bcrL Itoad: eeml-detacbod ir.t or Lan; Rspect; contains i i iai. Udual omcej: iucv garden: i. iroai i'jit: re.teonablo l.y UU.11A1UJ COLLIXSOX A aox, Lli, a low iiri.x, the l-Ktli-. i 1 Itotilli aa Portlaiid Flace, u.d liuud and 2, l'ark lload: grosa eilo conlais 5,1 65 tquare' yards to a yearly duel lent or 1...

apply to i. COia. 65, King Street. I V. i.l.l.

INd llOl sES: well 1-t and in good .11:1. L'lliBf 14. 15a. N. M'N, i.n.t.i'.i, 4u.

liraennoho fctreet, at I'KJlBKltTOXS Las: Month Auction sIcuj July Sxe. ILui.NCi SI'i'KS iu UK SOLD li feivlnton j3 snsturs laao. as. iunua. 'li-r-Tr-r-rii BJ3 tQLi.

UuV Largs i isO-UOCSB. beiu Ko. SS6, Mnm. puxtaaa, rT.t.Y CHA8D rk aultable ouiioert station. Nru estate l.ARLE Tf residence.

Una 1 for WeTSiJ er, merchant" etiaa J. Walnwrinht in. merckant. i fiiivgvg.r 7H.2"i j. Brazennw St.

aruaii iota. F.Atn.a 1. uiuiffifLv or i r. i'-JJ "rfl 01 ojo lot. and if not to t.d c.f will bo divided and nfTp.rnrf lo.

8ALH ffsndoa (tennis, nshln. Bi-hools. coJ). Gount-v Free- EAELE omoB. aS'.

NEra SSSSf1 TbKdLvO PLOTS ALE on ohirt or ru ESTATE OFFICE. SS. Kin ollicca and iT, ".7. -J xcieSinJ lawu- ou. which la is wila radiiiors, and ri I CTr win, it.I1 pit.

ApD. The Freehold r.m, na 7 Most attraHtiC-ely si uat. entrance hull (31ft. ivft thrfe eighi bed rooms. Grounds i full iiiusirutcu prospecti-s ar.d from ALTBED COY, HUUIW VT, comalniEg ahcut Street.

io opuar aireou This is X.L.iv. altfacy tct SALE, well-cecured Second Ciiief Bents, to vie'd 6 Per cent: erica fll.Ofiiir UoTi KlAUTON. -FREEHOLD BUILDING SITES. OrrVlM Farm (aajolnlnrr Jlanchtsstor Golf LnksT u.ic oeauicraciiea VILLA ton S-LI: lureo rvoms: oirvLfic jiiui, tat. ac.


By direction of F. G. Lomax, JJ. CAMBBIDGE AND BEDFOBD BOBDEB3. two miles from Potton, 15 from Cambridge, and five from Sandv.

which Is one hour from London. THE FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL, MANORIAL. AGBICTTLTCBAL, and 8P0BTIXG ESTATE of co*ckAYNE HATLEY. ths parishes of co*ckayne Hatley. Wreitllngworth, and Gamlingay.

extending to Sr. practlcallv la a ring fanca. and Including tnj ATTRACTIVE GABLED BESIDENCE, In standing in a well-timbered park of about 100 acrea. and containing five reception-rooms, bllllard-room, Z6 Bed and dressing rooms, thieo bathrooma. stabling for 12, and Urge mote prxn no Acetylene gas throughout.

Heated by Beautifully timbered gardens and jrrounda rose gardens with pergola -walks, and lake with rioaMouse. Numerous Cotugos, Including tha Whole ot tha rtllaga co*ckayne UaUay. THE ESTATE provides excellent sporting, and lncludeB some wan-plaeea. woods and rows. Hunting with the Cambridgeshire.

There are SIX CAPITAL FABMS. Hill Farm Church Farm, co*ckayne Hatley 315 Church Farm, Wreatllngworth 282 Wood Farm 159 Village Farm 238 Brook Farm 1Z1 together with Cottages. Small Holdings, and Aooommodatloa Lands. Also the Manor and Advowson of the Living of co*ckayne Hatley and an Undivided Third Share In the Manor of WrestUng' worth. AS A WHOLE OB IN LOTS.

DATE OF SALE, Tucsdav, 7th July, 1914, at 2 the Estate Room. 20. ltanover Square. London, W. Solicitors: Messrs.

RUDD. JOHNSON, JECKS, 24, Austin Friars. E.C. Auctioneers and I-and Acents: Messrs. KNIGHT.

IBANK, and RUTI.F.Y. 20. Hanover Square. London, W. SUFFOLK Six miles from Bury St.

Edmund's. TOE ATTRACTIVE. SPORTING. BESIDES Mtt AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY known asthe TROSTOX HALL ESTATE, extending to about 1.663 ACRES. Freehold except as to 18 acres.

including: TROSTON HALL, a Dolifrhtful Old Elizabethan! Resldeoea, tho hall. dlninir-Toom. and library being bok panellecL Accommodation Four Reception rooms, with richly -decorated ceilings. 12 Bed and Dressing Booms, Bathroom. Gardens: Delightful Old-world Gardens of about Sl2 aOPB-Stabling: Seven Looso Boxes, Three Stalls.

TROCTOV riTllll- rnmnii. TAttie ShootirUT BOX. TROSTON COTTAGE, a Charming Country House, Pretfv Gardens. 11 AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS. TROSTON HEATH, of 548 Acres.

A Flrat-rato Sporting Estate. Practically Ail the Villaee of TROSTON. 31 Cottages aud the School. MANORIAL RIGHTS. VALUABLE WOODLANDS.

T7nv rv AT-rvrmv n. n. whole, bv MeasnL NIGHT. FRANK, KUTJuHiX, nt. tin.

F-sinte-room. 20. Hanover Sauare, oo Thursday. 9th Julv, 1914. at 2 30 a'clock.

Solicitors: Messrs. WADE Saffron Walden. and 52. Comhill, E.C. Messrs.

CAPEON 7, Savile Place. W. and Messrs. PATTERSONS, SNOW. 25, Lincoln's Inn Fields.

W.C. Land Agents: Messrs. STBTJTT PARKER, Broad Street House, E.C. Auctioneers and Land Agents: Messrs. KNIGHT.

FRANK, BUTLEY, 20. Hanover Square, London, W. BY KNIGHT, FRANK, BUTLEY. By Direction ol the Bight Hon. Lord Bendleshara.

EAST SUFFOLK. Within a ten-mile radius of Wlckham Market. Important Sale of Valuable Freehold Agricultural Propartlaa forming the outlying portions of THE RENDLESHAM ESTATES, extending In all, with Broxtead, to about 8,237 ACBES, lncludlnff the following: Acrea. Colston Hall, Badlngham 297 Moat Farm, Badlngham 153 West's Farm, Oransford 153 Fiddler's Hail. Cransford 79 Hall Farm.

Bandham 171 Rookery Farm, Bendham 196 Virtue's Farm, Hollesley 538 Cedars Farm, Hollesley 545 Hill Farm, Brandestcn 182., Sparke's Farm, Cretingham 185 Bookcry Farm, Cretingham 557 Yew Tree Farm, Cretingham 271 Bookery Farm, Framllogham 145 Moat Farm, Cretingham 112 Bull Farm. Kesgrave 265 Stone Hall, Peitlstree 166 Grove Farm, Peltistwe 203 Byng Hall, Pettistrce 117 Peyton Hail. Bamsholt 229 Poplar Farm, Bamsholt 227 Biyton Hall, Bovton 506 Frogs nail. Boy ton 77 Hill Farm, Monewden 89 Villa Farm, Otley 153 Moat Farm Otley 119 Poplar and Poplar Grove Farms, 176 Oak Farm, Parham 92 Also numerous 8mall Holdings, Accommodation and Allotment Lands, Cottages, valuable Marsh Pastures and Saltings adjoining tho rivers Deben and Ore, which will ba SOLD BY AUCTION, In Iota, on Tuesday. July 14.

at the Publio Hall. Irvswirb. Separate particulars will ba published of tha Broxtead Estate, which will be offered at 20. Hanover Square, London, on Tuesday, June 16. BuncitoTS, Aiessrs.

JANSON, COBB. FEABSON. A 22. Collngo Hill. Cannon Street.

E.C. Land agent, II. G. PAPILLON Bendleaham Estates Office, Woodbrldge, Suffolk. Local agents to the auctioneers, Messrs.

BOBEBT BOND and SONS, 6, Butter Market, Ipswich. Auctioneers, Messrs. KNIGHT, FRANK. BUTLEY. 20.

Hanover Square. W. BY if mi' vHAVir Mr nrrrT.iKv By Direction of the Trustee of the Estates of the Bight tno tan or Ktntore. ABERDEENSHIRE, 16 miles north-west of Aberdeen, at the eonflnenos ot mo Kivers lJon ann tjry, THE MANSION HOUSE I HAL With its Shootlncrs and Flshlnra fn the RIvm TWi. The Mansion is finely situated in lovely gardens, surrounded by extensive policies, about Ua mile from Inverurie station, on the Great North of Scotland Railway.

It contains iPning-room. threo drawing-rooms, bllllard-room, sitting-room, 16 btdroonn, five bathrooms, ami ample accommodation lt about 20 servants. Heating hy herb-water radiators. Lighted hy gas from Inverurie. Tho drainage system was renewed In 1913.

Beautiful irrounds, gardens, and lake. Large productive kltrhon garden. GARAGES AND STABLING. The lev-ground shooting extends over 9,000 acres, Inclua-Ing about 300 acres of rabbit warren. The bag of the season 1912 and 1913 Included 1.010 partridges, besides pheasant, hares, woodco*ck, snipe, and golden plover.

Tho covert rue well disposed, and are capable of holding a large head of prima The fishings extend for 3I2 miles along the cast bank of the Biver Don, and the trout fishing in spring is acknowledged to bo some of the host in Scotland, while in the autumn the salmon fishing is first-rate, over 200 salmon having been killed in a season on one section alone. The Historical Mansion known aa BALBITIIAN HOUSE, with its Shootings and Fishings in the Blver Don, will alio be included in tho sale. Ths while, together with the surrounding agricultural and town proper! ies. extending in all to about 14,000 acres, will bo OFFERED FOR SALE BY AUCTION on Wednesday. Thursday, ar.d Friday, August 6, 6, and 7, at the Grand Hotel, Aberdeen, and the estate Is lotted, so that a purchaser can havo almost any quantity of land he nleaaaa with Keith Hall or Balbithan House.

Messrs. BENNETT A FEBBIS, 68. Coleman Street, Loudon, E.C; Messrs. DAVIDSON GARDEN 12. Dee Street, Aberdeen.

Auctioneers: Messrs. KNIGHT, FBANK, A BUTLEY. 20. Hanover Square, London, W. STOREY STBEET MILLS, WOODGATE, LEICESTER.

To Woollen Spinners, and Machinery Mer-clian Ue w. Thompson and Sona, worsted spinners, (in liquidation). Fourth Sale. Tiflt- ROBERT FEATHER, A.I.Mech.E., J--- has received instructions from Mr. C.

If. Spencer. A. (receiver ror the debenture holders). Leicester, to Cata logun and SELL BY AUCTION, ot the above mills, on Wednesday.

July 1. 1914, the Excellent WOOLLEN PREPARING and SPINNINO MACHINERY and PLANT, comprising seven condenser sets woollen carding engines, fifteen pairs mules, containing 6.000 spindles, by Piatt Brothers; three sets French drawing hy Piatt Brothers, ring and flyer twisting and doubling frames, five new Tcellng frames by Prince Smith and Son, tenterhook willey. shake willey, two Garnett machines, 36In. and 481n. also the nearly new condenser twisting and spinning "bobbins, almost new and new belting and strapping, skeps.

skop carts, trucks, and all fittintrs. together with the whole contents of the Storey Street Mills, which are well fitted and in excellent condition. Palo at eleven o'clock prompt. On view one week previous to sale. Further particulars and catalogues may be obtained on application to tho Auctioneer, or from Mr.

C. H. Spencer, chartered ateotintant, 24. Frfar Lane. Leicester or Mcsrs.

Thoe. Paton, Boyce, and chartered accountants. 3. Piccadilly. Bradford.

Camberwe.II, S.E. By order of Griffiths and Contras-r. Lid on arr-ount of romple'irm of contract. Messrs. FULLER.

HORSEY, SONS, CASSELL are instructed to SELL BY AUCTION. In lots, at the Councillor Street and KnatchbuM Boad Depots, 011 Tuesday, 30th June, 1914, at eleven o'clock precisely, practically new CONTRACTOBB' PLANT AND MACHINERY, comprising five hydraulic tunnel shields. 7ft. 6In. and 8ft.

diameter; two sets vertical air locks, elx electric Loos. motives, by Dick. Kerr, and underground type 20In gancre: eight Benveils air compressors, twu InB-erMll-Band belt-driven twin-cylinder air compressors, 4O0 rolt A.C. motor, by the Brush NINE MOTORS. 20 to 30 h.p.

four-mote generators, by the Lancashire Dynamo and Motor threa) Boreas electric rotary pumps, two horizontal steam pumps. Crowley trw engine, handsaw nwchlne, screwing machine, vertical drilling machine, three hand derrick crania. IOO stool mln'ng skips, 20ln- gauge; 40 flat top bogies. Jacks, chiins. ropes, bcrinjf tackle, eorrngated Iron temporary buildings, largo assortment contactors', enginecra', and oieo-trirtane stores, and- other effects.

May ho rlewid three days prior to sale, and catnlogues hid of M-s-rs. Fuller, Horsey, and BilHter Square. London, E.C. Established a Century. Tel.

612 CentraL ROBERT H. OLD PIE LD, Auctioneer and Valuer. Offices and Salerooms 25. Bridge Street. Deanagate.

rrb1rr. Tuesday Next. June 16, at Above Booms, at 2 30 p.m. prompt. Important Sale of 200 Superior Carpets, comprising High.

class Brussels, Axminater, Wilton Pile, and other Carpets In splendid condition and of all sizes; also Superior Stair and Tending Carpets. ROBERT H. OLDPIELD will SELL BY AUCTION as above. Thursday Next at Above Booms at IO 30 and 2 30 Removed from the Suburbs for Convenience. ROBERT H.

OLDPIELD WJ.LL SELL BY AUCTION Excellent BEDEOOSI SUITES. Various Sideboards. Pianos, Sitting-room Suites die of and T'bles Read- na Bedding, Dressers, Coaches, Ornaments, Pictures, Orst mollis. Hail is la no, Huuiug Bnctuied xiedroom Standi, Wringing and Sewing Machines, all Kitchen Utensils and Effects. Consignments may be sent.

MOORE'S CENTRAL AUCTION-ROOMS, 52. SWAN STBEET, MANCHESTER. On Tuesday and Thursday Next, promptly at two o'clock. Largs Sales of Forfeited and Accountable PLEDGES, Clothing, Bedding, Piece Goods, Table Linen, New Goods, Boots and Shoes, Carpels, Wardrobe, Ac On Wednesday next. June 17, at 11 ajn.

Sale of JEWELLERY, single-stone, half-hoop diamond rings, gold and rilver watches, gold guards, albert, burgles, pms, studs, and medals; field and opera glasses, silver, electric plate, Jrc. the property or Messra. J. 90, Smallbrook Street, Birmingham; O. Thompson, Lancaster, Wellington, Blackpool, Preston, Huddesrsfielo, Fleetwood, and Manchester; E.

H. Bhavr, 44, Duke Btreet. Stockport; W. May, 474 to 480. ltochdala Boad.

Man-cheater: Lr. A- Kiley, 99. Hyde Boad, Gorton; F. Jaok-aon, 429. Claremont Boad, Rush alms Manchester; Beverley.

London Boad. Hazel Grovo; J. H. Swan, 70. Queana-bury Btreet, Dumfries, and others, goods baring been pledged and forfeited during the several months of 19113-14, and lncitxla special cauuaats and agreernenta.

On view monkes of sale. Catalogues post tree. Friday Next- 11, Victoria Bridge, Deansnta. TAYLOR SON will SELL BY ATJO- TION HOUSEHOLD FURNITUBE, deboard, ChWoniiler. Bco*kCass.

Chriu of Wringers, Kitchen Furniture, Zni other Effect flews. SALES BY AUCTION. VaJuab.a Proocrtv in Jleddfsh. Stocknort, ana on. the Jwort Zaaw fiacieiT and to fin acini ctmdltSema to bm 1B60.

Yearly grcuad 2. Estimated rental. 4o. can bo hnd on c-nnpletirn of the purchase. DWELLING-HOUSES and t3HOrS and 87, 4E0 square DOO veara 2.

Gross F11. Tiniltr.Tf! Tvira MfnjM anil oro cxcpptid. 1 is for the huslaess of a general carrier, ix ana ounrer. funhcr Tinrtlcularj to the Auctioneer. 3 Street.

Stctp, 323): or to JOSEPH win.Anf.t, soixr.n. li. WarTnngjrcet.Btockport. THE OLDHAM BOLT A NTJT WORKS .19121. T.TMrTKD.

lfES.RS. ALLEN" MELLOE. CO. an- r.o'incu iho rrcoipt nf insijuctlons ts Prepare, Cata- OLDILVM. oculm 1 Aunu.i, on 'intirFaay.

June SJ5, 1U14, at abnvo Works, on arronnt of tho hclncr taken nvrr by thi and Bailway di ua huli nnn a ire winmvk Rrn.thV ntnut 30 X- Iron. sh-Lftino- at.a pitiItut Knr. tt i. a particular will appear in next week's raner. Cnta- ba nvo davs r.rlor ih ii i 0:1 app.icaticn (o the Auctioneers, 21.

Queen Street. Oldham No. 31Si- cr at tho Work "eu. uiunam NORT.EY HAT.r. 1-'stitr riircirTnr j.

nr, oui.u jji ai 1:1 ION. Fuhject to conditions of sale, at the GreSTrnnr Hutel. Chestfr. on Sat11rd.1v, Julv 1R 1 '11 i ct. "5A jffuui-ijL, Dy Messrs.

I30ULT, SOX, JLVPLIS, A Very ValuabJo BESIDEXTIAL and AGRICULTURAL ESTATE, including MANSION HOUSE, TWELVE EXCELLENT FABMS, FIFTEEN SMALL HOLDINGS. COTTAGES, BUILDING BITES. kc. and comprising an area of 1,180 ACRES, cr thereab'juts. siiuaio in tho d.i riches of VoK.w iri uakmer-j, and on tliu frinira of Dclamere Forest, about isiio from tno tcllea from Cuddlnsrton and three from Acton Bridge stations.

Tub tenure of fr.h.,!d. WU Ud.rtlCU 11UQ1 Tne fcA'. jiturs. jiiaw. oc ii i.

iii.i, arrmctxm Liverpool; or from BOULT, SON, MAPLES, land arrnts. valuers, and property 5. Cook Liverpvol. WEST UEBUYSniRK. At tho Entrance to the l-ak District, two miles from Duvedaio, 13 thoi imp irtjm railway contra and county toivn of Disrby, 12 from Matlock Bath.

20 from Buxton, end JL'iLhin auo lu.le of tho ancient a. id tr.rlving MARKET TOWN OF ASUUOUBNE. fn tiie Buxtou Hi of the L. mid and N.8. Railways, wii.h to London (3 hours), and direct scrviou to Manciiester and Stockport (2 hours), and easy accvas of Birmingham, Liverpool.

Crewe. and other important centres. HJHE STUKSTOX ESTATE, situate in this -L favourite and healthful and Sporting District, iyimr in a rini? foine on iho south-westerly slope In the Valley of the Henmore. covering aa area of about 707 ACRES OF FREEHOLD LAND, WITH MANORIAL AND MIXING EIGHTS AND TIMBER, known as i or a Country s'denco known as Grove, with pleasure eruunds. tiardciis.

anu stables; sturstcn Hall and, i-arm, an ancient structure in tho Tudor style; Five Productive Dairy Farms; a capital Corn Mill ana Farm; and a valuable Accommodation H'liding. tho whole being fertile and abundantly watered, and let to pood tnants as about 1.23 PER ANNUM. GOOD HUXTINU, sIIOClTING, AND FISHING TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Messrs. CUM EBLAND, HHOWNSON, 1'AGE, at the Green Man Hotel, Ashbourne, on Thursday, July 2, 1914, at 2 30 o'clock iii-eciseiy, subject to conditions. The ostato (with the exception of the small holding, which uiii bu told will llrt be offered in one tot, and if not sold, the Rc-siS-'iico with Grounds and each Farm will be oilered separately in eislit lots.

In the opinion of well-known experts, there Is a large bed of coal iir.iiorlyir.g tiio property. The Grove and tome Land adjoining, and certain lliahis the Estate are let on lease to 0. G. llusbv. for 21 years from 25th March, 1305.

tlone'crs. Milibank lliusc, Ashbotirne, and The Waxdwlck, Particulars, plans, may ue ooiaineu ironi the Auc- Iieibv. the principal hotels in iho district: or from IIOIIERT BAB11EH. solieitfr, Nnttlncham. YORKSHIRE.


A. Minett (who is ieavine tho disirift) to SELL BY AUCTION, on tho premises as aoove, on car.esfi::v, 17. 1914, tno TRACTION ENGINES and THRESHING MACHINES, viz. Two llornsby's Traction cnciiiea, 8 h.p. and 6 h.p.

respectively; two 4ft. 6in. threshing machines, with f.nk an'1. Honisby's binders: Clayun and Shuttleworth's chopper, latest typo; large force pump for boiler washing, vor-abio forge, iron tank, and 22 rrallons best engine oil, part barrel cylinder oil, firilllng machine and about 15 drills, two tubo expanders, ratchet brace, box stocks and dies, Joiners' benches, Arc. Woollen Shed, with corrugated roof; 15 h.h.

lirown Tony (Tom), about 15 yoars; Set SUver-plaied Hai-iiests. Twiwhel Cart. Sale to commence at 2 30 p.m. On view sale morning. Further particulars on Auctioneers' addresses, 6, Oxford Place, Leeds, and Boston Spa 21.

P.TRY ROAD. HA SLING DEN. ItE BAT.Pn GREENWOOD. AUCTIONEER. DF.fTF.ARFT AWKEXCE GREEXAYOOD lias received Instructlrms to CataiORne and SEIL BY AUCTION, at th" nb'ivo addrcs-.

on Wednesday and Tlinrlay, June 24 nnu iait, nare ana valuable RMTUHE and AP. POINTMEXTS, viz. Sheraion sideboard, inlaid with Satin-word, drawers and roil floor to cupboard under samo: mule. 6ft. 2ln.

wide, in mahogany inlaid with Hnt.nwoc'l; nianrlve earTy Victorian oseritoirc and bookcase eoiiibined. in iti-hogxny, 8ft. 6in. wiilo. in flno condition: o.raw.n?-room 9 plec--, In dark mahogany, finely carved li.

ii i in uiiiifu hiiA i.iyjesLry; manogany overmantel, four rml'irinr nede.ii.ils. fhar-d foirilnc n-rf Mhio. oak gate-leg table, pole fire-creens, two long-cased eight-day ci'oas. In oak and unhnsuny mahoranr comer cunhoarrl. fiv.

elnlrs and an nrrnchalr. with sheaf and latticed hacks, n.ppeuuaie in gctl CCIld Uon: ainlloun mlnnn n-i-jiKiiuaif gc-oa ccnamon: furores, crex-kcrv, lustre Pictures a hoitraiCni ni. r-. a Pririi pr u.n. htum unknown: pair ralntlncw fiimn i.

fl.L VW "'n-iop aesis. oaiMirs typewriter, Hell 'ffilST bCdl0n Order i.r SiIa. 4 lEunniv: luiamnma i mnt A i riiuiiTii r.iirvj&B. Catalogues from Aiietienepr, 'rhumfleld, HasUngden, LYant, cnESHTRE. h- McsTS- A- H.

OLIVE and i I'rJS v1 I'vrnn'' on the 1st of. J'Uy- 1914. nt six o'clock in tiie evening nronvnt. fTIbfr-ct to trie cenerrL! ron'Tlne nr AiTAW rViTTT, 4 in ue tnn produced: LotlBHE Detached A known as Belmont, In Station Boad Lvmm Tnr ono A-ymm, Apportioned ground "rent, ao. leartv rennu.

acisej. n.T'"-,r-,.Jh0, DWELLING-HOUSE known e. Wes-cliffe. in fits' on Ifnatl. Lvth i -PPortloed ground rent, 3'.

Yearly Lot. 3. A FATB of Semi-detachf DWELLING-HOUSES -Roa5r, Xjymm' Imown aa Dutton Vfllas. 999, subject to a yearly ground re'it of 1 early rentals, 14 and 7 8. tJ'ot.

4." -V Reml-actachca DWELLING-HOUSES 5.tiiat in Vw Rrad, I.ymm. known as Hawthorn Cottage nnrt R-c Lta. Tvnure, leasehold for 999 years, subject to yearly ground rent of 6. 19s. 24.

mi.i' Hawthorn Cottage is let at 16. 10s. a year. Rose Lea fasjesscrl at 28) was In the occupation of the late owner, and early possession can be had If dertrcd. TXlt 5.

A PAIR Of Semi fW.H-Jl.r1 TmT.T TV1 rwnr. iiiiaiiLii.iif.iiuU.m CJ? 'nA Meaiow View, situate in Whltbarrow a enure, leaseno.a for ggg years, ground rent of 7. 8s. Ycavly rentals) COTTAGES situate in Newfieid. Lvmm.

sunjoct to an an portioned Tor further parLtonbrs ftrly to Mr. W. XL Jonw, BriBr- Warrington TU01rAS niDW'AY. soUcltor, 2, Cairo tstrcet. Downey House, Boyton, near Oldham.

wineiv ana Thtirwlnr Next. June 1 1 nnH io JESSE H. BIRTWJSTLE has deceived the Whole of the HOUSEHOLD APPOIXTMEXTS fo two dlnlns-rsom. Iibran-. hall, stairs, landing fo-ir principal bMlTrorns.

kitchen and domestic, offices? prta in antique rr.ihe?3ny; Library of 3,000 Vols hooks Tiiree Ranges of Mshorrmy Open BookcaS Eiir'nt ni Sfcn and W-ol Bu and Mats. Oil Paintings. Old Emrratrtngs and Prints, -valuable about 200OZ. sUilnrf a lery fine Gentian Tea Service; quantity of Electro-plated Hair Mattresses Heck Bds, Bolrters and Houi-hold L.nen, and a quantity of Outride end laneo'is Effects.

On view mornintrs of each rata lay pata to comnieiice eaci, at 10 5Q fc r' logues (price 3d eich) may be hwl from Dowi'y House or from the Auctioneer, 16, Ains worth Strrt. Bckbrrr By Instructions from Captain A. c. M. Leslie.

Sllndon Hons. Arundel. Su.ex. the whole of the Exceedingly Valuablo Furniture and Worts of Art. including viluabl? and nire f.r rr.ens cf Chipptrdale, Sheraton.

Hepplewhlte BaJlv French. and Lacquer, in Cahinflfj vr tolrcs, Cbmmcd-. Tables Screens, ic. Couch SctrSr Arm. and Occasional Chairs, Set of Three Bars EnsrltBh nrt Oriental Porcelain and vSft Louis XV.

Bracket. Grandfather, ParUament Syll Clocks, the Collection of Oil PamtrnVs! by old master-Tinted 2.000 Volumes of Bonn? BookV Appointments, complete, and ail Dommto riSBORX FIERCER wiU SELL BY -r AUCTION, on the premises, on th- 22r.d 23rd 24th jiiuuisiiuT Bliuwcaiq WITJI Tf! It. r-. 7fl- hi'ih: mah0anr showcase with fcu I doors. 12ft.

by 4ft. bv 7ft. htehf x-ti .1 iSiJ 1 11 counter, lit. 70 mannla dummies, six mantl d0' 22 chaira- tablM office iSrt, two eD udders. pj.

carrot, 'singe, wSg Thm "torSi. at two o'clock, Auetioneerrf 'office 1O0 YorthE? v. Auctioneers- omce, ado, Yorkshire Street, Bocfldale. Wlnstanley's. Limited.

Old-establlsried Auciion-rocma, 8'0 STllgSSit Diamond Diamond Hahoo' IraoS mgn-ciass ioia watencs. Heavy Gold Bag Q6ld libert. Bracelets, Brooches, Hlnga, Pins, Antlqaa Silver and fleid Plate, A-c, being property nledced wfth xrJZ. iT and Sootr, 7, Copperas Hill, Liverpool: Mrs s' oC 47. Cross Street.

Manchester: ei S' Tia.ttt5Sd5JS'o3' "5 r.S thes-vlral months of the years 1912-13. and IncIudinB- Agrefments. MESSRS. T. G.

WIXSTANLEY, LIMITED, will SELL BY AUCTION, on Friday nert. leaih at 11 a.m., at their Booms, the above PROPERTY. Catal logues on application. 'Phone No. 6831 City.

tv rtSuaarrtsv nfi Th ti t-ercl vr fwvf r- ISG. Surplus Stocks, Bedding. Boots and Shoes. Ac surplus Stocks, Bedding. Boots and Shoes, 4c.


PTTriTI .1 TTTTTIT TTn I SALES BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. Land and Buildings. BE BOLD, a PLOT of LAB In Denmirk Roi.1. luiu" yards, c.k 10 Oxford J. him Dfiwim stv.a H.wll Sr'ri rjpwo Hundred and lElghly-avo Pounds.

Ideal FKEEUOLD Oounuy VILLA, new: email chief: 'with 6anl- ary arrangmenis: also auaerior urates and maniola: every accommodation. Including 'Z larse. aixv KiLtintT-xooma a model bathroom (at little more than the price of a luu UmAVDI. alW IU ViUVUHIO UVLUlDi 1 I e.eyated. and aui back from, picturesque main road: close to no "O'Uded, not uveriookccL adjoining large easy momraRes.

Pull Dartleu Ln on ncurmaJ annlicaUitiL. r.IIODTiS. Hill Top. Cioadle Hulme. mWO Hundred IHI in FTXTr, nuua.EC- Snrvniv! mfnra TQ-fi- n.onthir BuIid.iT -vr'aivi A14B already paid: oilir wanted.

TTBMfiTv t. t. r-r Si' 1 ia lie .11 1. 1 (uiiu.liwa orrier to 1 nH.nnA A-LUA13LE FBEEUOU PEOPEliTY FOB SALE. Best Position in Great Hanvo-jd.

The OLD ecilOOL SITE and BUILDINGS: frontage to Queen Street 70ft. frontage to Glebe Street area about 700 square i-axds. OlTeTS to be inado to the Vicar. Great Harwood. or WORKS, site 1.500 yarda of land TT fSackvilla street): exceptionally t-ord lichts: free from rSioir 'dlnS other laid ilr.

00D-8. St. Snuare. Manchester. TXTEST DIDSBtnY(PALAfiNE BE SOLD, SMistaKwUy-biiJt RESIDENCE: good position: con- uiitw ea ciriaminrr-rooms, billlaril-rocm, cine rooma, boxroom, bath, lavatory, ic: usual 0 larB' well-laid-out grounds: freehold and vluci rent.

riFo 'Ticer. order to ELLTS 60N3, -iT D1DSBURY. TO BE SOLD, with trio nret kBOWn as BosteudeUh, situate The Beeches, and "'osoury ana withington stations on'! tno e.ecrio cjrs: tho site of the property is freehold and free from chief rent, comprising 2,632 yards: the house 7 "i'i niu commanns extensive ana unin-temipted views: it contains vestibule, antrancs hall with cjonkroom. drawing, mornisss, and billiard rooms, with the usual offices: live two drt-ssing-rooms (one ntted with bath), bathroom and lavatory on tun fuct Loor: and five neilrxms anrt hnv tho garden is liii url ehruba; there is compact fitnallnd iiachhouse. with living accommodation.

j. It. BUIDGFORD 4 SONS. 65, Kir.g etreot. Manchmter.

TyHALEY KKincj: Modern Defied. (troonim- .1 and hpnutifui BOO v. rh ii-1 at s-T quick sale. A 110PW0OD 50.V. Warrpn Siork'scrt.

WILBRAUAM BOAD. (liii. car fjrv). SALE miuHi SI-MN nwli Blair Road, at prices to suit nil aurcbasers. from ments.

Apply WTLI.IAM COX it MIX, Mofs S-iw. XrLVWIt.K, Warrin4ftf.11: "lo Mtrservmen, Market Oihexs. Excell-nt SMALL UOLDISfl, tja. or. itll hOiaie.

fr.7iTUC to ro-jd rii.wl wnlipd- -n siirdea: town's water on: h.i.'f urc.i.ue mrapv on nfirtyaAje. Enrin Eyi.ito Office. EB. Strvt, VriNttK-K. nrnr niGHKlET.D FARM: excellent miiNi in r'n.

fen fe froniajrn thTV mn- "v.ia w.i.- r.ujdlnrs: Sl-S T'lrfaaiw money left on EARI.l- 1 street. Mincriter. BE SOLD, a PlcasSitlv Slturtf MOUSE, 2 reception-rooms, bedrooms, b.i! tirl h. w.c, wuars: gardens: chif 3. W.

IL SUTTON and SONS. 60. Sprlnc; Gardens. Mancliester. WITHINOTON.

Modern hili, 4 Ujds. 2 eWlr'o ligi.t, l-ir-e '-'inlon. rrcn Bitua- iion: cnief io: price 41400. 163, Mo Guardian." Inns, Public Houses, Breweries, LANDTilXDOD WELLS. FOR SALE bv Private Treatv.

J-l tu? tnd Fully i.iccned HOTEL known as The Bwk IIoue. situate in its own c-rdans and pleasure grounds of abijut flv acres, and adioin.n' the Bock Park Waier and Baths. Tho riurchascr v.iJi hare the to to rent tho farm nt 53 acres now lit. with the hotel; also the fishing- In the river Ithcn. Excellent golf links.

T.iandrindod Wells is on the London and North-Western Bailwav; throurh carriages to Inilon and all tho principal towns in the Midlands and Souh For particulars aply to JAMES GRANT, land agent. Llanidloes. Shares. OPPOBTUXI'lY to acquire nt Par Shares in Lard company paying 10 per cent. Address 51, Mo Guardian." Motor Cars and Cycles.

A BLOW CH1DLAW, Croft Street, Pe.idleton. GEARS prnmritlv iorauy makenf car Tel. 790 Pen.1!tnn CBOSSLEY CARS, second-hand: One 20 h.p., 6 guinea tax, fitted oien touring body. cart hotd, wind screen, complete a. of iamiis, new tyres, compietely renovated tlimughout:!ent car: 275.

one ditto: fitted Coupe body: suitable for doctor. One Chassis, thoroughly innovated througnuuf cliatfiis only, wlih tyres: 175. Inspectliin InviKd. MOTORS, LIMITED Napier Street, lionon. Jiancuraivr.

IjiUll SALE, 15-20 h.p. bTUDEU.VK.EIl, n.scater. as 3 ucw: dark reil: guaranteed In jwrfect condition; no wurn parts: all renewed: owner having no further use oalr reason selling: seen by appointment. AKRON, K.inir Stree Penrith. TXTuTOK Taught.

Apply D-IH. 3, Manch'Str Svliooi Mntnri: H4. Miinciiesier. 1794 MOTOR GARAGE, 30ft. by or larger, off Begem Boad, Trallord Read end: will lie execttd 10 suit require ments of resiicia.ble mijint.

242. M.c Guardian." "VTAl'IEB (15 h.p.J: nve-eatei! tcurine; body: warm drive: Lucas acetylene head-light: 15(: trial run given near Manchester. Addii.ts "Mo" RENAULT. 20-o0, wuh bo-ly by co*cksT.oot: exot-ptionaily well fitted ami equal to new: a lurtrain. BLACKBURN, Amciine, EccltaJ OCO'Pr MOi'OR-CiCLE ihorougluy overhauled by mak-rs: new tvres, with c.iiiO-.-lt-t side-car: 4d, or Beaarate.

EGMNGTON, Commonside, feheffield. -arM. ARMjLH. Motor b.ugineer ana Houy Hui.aer ibcy and mechanical repairs, estimates givia). Upper Brook Street.

Manchstcr. nas tiio iouowius run BlNuEli. cl n.F: isio n.r.u.; ass new: for the road: oomp.ete every luxury and convenience: equiym.n:, Ac: price i-ou. IiEDFOllU. la irive-Kea er, xsia uc-nLiHistiaiiwu jt, and fitted with latest ivpe Zenith carburetter: only run 2.500 aiiies: fitti-u with Challiner cnntractable rims, ami all accessories: li.

overhauled and repainted dark Blue: Is absolutely as good as nvw. Motor Vans, Lurries, and Waggons. EXPRESS MOTOR DELIVERY VANS FOR 11IP.L and CUAR-A-BAXCS: long or short contracts. Thou a 6596 Central. DYSON DUDLEY, 17.

Watson Street, TEXB SALE. Mann's STEAM WAGGON, to hau! tons: condition good as new: reason for owner going abroad. ERNEST BARRON, Friaiagball, Bradford. TXIB SALE, TWO STEAM WAGGONS, one Sentmal, one Carter, in good working order; O.Nil Two-ton PETROL LORBY (carrier), in condition: can bo seen at work by arrangement. SUMNER, Aton, Nantwlch.

Musical Instruments. BECH STEIN BnsewrxKi Drawing-room GRAND: 1n perfect condition: fine sijecimcn: splendid instrument: rare opaortunity: 150-guinea Instrument for 90 guineas. TUDOR. 71. Deansgate.

FOR SALE, a Semi-grand PIANO, by and Collard: in geod condition. Address 243. "M-'c Guardian." TTPBIGHT Bluthner PIANO, in nccilent condition. Ad-U dress 199, Mo Guardian." Miscellaneous. I I'CEXIIBBE, SAFE BOLTTOP DESKS, WALNUT.

MAHOGANY, OAK. 300. All 1703 14 Sho'wrooms full of SJFFICE DESKS, Pedestal and Ler; Wtltlnrr Tables. Bevolvlng Chairs, VERTICAL FILE CABINETS. BOOKCASES, BUBEAUS, CLERKS' DESKLNG.

Bnuhle and Single, all lengths. and FIRE BESISTING SAFES; Cb'iit-A-ood'a, Mllner', Groves'. 400 Safes, 2ft. to 6ft, Great wYxHY3GBOVE STOBES. LTD, 35-37.

WITHY GBOVE. Est. 1850. Tel. No.

2036 City. RICES. 3.000.00O: 5.000 YABDS SETTS. 8, OOO Yards good Blue Slates, cheap, pur weight or yard. STABLE FITTINGS.

Iron Mangers, Bosklns for 500 horses 1O0 Wood Principals. 50ft- to enclosed Fire Grates. Two large Army Cooking Bonnes. Iron Cisterns and Troughs. Columns, 500 Windows, Doors, lin.

Boards. lOia. by 241a. Joists, Coping. Old Cavalry Barracks.

Kin? St Hulmo- nr L. Jaeger. Jackson London M. QUANTITY of ASHLAB STONES, from old engine bed. B.

McCLUltE i. olib, Stockport. 0A rv. wrrrtvr RE and SAFES. NEW and SF.OOSD- aivn "nnr l.TOP DESKS.


Stare. 11. Victoria Bridge. N.T. 1847.

RICES ON SALE, second-hand, fire. HABDMAN and UVJB SALE, cheap a 8mlth-Wellstord Largeeiza ANTHBA. J2 CITE STOVE. Address 23, Me Guardian." BRICKS, Brickbats, Grey and Bine Slates, Windows, Doors Spa. Firewood, ic Apply DUXBUEY SHABPLES, Cogpice Mi.

Ol lam. BRICKS, 5s. 1.000: Slates, Flags, Setts. Timber, Girders. H.

JONES. 74r Blackfrlars Boad, Self org. ON SALE. SLATES, and all TIMBER forming Boot 115ft. by 5 Oft.

J. O. CLAYTON. Hoilinwocd. STEEL-FRAMED IBON BUILDING FOR SALE, 120ft, by could let Immediately at a good rental: tenant waiting.

Address 160. Guardian." ABGE MABQUEE ON SALE: nearly new: 75ft. by can Been ooo uuosiex awu, oixenoro. SALES BY AUCTION. Instructed by Walter Arthur Selby, Esq, NORTHUMBERLAND.

THE BDDDLESTONE HALL ESTATE. 16.994 Acres. Bental, 5.693. J. CASTIGLIOXE, SOXS, SCOTT tvill SELL BY AUCTION, in the Couatv Hotel.

E. v- on Tuesday, oOth June. 1914 at 2 30 o'cieck in the aftemeon, in 1 or 8 lots (unless previously IR'i nnr Eimrt VP TT ITT OOTTP ftr Let J. i r.i, hmi ACRES. Berual, 2.251.

Good grouse moor. ij mi fiLotS2. FARM of SCBAINWOOD, 1.060 Acres, Bental, aero Good mixed ahootins: and fishing. Lot 3. FARM! of XETHEBiOX BUILDINGS, 394 Aorta.

Rental 432. Mixed shooting and fishing. CsMng. ciT.aWroS FABM. 576 acrea.

Bental. 3Sfi. Xfl-BQ eeoounB li 6wi c. una. mixta! if r.

11 OV. LIN UIEIA andWILKWOOD, 3.468 acres, Bental, 614. iJnrotinir and excellent treat nshinse. about 2 miles. and excellent treat flishrry about 2 miles.

UIVIWW i-- BUTT UAiW Tjn rAlUW IU JfcJk IMWl I fc7 i. 8 VUGHBIGG. and WHOLEHOPE. 2,403 acres. Bent, i 519.

Good grouae shooting. Cm-rate trout fishing, about i ti" FABM of BLTNDBUBN, 3,258 acres. Rental, 525 Excellent grouse moer, good fishing, about 2 miies. TBnii" -Daniculars, plans, and orders to view can he had from the land agents, Messrs. George Grey and Sons, Mil 6.

Square. N-wcaatle-on-Tyne cr Messrs. GEORGE ARMSTRONG SONS, Cety XaUiiea Omcea, CKtWs. wauu. uMimau-wuu nvaunii nnn mwo Excellent SITES, containing 701 1.626 aq.

on itecaaaie Baid, suitable for works. jiarucuiars apply Lr. II. I.ABMTJTil BOSB. i estate in c.

i i 2096 Citv. OIIra J3 ik. i otller Ix. 1 8 M-- coa' jwdAt. Ths five with 100 hv 1 1 to" nor.

26. tho or be of By of By Order of Trustees. CUTY OP LONDOX and LAMBETH. ISIPOBTANT SALE of CITY and other FREEHOLD ana LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES, with a rent-roll of 22,487 PER ANNUM, forming portions of the Estates of tbe late Sir William Lawrence and the late Sir James Clarke Lawrence, Bart. Messrs.

TkEBENHAM, TEWSOX, CinXXOCKS will SELL at the Mart, on Tuesday, July 14, at two la numerous lots, tho following Exceedingly Valuable FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PBOPEBTIES, occupying lor the most part quite EXCEPTIONAL POSITIONS in LEADING COT THOBO UGHFABES. and affording INVESTMENTS OP THE HIGHEST CLASS. FREEHOLDS. No. 70.






No. 96, QUEEN VICTORIA ST. and 35, BREAD ST. Nos. 98 and 100, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET and 34.

BREAD STREET. Sea. 159. 161, and lcS3, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET. Nos.

240, 241, and 242. UPPER THAMES STBEET. No. 15. NICHOLAS LANE.



No. 1, SUFFOLK LANE and 31. 32. 33, BRUSn LANE. Nos.

5 to 8, IDOL LANE and Nos. 29 to 35, and 37 and 38, ST. MARY-AT-HILL. Nos. 9, 10.


MACKHEI.L. MATOX. GODLET and QUINCEY. solicitors. 21, Cannon, Street; and of the Auctioneers.

80. Chcapslde, E.O., and 11, Waterloo Place, S.W. SAW MILLS AND PROPERTIES IN MANCHESTER. C. B.

Lomax. in Bankruntcv: and cn oilier account. IDWIN HAisLAM lias received instructions to SELL BY at the Thatched Holt Hotel, Newmarket Place, Winchester, on Friday tho 26th day of June, 1914, at 6 50 o'clock in the evening, eubjeot to tiio conditions of of the Manchester Incorporated Law Assi-rlation and to ths special conditions of sale to be then and there produced: Lot 1. Tho TRADE PREMISES known as the Clayton Saw Mills situate and 544, New Boad, i.iayion, Manchester, tojolner with the Motive Power and Fixed Plant belonging thereto. The site contains an ara of 607 1-9 square yards or thereabouts, Js leasehold fur the residue of a term of 915 years from the 27th day of September, 1907, and is subject to a yearly ground rent of 7 lis.

t)d. Ths Trade Buildings comprise offices, saw mill, joiner's shop, mould shed, and timber yard. The Mntivo Power and Fixed Plant Include Otto gas tugino. ui-in eiecwio motor, rour-cutter and moulding machine, to take 7in. by by Robinson: two morucors, loin, by bin.

surfacing machine, by Robinson: 561n. and 181m circular saw bencfirs. cross-cut saw, bond saw by Kircimur, vertical spindle moulder oy itouinson, single tenoning machine, two-slonu automatic grinder; and tho promises aro lighted by Keith's pressuro gas plant. Early possession may bo obtained. N.B.

TfIA Timber Rltf.k to' 1 1 hn nM nn thn hr.mla.a fin Wednesday tho 1st day of July, 1914. IM is. aims DWBLLIXU-HOUSES situate and numberud 2 to 18 (even numbers both Inclusive), Lyndon Avenue, off Matthews Lane, Manchester, together with the Land forming the silo thereof, and con- t.lininr; In the Whole l.R.C) l.Q nr thpnuhniilB iui; Kvusa anuuai renta. is ana ths property is ouijcb. jtitiji uii or jiuuau rent oi ItLtul jn outer account.

Lot 3. All that DWELLIXrs.iii iiisr ifimt bered 129, Shrowsbmy street. Old Trafford, Manchoster, together with the Land forming tho site thereof and containing In the wholn ld.t aiir.frrir.i.t.1 abouta. The propel ty is for tho residue of a term of 995 years from tho loth day of April, 1878, and Is subject to a yearly chief or ground rent of 6. iw iuiiov uiMiicuiars apply to tno Auctioneer.

The Albanv. 21, dhwii Jojioii; ai.i-.I.V JAVive, ESQ. (Messra. Harry L. mice and incorporated accountant, 15, Fountain Street, Manchester; or to K.

E. F1ELDH0USE. vendor solicitor. 10, Norfolk street, Manchester. To Engineers.

Machinery- liuvnr, ftc. At tho recentiy occuided by the Premier Bubber Buformlng Company. Blackhorse Lane, Walihamstow, TV1R-' HENRY BUTCHER has received in- A-'-a- atructlons to SEIT. BV Ai.rrmv rj J.St"?6' 1314' at twelve o'clock aUarp, as above, tho MACHINERY. PLANT, and STOCK of a Rubber consisting of about tea ton of manufjetured rubber uioiuuuig vanes, lyres, printers strip aud blanket, buffers, washers, lubing, plugs, corks, cones, heel Bads.

tneei. mattaig, tiling, ic; also the new aud nearly new Machinery end Plant, comprising a calender. 5 a of "Tee mixing mills rZ, oy (Electric Construction Company), three imnroved Rt-lf-netinw ntiHi.i soiew-cuttlng lathes; hot tables, sot or ih.Wth.row hydraulic automatic reverslni" gear (B-adfnrdi: machine (David Bri.iSe. two vacuum drving ovens Ocott and Sons), four steam vulcanising (Daiy Paxman); also hydraulic presses, vulcanising Dans wrapping machines (Shaw), eevoral clcctrio motors, starters 01 ibut t'Ivo tons of cast steei ShSiSS9, a.nd used fcr rubber manufacturer, jic.uding quantity of solid buss tyre, moulds. On view day F.

nf of sale. Cataiosues of rubber goods illustrated machinery catalogue (4d. each) of the Auctioneer 6j-64, Chanceiy Lane, London, WC BLACKPOOL. GALE BY AUCTION, on Monday, June 15, at 1118 Palatine Hotel. Blackpool, of tho New and Handsome BLOCK of BUILDIA-GsVconsisting of cafe, shops, arcade, picture theatre, situate near to the Central Pier, on the Central Reach, Blackpool.

Auctioneer: Mr. T. CARTER, Birley Blackpool Purveyors: T. O. Lumb, Son, and WaPon, Rirlev Street Blackpool- and solicitors.

HOUGHTOX MYRES and tiFt'v- Street. Blackpool, and KOOPEB and WHATELY, 17, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, WC COVENTBY LOOP LINE. 9TRATOR3' PLANT, the property of the London and North-Western Bailway Company. TO BE SOLD without reserve by order r.f the Bailway Company. QEO.

X. DLXOX CO. will SELL BY AUCTION (absolutely without reserve), on Tuesday. June 23, at eleven o'clock prompt, at the Gosford Green Goods Yard, Covcntrv, the CONTRACTORS' PLANT, bv the Htmslet Enelno Cn. Prr.

ctt-n AuMii. fomr whee.s coupied, 4rt. 8iln. gauge; Xit. cvlinders.

four wheels coupd, 3ft. gauge, both bv Mann'ng. "Wardle! and two Buston, Proctor Steam Navvies; Portab.e Emyjne, by Buston, Proctor, and Vert'cal, 6ft. 9a. ty 2ft.

7ft. 6ln. Mortarpan, 3in. -steam Pump, Bolls Concrete Mixer, with 3i-h n. Petrol Engine; 78 eide-tlp Waggons.

4ft. gauge, pattern; IO end-tip Waggons, 4-fV 8AIa. gauge- 24 sde-tlp steel borly Waggons. 3ft. grvugeT two Jilbec Wacerons, 2ft.

gaurre: 320 tons F. 11. Steel Ball. Mctitm; 30 tons ditto, 361h. scctlcm; Fl-dvplatcs.

Bolts, and' Spikes; 16 sets Points and 130 yards Portable Railway, 2t. gauge: about 6,000 Sleepers, about 2.000 cuius i-vi i i.cii pmo AsauiKs ana um quare; a urge qnantilv of Planks. Shuttering. Packing. Centring, and other Pining.

Hand Pumn. Wire Bones, Fall Blocks. Iron ana wooa lanKS. Laoacrs, Fc3troIdi and Dirrick Po'ee, Crana Skips. Cral Winches, and other Contractors' Plant.

Office Bunding. Furniture, aad Effects. On view any time previous to sale, by nrrar. zement. For further Tarticulnrs and catalogues apnly to H.

A. HULL, Resident Engineer. L. and Railway Cnmiany, 77, Walsgrave Bond, Coventry; or to the Auctioneers. 43.

Castie Street. Liverpool. Pe-'eerams "Tenacity, Liverpool." Telephone: 3853 Rank, Liverpool. To Connoisseurs, Collectors, Dealers In Antiques, and others. Removed hv order of Mr.

John Breeze, St. Asaph, 8. L. Porter, and another private estate, for convenience of eale. TONER'S A I OALLEBY.

TSo. 6, BEDCROSS 8TBEET, LIVEBPOOL (close to Castle Street). Thursday next, June 18. commencing at twelve noon prompt. THE Second Portion of the Valuable rOLLECTTOV of 4flO Tvrt.

r4 rtar.iiln. ivmnrr Or.D ENGLISH, and ANCIENT WEr.SJI OAK FURNr-TURE. CHINA. Including rare Chippendale frr.mdfather. penduhim.

and bracket clocks, genuine old oik and nlate shelves. IsdiAS and ernni'. (ink mnaiiHi and mahogany wardrobes, early old oak gate-leg and olber bauiva. in taivir anginal cunniiian. An ExceptSonally Scarce OLD OAK REFECTORY TPT Bnd BENCHES, 13fL long, on aix masalTe turned legs and underfnunlng, from the Old Courthouee, caeraws.

On view Wednesrlay the 17th Inst, and on the morning of caia, vnm inn ucaorjikiv. vaMioKues can oe ODiained at the Gallery aa above. EXCHANGE STREET ART GALLERY. THE ENTIRE STOCK OF OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER-COLOUB DBAWTSGS, Including Examples by airs. Aiungnam.

S. Austin. j. uarciay. do Block.

Henrietta Bronne, Ernest Crofts, B.A., Wro, Davies, Val. Havers. Maud Goodman, Teena King, P.R.T., Tom Lloyd, R.W.8., H. Byland, B.I., W. Shayer.

w. w. Tc.pham, B.I., T. M. Richardson, w.

J. J. C. Bond, J.iav;a i J. c.

Doilman. W. p. Frith, B.A., W. Hugg'jis, G.

K'bume, F. B. Ire, R.A., C. A. Smith.

B.I., J. T. Serrea, Towns. E. M.

Wimperie, T. F. Walnwnght, W. Watson, una oiners. together with the AST OBJECTS.

ANTTOUE FURNITUBE, OLD OAK PANELLING, IVOBTES. Ac, BY BROWN BROWN, on Wednesday and Thursday, 17th and 18th at one o'clock each uay. lilt uaoicix. aa iuiuvv, excoaoge oereec Atast, Lxver-pooL To be viewed on Monday and Tuesday next the 1 -it 16th Inst. Catalogues and all further particulars from the nffirwK.


18. George Street Edinburgh, on Wednesday, 24th June. 1914, at two o'clock, afternoon. unites disposed of privately: unlessmsposeu RFcTrENTIAL ERTATTfl -r GLASSATJGH. situated In tbe parish or Fordvce about 21 miles from It extends (excluding fens) to 1,469 acrea or thereby, whereof about l.J2'Sf' JJS! 240 rough 'pasture, and tha remainder sites of buildings, roads, and Wlhe" rental (Including 93.

2s. 94. of annual feu 'duties ano including also the valoee, aa per valnaUon roll or the mansion house, grasa parks, shootings, and otheT subjects the prsprietor-s occupation) 1,372. 4a 7d m. nublloburdea Ac amount to, about 220.

The Mansicn Heraae Is modern and fs pleasantly situated. It contains QlnJngoom two dr awia? buslMsTand ichool rooms. lgt beilrooms, throe dressing-rooms, throe bbjooms. botmU' rooms, kitchen, and other aceornmoS SonTrtS outbulldinga comprise als-staBed atablaVnlde coachhouse, groom's room, laundry, washhouae, Ac The Mansion House is swoundecl by lawns and policies nd adjoining Js a large and productlvt. walled garden auam' 2.) The "LANDS of ACcmilDBItBAN! parish of Marnoch.

about two milea from Aberchlrder and i bout 34 mltas from Cornhlll Hallway tlom These lands extend to about 1.178 acrt. whtret 1O00 are arable, 114 ture and moaa, and 64 aitea of bulltUDgs, waste, roads rental amtmnt. to 710. Oa. ind thptibUc hurdens.

ice are aut 125. The ihootlngs on both estates constat of the usual varieties cf low cotmtry game. Golf at Cu3an, and aea bathing' and tuning at Sandend Village, about one mll from jiiaton uw ai rt' ib. Seied. ii om tot.

if ztrT ihercifter oposed separately. 000 101 wlu ine ui,. iu 1111 Aemoa or Auchlnderran I and W.S., 32, Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, wli hi 1 1 the tittis and artlolea of roup. wa" jr0t runner parvcoutrB, spiny to aroara. HADS AY TtflWE I ffi.

32. Charlotte Sauare. EAlnhitS including Four Excellent Saddle Tank LOCOMOTIVES C.hanibcrjln, 14in. Inside cylinders, six wheels coupled, 4ft. biln.

eaurte, by Manning, Wardle, und Uxbridgc. 12in. inside cviinriera. kIt runnlul Aft an. In at 1 I in the rcoupaucm anu oi jr.

A. FialJ. further particulars applv Vhf, niul 42. Jonv. Hilton Stryt.

Mm 17 i cherti'r; tie Freeholders Comranj-. 20, CommPrrinl Cross Str-et. r-r to Slessrs. MNGARD3 li IIA-VP. solicitors.

24. lountaia Slroot, Manchester. Archer, Chnrel Sir et, Orcrngate, Sair-ird. M-inchester Wedndav next. Juno 17, at two clock.

JOHN BATEMAX will 1JY AUC-T10r, n-i i rrnises recontiy ocoutled by Messrs. FlNULATnh MACKIE. the MI NF It AT B0T1LINQ PLANT, MACHINERY, Inclndire 30 gallon irts-in'atjd pan. hy the Fumrsa Manufacturing Cn-. anv, 30 gallon enamel syrup pan, five-gallon mixlnir pans, rapid syruping machine, four -ounrn and foiir half-ounci measures, by Braltiy Ltd.

atene-gipcer plant, compile, r.rtlstiiiL- f.raiiiia;, 50 mixing ta.r.k, ealion slnto ierr.ifnt'.r.g vat. with aui stasicg, Ea-'i-s- 1 Doliaccd toda-walcr machine, with s.x- galltn c.iinilrr, bv Brjlby ana i.imi:'ii, r.n-.KT nr.n. 1 5fl tin-fmi TIHT llOtir. (NotO: 'Ilie fiOdl- maoluw has only bvca In use one rrwntli); No. 4 Crown corkm-r niacniue.

uv v.viw 'turiinvvr fillini; nr.ich.iia, by Ky. mils; iuiml uliir.g micniiip. In- Lmniey and L.nv.tod; hand co b- Ber.efV.d ti.ter No. 2 gisloidcr with new copP'T bell, four tube hop bitters Slier, o-v-i -roii'i hert.f-was.' niaflilne, iwo oac-doZ'-n two eyrupi quantity of Jin. tin plpiiiff.

by and g. wafcH-jr. uu Ma'o taikaTi.l'tK..ina. ouan-'ty of wsent'os, Tnrrtl. washins Mvakinir wheel Iv.iil-ic 50'Aiiz.

ditto hoiiuiig s'ram pump with jin. Ac. ll'i AND SSMra. lOoz. c.rtds.

510doz. 5oz. split oodrts, 855doI. stone plngeri gli-s cliiyor bw-rs. 55Bd 7..

split crrk, 187 twcwlozen oralos, 163 four-doien crates, 180 twu-doaca boxes, 102 racks. Oil view imrrning of sale. NOTE The Auct oner des'r' to draw special attention the machinery, which quite modern and up to cite, v.i-vIt.1- rwi'n In use than iwc.vo mcaitus. riirihcr' particulari from the Auctioneer, at his offices, St. PeUwgate.


TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By MESSRS. PARRY BATHO, At THE BLACK LION HOTEL, ELLESMEBB, On TUESDAY, 23rd JUNE, 1914, at 3 30 p.m. prompt (subject to conditions to bo then produced) ALL that Desirable MESSUAGE or -1- and Commodious SHOP, Yard. G.trden, and Appurtoiianctd, and Two several of excellent Patture Land thereunto belonging, coutainiug tcgti'n by estimation WO AC thereabouts, situate nt Croscmerc, in ih parish of co*ck-sliutt. In tha county of Salop, now In ths occupation of the owaer, Mr.

William Bedonhurst. Tho Property, which is situato about Tour miles from r.iic-sinere. and v. itliln a few minutes' walk from Church, Schools, and I'ost Office (having telegraph and telcphon" is surrounded by tha estates of Earl Browuiow Edward Ri.v:e:s. Tho contains comfortable slttlng-rnom, kitchen, back kitchun, iautry, coai cellar, and three good i.r.d larco binding.

'Iho is must 'nveulently arranged and well fitted and has a large warehouse aad cornrorun th Outbulilings ars sitnata in an enelrsed yard, and thrvo large loose boxes (two with excellent ebove), cart and stable (with largo loft and ies. Tha rf ,1,. -ri -V -wi- uu ui job wriii is in gooa ncart ana the EaTtien we 1 with Vjuhit fruit uu iulu.l.1 32 yi- Lrii. hut he Is now retixinV krd bo ineudi'd ii th- s-le toon the 29th September next, or in? Bioca-iu-iraoo may, a ae- no th. Auctioneers.

Hh Strpft r. li n.l'f' it Ellcsmerc, Salop. -1 iciujiAA. eaiicLor. DlrocMonof the Trusters of Maclnnes.

Ear. lAU'OBlAXr SALE OF TUE WELL-KNOWN RICKERBY ESTATE, near Carlisle. comprising an Atiractivn Well-built Mansion, contalnltirr looms, arid dnmcrt'ls offices. It Is -cited Prk. and Is by two pretty each with irelrre i i.j r.n.-'rmiTi(r oi'i I'lrccns arm o.i'J oanK.

or tne rlvor Eden: eirserior st.ion'-g, waj'en Kitchen mnlm. amni frin. THBEE AND A HALF MILES OF EXCLUSIVE SALMON PISHING lnh9 iWpt EAm- Property includes THE HISTORIC LINSTOCK CASTLE, formerly tha Mat of tho Bishops of Carlisle: FiEJIS' HOUSES and VimJisLE13 nL'n'DIXG L-'D CONTIGUOUS Al'i-OMMODATION GARDENS; q-vniS- 1N CARLISLE, SUXDRi COITAGE PROPERTY TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, in 20 Lots, by lers. TTUVTTTTi A- ITTPsav ca t-. 2P.

S-rrU, Mr. WALTEB P. GIBniNGS. so Ti L-uiti, I. Valuable Comer Shop and Dwelling-house at A Cerley Edge.

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. SAM. D. WALTON. thereof, and containinsr 475 future yards or thereabouts and tenanted by Mr.

Edward Ker.haw, chemist The premises aro cellared and contain thop, sitting-room, aitcaen, etu-iwi ic umnracm, and w.c. The i-roperty is leisebold for 999 yeirs (itss 10 days) tram 1854, and Is subject to the ground reu: oi 11 17s. 6d. Vi-jci regression wli: bo given on completion. For further apply 10 the Auctioncr, Jfaywood Wilmslow; or to Messrs.

W. L. WELSH SOXS, tors 52, Brown Street, Manchester. Important to Brewers, WIr.e and Merchant, and others. Sale of Uie Red Cow Hctel, Kr.uisford.

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION bv Mr. SAM D. WALTON, on tho premises, on Tuesday the 23rd day of June, 1914, at 5 50 o'clock precisely, subject to ths general conditions of sale of the llanohester Law Society aad to special conditions to be then produced: ALL that Well-known Freehold and Old-established Fully-licensed HOUSE known as The Red Cow, Kautsford, In the county of Chester, with the Stabfcs. Coachhouse, and Outbuildings belonging thereto, and in occupation of Mrs. WUU.tmson; torcthcr with the Smithy adjoining, in the occupation of Mrs.

Drlnkwater. The sito tic i In Ack Lane. BramlinU, i eTkSBORXE A- ivnnvn mj ill V.UII I UIIL'tlOll with Mr. Wa.trr r. Glbblmr--.

as retrards t''o and certain portlrns. at the, tIE B.C.. on Tuesday 2Rlh of "2.914 at two oclock and as reearrh the rcmjT, Anmt. 11A i-aiuroay, ui privately)." Dcioa Pou-y ld i i I i i I I I iiinuace of tiio main roads. SUN tob.

Kirij Street, Manchester. Ui K' il lfcir ov truer of ski: i.o.. at. l'i't Xr.Alt 'lUi: tlXCHAXGK. 'lO ua 1 Il'iLD I.AMi.wi'h the Uuildinsa Sj having good froalage to tna fit tno Exchange: luime- a cAiltiu ilot fur a large ware.

K. I.e.-. S. i.s. r-peaknun.

land agents, 22. i'u. Juarion li Hl.Vl'S ul illTS. 63. 72.

secured iroi-rtles In i i 1'; ca r-ad: well built: show v.r.ji.o 7'J, Guarquin." UKm wii or detached viUiu: 5 minutes zeroed auJ chlei or other. v.v;.l ica luorttfa*ge to purchaseri, ll'l'E, 7. tf- Moicrn SE.MI-UET ACHED: bc.Tr:i.:.'i, diciu; and drawing v.i...ri sarevn. wita room lor li-glewoou, CL.irru-a Boad Eoutb, Chorl- rr.EEUOLD LAND.

form. iii.i, Vacant Land, situate iA.naijT: c*ntainucc an y.iriis: the include a water vd rh---rrtn: th- to a r-L'T year. EUWAliD 11CS11TOS, 8021, Cll-Y FOUri' Beautlfu: na roaa: choice i laritil 700 mort- iiiu-r 1140: SOfl JI in value: no agents. -r. I'AJlir and Modern HOUSK ii.i II DlVGi; 13 of Und: two miies i.ou.-e cvntalns 2 entt-r ur.urocm, una w.c: coat b.uucry, n.Ury, cloakroom, and to ItOUKLV, BECK- 'J.

Maunt 1 iir.LilOt.U Country COT- Wll.ij: we.l it. cxcdUen't u.u::am car ---jii-iiis, lOmin. i L.VX1: low or out and r-''ar tram aid ranay. Apply i Java. li.

i L- I'd BE SOL11. LAND, couta.air- 6Rf, s'luaxe yards. and St. Juiie'a Church. J.

B. a-" '1 i 1 SlovSll: norl ciss called in: r.T.tal 40. 62. capital MS s. utii aspect, lmmtxl i ivt.

lar-ra canlen. 5 K'i. lath: elec. light, heating: r. rsi.T.o aaeaia.

Altrlnchara ai.D. t.i ear.y pfesr-ss-on, the Attrao-1 BESIDEXCE known as "Tho Bed is late Henry Vollmer, siviito Nori Road, extending to cvkd, ana comprlsos 6.8S2 l.all, dining, drawisg, and jua lavat 5 prinoipal bedrooms, tl anvnumodaUou, with is stabling, with, also otttage: the gardens. tli ana planted. Fir order J. li.

SONS, 65, KJig --r. Mi'u wm: -(io'acted Houses: ir. all mud. oanren. cellars S'-ns.

estate agen ts, ATtrlnc'm uu. Ui 'Ji-TS. Shop, ar.d Cdalyard: rental, i.175; price: no agents. 133. lm.vrox'.Mi.oR hoi-ses fob sale.

75. Back Piccadliiy, Manchester. Swiia etyle. 170. Heaton Moor.

I larga sunny gardens. i.e bsdiooms, A-c. well appointed. itrKiihi-usfs: perfect ab.ut 11: vacant psscssloD. S.

TGWLE. ni-'o iivUSES. 2 4. Gladstone Grove. Moor Bead.

four bed Ac. a. i Posscesion No. 4, in July. 12.

3 2s. par pair. Apply S. TOWLE. "A5K.

lieaton Mojr Road (now empty). i. -I'E v.i'.li large garden. 4. s.x lutir.s, Ac.

Donbie Gatea. 410. A'lO. 10a TOWLE, Estate Agent, Jlanchcfctcr. liE Modern Detached BESI-1 vs-i ms, 4 large aad 2 curden: with er without LU LA WYCUE, 4y, Dianggate.

'ii Parti. ELEVEN Substantially HiHEd: all tenanud, 1914 decora- four bed rooms, in, t- w.c.'s- rca'als after chief, 221: prica for equity 9b0: owner j-s or only. 156. Mvdora. J-.

li id inoar overlookin.2 4 rco.i-i, w.c, cedars: reiuixed two-thirds on 1 jjiickinghAm Road. vnjo M.dern 6 M-MI-1 lETACHED ttjr.rr grand situation .1 M.nd nuke c.ini'al shops: produce 46: chief 6 each: 1 be obtained for 400: la. 146, Guaralan." Ji i.llilT. Te be Sold, tha 1- as Owmby Cllfle. No.

44, i 5 8 bed roams, tiil effiecs: Gtabllng. with -o taiden. Brldgford Sons, 65. King St. li.Hi.

C.oa-M. TO BE SOLD, for Building, a Land, 5.300 square yards net co.r.-.r cf liijjh Street and Clarendon Boad, SONS. 65. King Street. Mf' l-Oiil ion.

TO BE SOLD, with early post- "iu i)E LEI', iho Cipiul Modarn FAMILY UiM-chwocd, situate Singleton Boad: 1.. dr-wlng. and morning rooms, bil-r. -pal dressing-room, bedrooms, and adequate le siu-. wiJch is well elevawd.

comprisea ii c- liereabouts chief rant 31. the and jiiaated: compact etabiing and ll. ni.iu'jr L'llD i sua a. ing airoei Eel A CHESHIRE. Excellent PLOTS, t.T gooaVclass causes highest f.u'.!.-.r:- sloe: hre aspect: on cii.ef out- ESTATE OFFICE.

83, King Ic rt to vour Praperty Enter Same la vX3 JULY "SALE. 23a. Brasenncse Street. -LAND, for semi or detached villas, open position road, u-ar station; also LAND tor cettageai LEECH BATCLIFFE. 7, Cheapside.

i i. Kor liescrlptive LIST of BESIDKNCIiS estates to be let or sold Mason it FREEMAN. Auctioneers, Wl HMERK AMBLESIDE. -1 i.i tii-nr Docks), 18.000 yards (would da -i boarded raund: suitable torstoraga vi Plot of 3.262 yards, fronting TraCor -JHltERT HALL, surveyor, 1, Cooper Street. rVl: si -r 1 un.j niinniM from Town IV li3.

A nArdsiv. 36. Soring Gardens irrrArr r.nen. u'im evutai iq -a irardens ico: four bedroasos. bath, w.c, c-i amsoi yi-y 4O0: near station: moat sen a T.

SOLD or LET; PORTLAND HOUSE, near v. '-iarca. containing three eniercamu iw-ai-. -vr kltcaea, scullery, butler'a pantry, saran aeo. kguv stairs.

1 IMWWIU, 11 uu i sabiintr. an onOmllainca. aad ar- and to view aaiply Mr. SvWILLB. Tne fl; LyfcU: er te W.

WABBUBTON, afillcltar, 15. HartaBt i-artiarspiy wa-i KmcJtora. 5. fe-rilsoA Boad, J3UfXi 10' ir Semi-detached BESmESCB. known 52 loasehold 999 years: centrally Blttmted, ectrmce hall, dtnmer-room, drwin-room, a-'iiC; M.bwlroena, room, bathroom and w.c, Wtonen, "Mect to a yearly i 23.

P-. and 23 1 Lot 6- EIGHT in iho and frcjit. Arpiy EMBERTON'S MONTH I.V bat r-a 4 Guineas ner Lot feverv M-nnnQA .,1,1 oaie ju.y zi. iast Sale. May.

26. every lot offered gwu. iree. uji, Juazennose street, Ma.nchestcr. PENDLETON MOUNT, 100.

Eccles Old modern. fainilv rcsuence. vit.i.-,',.- batiiroom, panvry, good light rutin imvusiniui; s.ij-i;an i rj and back low chief rent: lJtce 7C0 for quick sale, vcry TAIJJOT cuja, T- A N. li WALES. BT7NGALOWS AND EUILDISO PLOTS FOB SALE, oo Xxcrd Aberconway'a EatatA Golf, Bathing, Magnificent Sands, Bracing Air, Mountain Scenery.

Apply LIN NELL, Estate Office, Prestatyn. J3BESTATYN', N'OEPU i Aits. TO BE SOLD by Private Treaty, aa a whole or In lots to suit purchasers a Valuibio FBEEHOLD ESTATE situate close to the town of Prestatyn, North Wlea, the rmu; qimj 1 u.o iu: and choice, building land, rlpo lor development, Ui particulars of which are i under slated. PABTICULABS. A PASTUBE FIELD, oloso to Prestatyn, containing 2a lr.

having a lrontas to tne lluyi Boad, in tue occupation of Mr. B. E. Owen. This is a capital building lot.

THBEE FIELDS, lying together, and containing 12a. 2r. adjainlng th nrst-roentioned fleid, having an access to tbe Rhyl Boad, and la the occupation of Mr William Williams. FOUB FIELDS, lying; together, adjoining the last-men-tlened fields, centalnlng ISi. od.

and In the occupation of Mr. IL C. 'Edwaras. Three of these fields have aa extensive frontage to the Rayl Boad, and are suitable for bUEpSlT PASTUBE FIELDS, lying to tho north of the beiore-mentioned properties, containing 55a. lr.

and In the occupation of Mrs. Eoberie. Access to thex) fields Is oblalnea on ine buuuh uuw iuyk xwau. ana on Ule north Dy a tovel croasins ove. the London and North-Western main line.

LAND, known aa Maen Ucha, comprising two fields, situate above and having an extensive frontage to the Mel id cn Bead containing upwards of on acres, and in tho occupa-tiem of Mi. W. WilUams; also a strip of land used aa a garden, In tbe occupation of Mr. E. Dowell, containing 2r.

4p leading from the north -cast corner of the upper or tho said two fields. Into the public road, to Newmariet, and forming an additional means of access to the said two fields. This land, fram which magnificent views are cibtained, 4 oii, i. in suite cioso to Prestatyn, in a healthy ana com manding position, and la In every way an Ideal building site, ripo for 6ysleiuauo aeveiopuieni anu, wormy oi the aF CaTlitaiiStS. T.vr further narticulara apply to Messrs.

GOLD, EDWABDS, ic solicitors Denbigh. FBESTBUBY. Cheshire. Elislble BUILDING SITES 0K 6ALE1 graTltanon water: good train servicu to Man-ches-er For arlces and partlouiura apply Estate Onloe. Adllngton, aiacciesneiu XBESTSvalfcL FOB SALE, TWO 6E1HS, Gienside and --ji AvanTim 5 ent 5 bath, bux- room, tci ouklde washhouae.

Mr. Barwick, 24, Doyne Ave bemi-detachoa house: nome iwut. In distrirt: every accommrdation: cn i-ood elevation: healthy and dry: cost 1,200, will eacriflco for 450 eharp. 159, Mo Guardian. w-vn-maT 111) 1 1 ler OMuava: XLndbullder will ho asslsied.

BRADY SON, Stoct- prt, and 42. John Dalton JBtxeet, Manohester. aw yi r. BriiTl. 1 1 Tltrtjiinin and ri J.V ana r7Zn hl rooms: we-shrubbed, slopintt gardens.

Bi'iiOLD. OLIVE MOUNT and BAKiTKLD, $5. of ikd toe" df (cheap). Particulars Yew Tree Llottage. ui SALE.

TO BE SOLD, MMRSIDE. GibsoB Boad. the TOidence of the late Georga Eooke. J.P.: nter- talalnir-rcxrus, conservatory, uwiwu. "tarns hmme: the crounds are very rent To view, 4c.

apply vtu-ovfj a. au.u, ac-nts. Tib Lane. Manchester. retlTed Situation and near station.

FOB SALE: each con-rrf-. A bed: all modem inside conveniences: fTeehoid and free from chief: FJJ" irolY Edwards, estate agent. 26, ictoria Manchester rj ALE. 15 Acres oi lijcnui.u cur. irJn River Meraay: vary r3a6nab.e price.

EABLE FJSTATE OFFICE, 88. King Street, Man arrester. SA1--TO MABKET GABDENEB3, with 5 to 6 aorts of good land: Jmils from Sa station: hlto read: water available: ha purchase money Won mortgace. EABLE ESTATE OFFICE, bb. tng otTeefc.

SALFOBD. BLOOfc. Wtt-AAil "uuo1--' "tT" hirra-tenanbs: sound lnTCStmant: mortgage 800: orlce 4O0: genum lr.qulrcra only need apply. Address r. -r- rA n.n nlh ii A4, i iFCOND CHIEF.

25: well securea: iECOJA y-144 quaIan. 500. Address SIX UUXDBED YABJS VACANT IX 1.4VB np for buadlng cotugas: ae chief: law price, Tf RnBlKrX A- 11 Blactfriara Street. Manebester. law price.

i I Vm Si- Cent clear alter an 'i, Conmry VrAG'ESjnnarterllfa) freehold: no cnlef. cTvALL FBEEHOLD Detached HOUSE. 3 bed S.aded factory garden W90 sq. bedrooms, new. yds.

four rJfS muresSue country 450. on iTf or free from ohief. Full paitlcula- on pawn ai wcilef. or tree caieadle Hulme. application, w.

Bpcmm'ir 51ANG E. SALE. Detached BESIDENCE FOB 1 "tri TU. mnmiL and domestic oBcea: rjmi or 'is OOO Tarda: freehold, ne chief: well ffj stoVked with praducUve trees: moat bracing Prt in laid and stocaea imi, to a. t.

MOULT. Estate ag'aS TPrncess Street (Tfaone 507Z. dty) rr-EHOLb BOTLTCTG SITES on Ugn rrauad. with S'SS? eW bule- cf "repute taaaced. EABLE SSSttk Tff88.

King Streat. Manchester. wM.a TTaTTTBr rTimtMl r9uL WltH. odsriaio aPlot of Freehold Bulidthg Land. A.

Heaton Chapel, with Two ArS 265. Mc Quardlan." a T-TTCTftTia VAVAP TTSTAXE. 3a. per yard, free from u.r Sloa. msTeB whole or In ibav laN In great SemandT? SPARROW.

Boleston Heme. FalioTrBeld. PBOPEKTY Modern HOUSE IT TO BE BOLD inthe best districts of lLKl 275 to 2.000. H. A SON.

17, Brazennose street. nn TJCASED EUglhle BUTLDrXO LAND, enlteble for Tilkiw'- to warn and CmandStatlona. iJtRAVEB? GALK. 44. Church Street.

Lelgh- TO Sitoato at Lansttowne Bced.Cromaeall. imn years' lease to well-kaowtl firm. flJZl pernimm. ChW 6 pwjannrun. further parUeriU apply.

Ataiw A Aas 1-117. Com EX Quango JSl' 'gxEtW TiSOHS, BPBAdSS 22. Cooper Bt, 01 uio wuoio .11 diu yaroj or mire- aam, iism, ana jure, 1914. Illustrated eatiioeiiia aoouts. It ia freeho.0.

and free from chief. The j-ttl his been, (If. each) can be obtained of the Auctioneer ObSLT. In the occupation of Mrs. Williamson and her farr.iiv for over Albemarle Piccadilly, London Z8a, 50 years, and the house is well known ti the canary 1 of Chester.

The premises front CanuU- Place, th- most GIVING UP BUSINESS. portant thoroughfare in the town. Vacant jsaeslon 0. tiie CJ SHEPHERD SOX hav rwoiV hole! will be given on Completion. Ir further ir- culi-j Lv ndve receiven to the luc'or-eer, lifyweoU.

Wl'mriS? No 55 "SiS BT AUCTION or to Messrs. 8EDGLEV. CALDECUIT, at i b. 1 oil cukSS' on Tnursday next, Knutsford. Jons.


Suneri.r SPPTvr -t t-d-dv i i- xr rrrn i. MATCH. SADDLE, and HAB- ISO StI CONVEYANCE" GEABa. Sale at 11 a.m. Warranty and Trial Excur- aioii Fares to either Lancaster or Morecimbe.

Catalogues from THOS. ABALTTSTEAD SON. auctioneers. Lancaster (Tel. 678).

At 63. Pembroke Haee. Llveri. Tiiesday next. th.

16th I.T-PAci0 tt IWl' 00 mi'- bl" Repository, Hothara Street. Liverpool), aro Instructed SE AUOTON. -above "by Xji-JUfiA01 ifr. i f3 Limfted. Messrs.

Thomas of contracts with 45 Active Van and Harness a macK nuifs.ES. 6 STATION CARS, 2 HANSOMS. 2 One-horse 'BUSES. 1 TAXI-CAB BODY tXlmoualneV. 30 Seta VAN HABNESS.

30 HOBSE COLLARS. Mall Axles, Under Carriages, Springs, Naves and Hoops, Wheels, Lamps, and Sundries. These horses are in hard seji.nn.ri AnriitiAn. fwrvieeable and reliable, good workers, will be working dally up to day prior to and only sold for reason Six to nine year a oldl5to 16 2 hands. On view day prior.

Catalogue on.

The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.