FOR SALE SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE SITUATIONS WANTED MALE NATlONALCgairTlegT argwera, lo to lr, SITUATIONS WANTEimMLE COfgf-KKU WoMuTwh day'a frorll. 231 MONEY TO 10AM SeTSVs before borrowing $10 TO $300 Tha Honaaliold Flnaneg Oonmrgtloa prirrldaa AGENTS WANTED 'MTMIJi Ilea I til km wicdue, HwHnn niiwwmr': ffl ally, outfit free, work plraaaiit. nrotltahle, llirn Hod. no luveatuient. kiiii woman are WlillT high Week In anare tlma; week In full tim, rartlculare mailed rrU)ln onvolnne.
Write Mr. Young. Ainerj. 'Vn Lafayette New lark rjATjpjisjijyiALi MJAlT 10 reft (in. (iri'lmte trim bitttom.
4 ur.ic hiiifiM. nol a Arvnmtr. but It worker, marrtfrt. It -HO, Inff. HvUt rt.
Ma it It! EI (OVI'IaI. 'white, cwli nmn, f.Huntiy or lubarlm fff. A-WH, kt t. i MAMTKH WKtiiA'NIO dnlr rhngn, tpn- eoTi-rti mtchtiK nhup froIiti tIoo, tol amkinir. tovtlU taa Ulnrf, trl.
nl, Unm-flttlnji unit pis (it layout. Una furo. tt. lTlTl )VD 1,1 11- A MTtfll "Brand, new aide-line. wlU without demrill.
ftrnti flll-t. rcrauon. All metal winter enutier ir gqiulor. Regulated from dean, rite anr eoru i mtaniea. Metie rer go.uv J.
WO BOlier lfl-lHr. MRV yvr arentonetra tor jree. UTAH UMl'TI B- N. CIaik Chicago, JaUJKUKV (it the eirlnalve Iiud ggency of the famoue Lightning (alcnlator. Retalla Adda, aubtrarta, rnultlpllea.
(Cork equal, $300 Five year guar- lute, alnoi mixta proUta. Write giilik or Li offer a rxl new eelltng Pn. 110" a' i-ttlNfl CAUXLATOR COMPANY. lt. It ilH Hapia " ijaj, ii'i iui luiii-n i.tviUt wanted lancae.
dalely large Eaatain gcat onalttr llnafvrl and hosiery rnuat 'Maiiablf of developing and controlling ecny direct Mloa force tbia terrltorri pnealbll-IIm $10,000 upward yaerlvi every ao-opera-t-fm given. Wrlla Mr. Brett, Prealdent. 202 5a rttliou th it Iff' TAhVI; tha New Year right. ahl.
permanent, repeal bualneaa for ronr-lelf. Our aalaa plana and froa pramlurn olfarj aalaa aaar. Our nrtad J'arr dar Inuanhnld naiaaaltlaa In Ma dmand. Wrlta aniupl.a and purllriilati. Mllllwi dollar nr- tanliatlM.
rtallaliiH IT aa. runt U- traapnrl, M. to lio wlr. na man rtair aalllna fanmiia Htiidflkar 11-rl wauln-a, mmtt from V' pari lima. Wrlla tcKlaj.
rValcl roinpaoT, Dapartmant A S.W, Doutn fr-nd. frit opwirtmiltr for lira man "rr hara. nrllnn davlp for woman, niakaa an mala it faat Ira follow: foy tali aaanta and doiihl. riarr Inaomt. Oat fa-la biliiv.
Op Al Blaclrlo liimpaur. Indlanapolla. mdiana tiio m.kii.j nr' nnan In Plilla. aV 7.1 in Mil tha fjoraa- fwln. Tlia ool garmanl tint wl'l ia coin- 1 inu Hin 11 inuunnni 01 romr-n Kvarr woman a proapaet. nacaa.arr. Blh Aa Uora Twl 1W7 li Plu-alnnt alraat. and floor. 1 riKNTflAXKAl-iM'TfASAOKn tor artlfln wiii.n i patantaa 'V wnrltl. t'onlraila atoad (or 400.0W) II a profit or Man ri.c.., lonie RionaT 10 inTaai.
niri iiiBnild M. 10.. ol uuaranmo imai Dotlla l.lfa tonle llraa. WSJirWl Ma tirollla. V.
if. r-nl'fO pniiH Ptarl llltl. Mall OrdrTSiTtiaT 1. Plar, WIT Cortland Naw AtOOHNANT randara aarrlraa dallr, Hionlnl nd riarlv.ltaimotiiIITfll. flivf IITIHINll MAN.
raaonroafiil l.wrl,1"H rnmiirlllna hnninn lnfaral. dlract nr mall rf." pnn. Including aalca lalfara. la nnan for an-iiiBcmmit () lll. Injnlrar AHV.
noiiilon hr rouna man with 4 raara1 ai'llnil mall n'dor and ai ra! noalnaai aanarlcnca. Oood adncnlloti. no ft S4 vn if It 1 if 'i 1 1 4J0RDM-00D SAW. OAMULINK TmrniEM MOTOR BXCUAN6B. H27 3ri HT.
room aulto, overatufTed never luedi leaa than half. Oak Ijina 8H4II-J, 1 about coal: Inatal inti-rtiattonal JTT burner. $115 complete, 20 0 Blair luuitier. motor Irark delivery. Irt.ifiiinl or Olione Ponlu. HUT'MKHOLO OOOUK for aule; mu.t vactj; 6BOP HKAtt Hlnger aewing euibroiiT. ery gtlaclunenta, almnat new. 22H'j h. 40th. SEWING niachlaie, Domeatic ijortiiule, euT" I SS.
811 60th at. Call Monday. HINUEH aewtng rnachlne, drop lieu.l, oerf.cT OlO f'nll Monday. A1HI1 FhlXTINO PUKa. Hi-ll, three calllo.TIS tilie reaaonable.
K-n23. Innulri-r office PlilNTitltM' 0i4 l'enrl nre.a. condiiioT Beck. 8 N. Market I14.IHI.
nh-alcinn ai'ale. Falibanka make wT nut Jfnmltnrg Kxrlianie, lltli anrlW.lrt 11.1. IKe Pill orm geale. Falrbanka maki'. w.u nut Fur: Ii ire Kxclian' e.
lltli anil Va I ELK'S mounted, coat over I100 ia! for S2.1. i' llegheiiy 4tai. CWA1IN fa. lo y. trial riu" mild perfe.lJT
poaliaid. Suell Red tjon. loSNpTritrT'of 4-riwm like niw7w.i gacrlfli'Q. 1014 N. Hmgd at.
COMPLETE rurultiire for tailor ahop. IlouIX every evening. 130 Annln at. tAW BAN(lKs7 glightly uaed: cablneu -ow-oven tyt'oa: IIP P. -lS Arck ai, HRATI'TlS.
Inrne and amall aiaea. Ilka new Hoivnnl. 1.1HI Huaquelianna ave. PtlOL "TABLE" 4H Brat-rlaag condition full ei limicuta. $T6.
Ph. Oe-mnntim-n ir'l Caih Registers ir'X, Turkish Oriental rnirs. 10x7 and two ntt.alloufn, rfattoimhle. lill H. 11th.
MRN 8 BAirOUN "'(. MO. J. ttuWur. la a pf lomharfl ft4 OA It A pi ipment, (rrenw nnd ronalr railtT X.l!f,w 1734 N.
Brim ut. ITlTCHrTN com ranye with Mltr and rii r()iniilftt, Wlll at'll fhpgp M14 Hnrg ut, DOflo FT, white pine bonrd-, 8-ln. 84 anil Hl-ft. 1347 N. Front -t.
COl'CH and jtiahonsnv table. baraln. 851 lltli im BlOAt'TY shop flxturea and In good ai.i COAL RANOB, irood rondltiun, t3ix rpaw.Dabl, nioifuwn! BACUliildllR wonderfully hargaln, nffrtv Hvlmt town, 4(MjJ nut, Ai.t i ANTIOrB" bu.eau and ulaaa. Uunnrili. 4738 2ft Wilton 12fl Walnat Furnlliire Kohj rge.
lltli and Waa ut. BAFM, adr'lnn uifioiilnfl nnd otter ofllre'fur- LlVINd HOOM 8- also jl'ilP'M-cy cun '3 H- 1 flth st r-M-t. ASlTlAtT nliluKl'. red and gna, ffldv roff.t narfj r.oPh, A a BKDROOM KUIT. 6 pipce.
Urn also hltrhed mblnett will nc. i leaving tuvriu 1R0 N. 83.1, entranoe Herka atrpot. FURNITUHM. entire larire ant.
ln.imp, enra. pletPlv every tlitnar like npw. Smrl-rtre MOO N. Broiid Lngan: Ml- h.flM-'l. 1W6 airall niPtal aafe cabhiPta.
tiwd rmniT tlon, reuaonnble. Apply Cann Huul Hteel niff Lommeno ai. Olivpr typewriter, lute mndt bTkiq writer. Walnut. Furniture ExchanKP.
tl Walm't ata. fl ft- V. IlllTa asp8, ra.ku and marble enuntera. uliirhtly iinvd. I'eter 1414 CA.OV UTOKk a cumniete net raea and rhow will pl rpas.
befora femoTlng. Qnnke- Mtyid. IPS 8.. 52d t. BAKKHlf EQUirMBNT.
IndVdins mixer wltn motor, cheap tf aold at once. UnrkPt UuJ. 5hF.TRR CHAIH8. upholfite and venepf. tn Hood condition.
O. K. Dickinson, Lanstlala, ph. l.annd ule 83, HMA1.L pine cnr. oiiplKHird.
e-xrel. cond. othnf objeota of intereat. 7350 Hural Lam: Cheat- nnt H'll 012D. DAYTON, white coniputinn a.aie, Almoat nptf, Reaaonable, 120 Ilnddon Ua.fdrmnenl.
W. iiione, lyo Oak, Tire Wood, Pine 10 truck loada. a. FXtiErTANKtl-MORrlR OAS ll.l.NK PN'uTneX WATPR PUMPS. Rri'AIR PARTS.
MOTOR FXt'IIAN't'E. 327 N. Hit ST. X-HAY. rJdwarda dental gnatTtw for direct current, price $100.
guaranteed. L-102, Irnui'V ofn-e. Market, at. machine, demonilrator, lilt, new, guar, rare bargain. Mr.
Mueller, lilt. 07tn. tit, Ptltl A SPEARS 8-10 new improved rocking ranee, alnglo oven, fnlr condition. I'liong Biince 071)7, 15 ItAIIlU floor cclilnct. Willi li1 mid nlaca for worth limited aui'til'-: also other, on hand.
WelTa (''irloa'ty Slum 20 M. BII.K mohair, living room aullc, alao henutl. fill walnut dining room gnd hedroom anltpa, perfect very reaa. 4fi.HI N. 13th at All White Cabinet Gas Range S2, ralue $85.
Benton'a, 2601 A St. Opal late ereninga. Free deliver. ilO.50 ALL WOOL taueatrr Bruaaela TolliJ aeamleaa brand new ruxa. nan ouie Orlenul blue and tnn natterna: worth 2r.J0.
Well'a rurhaitv Shop 20 Honlh Second. AT AUCTION on Monday, at HI A. at 8S5 Arch at. I)t of line furniture, ciimeta, ruga, houaefurniahlnga, atationer.v. ir alerr, llncna.
a' ea. planoa. etc. 1. 1 ui eorfe mitt.
Enlernrlse. double hi'P. per. oi.e-half II. P.
aranuiator an i.ulver. tier, a'ao electric meat gr.n er. (nlea. oga H. both lite LIVING room ault.
Ike new 9 6 ft, handiome velour, overatnffed. loose spring cu hiona. cot $20: private home, an limeJ)j'era07CoujmbJnave1 ITt'INO HOOM ault. beat 3 pea 6 cane. Iiardaome velour.
looae aprlnt cushion-. coft $275. Private home, anf time. glera Ooli mh a 10.000 roLUINO nominated, heiivv nuliei (old-Ing ahlnnlng boace: all alaea: beat magea. Phone or aaleamau will call.
Well'a Curlosltr fhlp. B. i'd. I PlNhl r.nakrat-L'ned overctat, Pe.alim iHinh lar. cheap, wfTl earlinnga for ladr'a fur cat or diamond ring: alao man'a overcoat, ulse an.
KI.ROTHIl.' 8'POVC. 3 bJineia. lljlli'i .1" r. r.ignni wi eei ranernible. United Slioe Jlnchlflcr.v Corporg, tlnn.
S21 N. iat'- at. CASH tiRlilHTKIIS 121. Natl'-nnl Elec. cheol thrweia: mghoganT Knln for quick aale.
Phone Monda.v, walnut SS7I). or Write W)tnMlrerMnrkettrecL $1T BO lTlTiH giade Wllt velvet. lt810l aeamleaa ruga, wonderful quality, ai Sml make biwilt. old ro nnd Ch neM Piitte na, worth $38.00. Well'a Curloalty BI HIII IW'ru, II.
TA1 LRU for reatgnranta. white c'a a $11. enamel ton. llentworat chalra. wg make tublea to order, any alue guy tyle.
I'HAIB BXI'nAN'CE. for. Hth anil Bice $1.10 PUR YARD, Wilton b.anl nw hall and atalr carpet, extra he.ivy tali tl beautiful Thine old roe and blue $2.50 yard. Open Thura. and Bat.
evea. Well'a rlo-lty eUmn, -M I OFFICE PART1TTON New gnd aecondhand oak gnd oinhogawl ATA'Vlo. 8d and MMlaTjtK. tDoOO 111 Bile Wilton icivet fl2 leaa. brand new larire aclectlon, haaj.
aome Janane.e old roae aud tnupe patternj, worth 47TiO. Open Tlii and Snt. eica. Curloalty Ic-ond PrintAfa Oolta 12x18 Art rrimers jmn. 8si2 r.
ions Kew Serlea Miller Unit. Si" Bmj-n Carver. S4" Oawego. 2S'' Paragnn. 12 and 1'4 Wire Btltchera.
Multiform haw. Si" Perferntor. Tvpe all nnnllea. rllA NKLIK 14 Cherry St. Household Furniture complete.
$18: bnreana. $10: rocker. $'-: cl.ef. fooler, $10; dining room 'T pctg IWV y'd. wardrobe.
1S: Wicker 0 P'C. let MS; aldeboard. $10: buffet. $2.. and i thouaimd other artlclea at half real value.
nurcn. rain nmi OPFII'B rURNlTURK for utile cue laigr "f-dee table, one top (teak almnji new. amall flat top deak gnd amall orflce table si chalra. office partltiona nl ng cabinet aa'e nearly new. Reiaonnhle price for Quid aala to Individual piirgliaaer.
Continental Cnaunlty (132 eve BI OllTPARTTTlONS AT A ORPMT FOR A HIIORT TIME gfl.UU In Stock. Penna. Woodworking Co. Kll AND 028 WALNUT 8THBET Walnut 'VtllLiiiA typewrTters L. C.
SMITH Standard keyboard, h'll bearing. 10-day free trial. 1 year rt BUNDY TYPEWRITER CO, 100.1 CHrSTrtUTST. Vgl. SSjit.
TYPEWRITERS Portable a ui auig iitt dim TERMS $1.2.1 I'Klt EEK tl.L STA.NBAIID MARI S. DP Typewriter Co. 1029 Chestnut St. FURNITURE BARGAINS" 8-pe. American walnut dining aulta, 5fl.
f-pc. American Wutnut bedroom aulta. Tg. Velour and tapeatry living room aulta, 5 aa. Heavy Simmon, bed.
Including apringa, a Roll-edge cotton nigttreaa. a. Kitchen rablnete, $15 op. Ruga, bureaua, vanity dreaaera. bofteta.
a brary tablea. vrti ker furniture. day bade, refrlgeratora. breakfaat fiirnltgrg and jiumerona bgrgolna. Open evenlnga.
a. PnoSES- LOCUST 'SB: ltArBP3 Contlnuad on Noxt Pit It Ton AM nBf liiwur -a, u. TITI'lIlT ANI CAI'AlllUTJf, I'i iliNOOfiAI'llllB, ranld. A a. titm ulrl.
dea. tloing, WUTtt to D. r.aa at Fhong(irn(lan Bf BifWIBAIlfcR. IS" rein leoaltlim. refer.nca..
Phong I'nplar gTKNIXiHAHIKH. dealrea ftm ITnt.i i.l. IiiiLCfrj-M'tSS'-ii: ITkNOO. gnd'gaalainnt mod. gaXT eieellent refa.
IMmna Kit. HOX0. anKNWiliWKrTgn'fl tvlilat itaalrag pngitlu. ing worgar uniunimii iron. wall aduoatadi ain.daalrea perm, poa.
Oat tJine 2A7H W. TKNOiiBAPfifB ifnowl. of fcjjigeaplng. ST MjradTji M.iaal. Mlrhlgaa 0710.
TWO OKIiliiAN LADfES apaaklng Kngllah, nr. want together vlara m.nealiig liouaehaapar, rhlld'g Duraa. chambarmgld or waltraaai no lanndr. nn fonklng. OIg par-tlmlara to Uoattilier, lit Baltlowra Oat-trabnrg, I'g.
TWO colored woman wlah work ot anr tlnd. tlljwgjannajriraai TYUrtT, if eaia' giparleiK'g. wlahea perma nent lainonj fTfiBI'. atenograpliar. gan.
offlea work. 4 Jfg. oaairea puanioa. WXifBBVT taa rSra. whiu, refJnad.
daairaa mra, VS. touat BtlW. WaiIKML aip- eol. lor houaawork. hall tlma.
rara. ill n. ioin traat. VA.N'TKD Knrelonea to addraaa bg typewrltar at noma, I'erfert work. Addreaa H7I.
lo-onlre- offlca, Markat atrgeX WANTKIe-Mewing of inr kind of noiiaeworg 1 WOMAN, ooinred. aat and raliabla. wlaliaa liaht houngwork or plain cooking In good amall fgmllrt glaap 011I1 no gunilajai rar. arenca. I'l'ona I'oplar 16U9.
Solid Iiirngr alraaf, noa ar, amgll adult lamllr. light houaaholtl dotloa, honia gnu amall wagira, po wunurr. pui il'jt lf- ann urean na. vT0MAN, young colored, wfhea day's work. 1.
arl Alllnag- In mmooA fll7fl. AUSfl A rch street. WOMAN, elderly, wlahea light bou ework: rrnaiA hnitia, iitWtnf'a tn hlaVh vra era: no mall WOMAN, mianie-agea, rennea, trungeniHi. position of companion or nurae, small Co ra pe sat on- t-lW, qiig, joarariai. WOMAN, canable.
dea. poa. aa prac. attrag or companion for aged people. Dlatanca I'Htfs, nquirerorm-ej VtMAN.
wlahea half time Utindry work to nn iia- noma. ra. or wriio. fo an weeg WOM AN, colo ed, wanta iob. as cook i-nd downataira work, uooa reia.
ppiy 102 nw Hohart street. WOMAN wants cleaning, private or publ.c, re "4 rkr a ve Parby, Ta. fVOMAN. roRrvd. day'a work Tuea Wed.
4c Ph Hun. lav. fohimbfa 2fkl. vVcTmaN dealrea work any kind, loil N. Camac ii MAN.
wanta work by the day." 1713 rontatn at. rnone coiumoia in, WOMAN, dei. dining room, oantrr. t-leen In. C.
2322 Fltwater at. WOMAN, colored denlrea wtion. general worit; gouq CO'K. iajtioru crra, WOMAN, colored, wanta general houeewoik, 'wTiMAN. colored, wlahea day'a work, any atnd, nest rer.
rnone 1 i.erBwiiwi, colored, wanta ndie wush to Uke WOMAN, colored, wanta reneval housework. Plain goop rer. ipb aJianuuw. b. xjl' i iff wanta rnoklns or Bfen.
jwiaeworkllW. Maater 3d tjr. back. WOMAN, colored, desires poauion dv wwi or tune. irvir-LH WOMAN, white, wanta poaltlon cleaning.
I to 4. M-yi, inquirer iuarag at. Woman, colored, dea. work. to 4.
lauadrr cleaning tn ailtlltrna. uvarnmoa. ina v. WOMAN, colored, wlakog wn-Ji hf waek. Minnie wawn or na it timo.
ww. iuq'hw. (IM AN. colored, wnnta amall hiindle waah to tnke hotna good Inunilreaa. flfllS Filbert at.
tyl .11 AN wnnta waiiln and l.onlng two dayg I weeg. Bherwood WflHAN. egjored, wgntg -lima Job. morn- liia cllwall night. 1.11 N.
Mti at. WOMAN, colored, wlahea half-time or day a wnrk. Tall all WOMAN, colored, wlahea houaework. cooking aleap In. nn la midrrJ 4ll N.
10' afreet. WOMAN, colored, dealrea day'a work wgalilng MJiomJIrnaWTJjntJl; WOMAN wlaiiea waah to taka home by thg doaan or l.u nil la. Apply 222T N. alat. Woman, twloivd wlaliaa cooking and down- atnlra work.
723 Bo. nth ai WOMAN, colored, wlahea halt or lull time work. 1IHI3 rnge at wanta day'a wnrk. Inundraa, cleaning, Ore, fitmil 1012 8n. Ilorrani-e.
WOMAN, wiilte. wnnta part time or daf'g work private r2u in. nnn aireei. XVOMAN. white, wantg daya work.
rafg. Pop lar 7S77. 1HH I'oo'ar atreat WOMAN, colored wlahea wnrk. gftarnoong rn. roiumlila znnn.
nil nicnoiaa at. ibi. nr. WOMAN, colored, wl.hea par, tlmg of daT'a work no wa.litng. (lr'nU 3.Wfl.
Woman, col. wnnta four dan work or part time, laoa w. rawn atraat. WOIIAN, colored, cook, no laundry. glMp In.
I'M N. intn VniitAN. Oannan. wantg waahlnf or cleaning. tw oirnrd grenng.
WOMAN wanta wnahln home, bundle or dog. Ho an nnen o- tron-n n' in i-e-n Woman, colored, wlaliaa day'a worn or br the week. 2S4S Turner t. WOM -a. day wo k.
flrat rgg laundreaa gnd cleaning. lV-i-Ma immw. WOMAN wTaheg laundry work gt horng. 8B29 I'en-elton nra. WSSTXN.
colod. gcttled wlahea light hnuag dntlarjolatind. alecp In. 4411 Falrmniint, WtiMAN. tlerman.
wnnta houaawork. daytlmg cnlr. Mra. IC. Me.l.
1HIB jndn Jtreet. WOMAN, colored, wanta waalilne by (ha dogen at noma, nn'o itareanreei, WOMBN, twn. ci lored. ona waiting on chalj-borwork. otnar ecmklng nnd dwnatal-g wo-k.
icen QIH, irfO r. rawii TofWO colored clfla want rjoaltlnna together. minaeiTorw. i VoiiNO nllil. dealrea waltl-g In teg room or nonaawn g.
pia in rooa n. ignt cleaning, ure.on iwm, Irlah girl recently grrlred dealreg poalllon, chanihermald ft wgltreaa, willing to learn, phone Poplar aaiw-it VOl'Nli WOMAN, 27. well-educated, relined, relinnie won iniuariTe. people, lujiervlalng. telenhona P.
B. x. etnerieni-e with large manufacturing plant, aelllng abllltr. nfllce dc-tgll dealrea anW-J wiiere conaclentloua effort la rewarded w'tn gilrnncenient aa merited: referancea. te.inlrer YtirNft WOMAN, bualnea, giiiarlence.
well ertitcntert. energetic, uaairea iw inon nnnortunltr and ability to delWar the goooe will bring financial reaulla. Hare car. Mnat alale nrop. lly In letter tot Intertlew.
T-101 inquiraf ornce. Mragt at. ttrit, AM tUenatne nreonallty. neat, refined, aoma bualneaa nuallflcatlona. dealreg pnaltion aa companion, aaalat in ualneaa capa.
hie managing home and children, can d. Ire car, fnrnl'h A-l ref, Ie10. lnoiO'er. Mrk-t a MOWY TO LOAM MONEY TO LOAN TO WOllKlNUMKN ANp iloVrEKEEl'B9 HOME 11LYKI18 LKOAt. RATF8 BONDFID, LICP.N8ED 120 T(l 'I00 Tlnrrow trio, pay back 11.00 mnnthly Borrow 7S, pay Iwk -0J monthly llorrow ln).
pay hack fO.OO mint Ttorrow 2(iO. pay back i-' nunlhly Borrow ImO. Iv hack 12.00 oontlilr on principal Prlrnte Ofllcea anil tlontl.lentlnl Iann Oall. wrltg or. phone moot cofenltnt offlee.
National Loan Society 1020 Chestnut St. Wal. 2349 5141 Market St. Gran. 9274 2648 Germanf Av.
Dia. 0491J ALL OFriCKrJlONrl)OH FRONTS LOAftS UP TO $300 courteTy'InS'service all. wrltg or 'phone tnt full partlcnlarg Tk6WrdANiBc5fla 801 Denckla Bide. Walnut-3683 N. W.
Cor. 11th Market Loans to Auto Owners Car Betoalna la Tor Pnaaeaalon Ijeg-al Kate. No Bed Tang W. W. COR.
I8TH VINR 8T8. r.att A Cnnfldenllal and money, game day nf application! you keep car while paring tie, open every dar In the week. Baturdar Included, on- CISCO I'NT AND 8AI.R8 COBPORATION tin City Centre 121 Broad. Lnenat (H.Vt and 451. Baca lta7, CASH TO AUTO OWNBBS Without vfylng Pi, p.aeaalon of Car.
Jio Had iapa. igui bakea. Amarican Auto I'lnau. a o. 1(1! Ifith at.
Rltt. ZMTT. 110.NKY tOANKU T() HOVSEKBSll'ltUS nn to 800 dollara on Mtrlctly confidential Plan KRT08 F1NANCH gin roa MONRY tiOANISU on mtgea pergonal proper-tr." atocka, ponga. gntomorjllea. jioo ghold gooda la afnrage.annuoltlea.lncomea.helra to n-aattled eatate.
or Inierea'a boaght. bdg Inan ao. booka. 8. 12th.
CASlODVAlCEB MONRY TO LOAN Payable 82 pgr 8100 at. to prep, own-era on note or mtge. 8un.Cjm. 24 8. Jlh.
Km. 80t. 8tockton Bldg. Take lorn. 7tlr.
lO COViM all co-ta of Icing. Rapgr week-rir. 2 per 810O Kellr. 1.1th it. 8fIwnea Bltlenhonae 08-'7.
Race il, MONEY loaned to heira of anaettled ealalea: lutereata bought. F. P. Mnrtln. 723 Stephen Olranl 21 JJint'g-! UONBY for unaettled eatgtea.
B. A iKWkallelra Realty 2.13 8. Blh at. MONKY for unaettled eatgtea. mtgea.
B. di L. hooka. Helra Realty 2.M H. 'h at.
UONKY lonm-rt to responsible clients. Apply enecg aytern. gjig mge, wi in. 0.l!LANii range and broiler, ilaaa ron- dltion. glial, so, w.
juniper ai. OViKiOAT. A-l eond Irory inlok hot point, elec. heater. Cal in2 -rley at.
L1VINO room ai.l library table, oak, ail nlerea, Apply iQT.a w. BKA8S ld. full alie and aprlng, good N. nroaa at. icVN white top gtua.
tablaa. good condition. Ullll OO PLAYER elino ll'ttio uaed- Victor Ig. alge mnat aell goon. Call gfta.
N. T'h. CONTRAlTOKS. ami, 10.
ooM ureene tiermainown. lareg.aHer, acaleg, grinder. utcner thegg. ooi. 0020.
CVinu fasten a'01 new and 2d-CnOW ijaSeB ntna cheap, isa N. Hth. I.IV1NO rm ll. relvet. egc.
cod nrlv. Awner B758 N. Marahall. Ml-b. Tlriv Cinri'nrra alngle beda.
Call ijox springs Hnwoa mo. OAK dining turnltiirn. gale. Vm N. stlllman il20-i riAMONt) RTNli.
nerfeet. bea. ti-fuj eoir val1 2QO't. R'eder'a, 121 Mtrget. STrFPKD canarlea, maater workmanehlp.
arner N. 1st" -r VIOLIN outfit. $1S. Including leaaona. Prom- VTCTOR Vlctrola.
pd. 27 laat (rear A 60 "n-eatVktorrecorda. $wl) tor gll. Dig. pTfiNITPBr! of 12 roomed home, aell cheap.
22 1 N. Hth at. RATIONAL caah reglater. perfect, coat $430, aell leaa than half 0101 B. flXTtrRltS.
cigar alantbTi cg-dy caae conn-t wall 'aaejieajBIIB N. Darlcn. SLiariTLT ued cabinet gag rangea. regg. Amur innn ci; niii NOVEltr" Kitchener range.
Norelty A-13 htr. g'wl yery reaa. llfl W. Loi'an rt. LIONEL elec.
train oitfflt with elec. II cl*tert earn. ST. Call 2211 W.roarl at. WANTKIl I.iytng anlt S-n.
orer-atiifled. Stgta price part cnlara. 8021 N. nth at. fi'AK IirfFHT for gate.
Pioua Buaflcton nlsirj. LI I NO RM. handome Inr-re mnnalr an looa cuah. a-. g'l coat "KV Ar.
waj. dlnrm. ault. Paaler. Harree.
BOli Rae LAIlIRrl' beant. fiir trim, coat. 4f) to HO. Alao handsome dreaaea. Cheap.
Call Jefferann DKHK. oak, accounting, with chair, wnrth new, low prlre. Room 401), No. 112 10th at. Telephone Bltt.
7nm, COMPI.RTB maternity hoajiltnl etinipment, large gaa aterlltger nnd operattng table. Call Sun, or Mon. B14 Walnut at. SlMiR. 8 amall, Imnorted: natural caracul fur cont, kollnakl collara.
cuffa and trlmmlnggl realcjiean: 1M32 Mt. Vernon. HKMHTITOHINO machine, finger, with atand and A C. "a machnte and oak counter, H222 Oermantown. DIAMOND B1NO.
bli.e-wii.i tone, lady will anrrlfiie, coat $170. Sail (or ,05. Quick buy. can woodland U7W.1-H. STOREFIXTURES tnjk need Jig JtoiJap.481a!l gtj FUBNITL IIH.
new atyle. beautiful llying, dTn- ing ana nea pw 1.1, b. B.C. Ph. Oak Lane 10' 0.
Hra. Levy, If 4a V. H7tli ave. LI MPIETK act mnhogany cigar atore fliturna aiao warnrnoe. ena ear act, oure.
ten ion tahlea. mlaaton ainta, day beda a beiia. I 1 ard toraga olS Olranl. l-II. P.
Otto enaollne engine and complete electrical outfit for farm, lni-1. generator, batter-lea, awltchboard. no renaonabla offer re-fuaed. Ph. Ambler 275 or Blttenhouae 87IM).
HEAVV quality Aimlnater S.810.0 brand new ruga, pretty Oriental tun pntierna. worth 140.00. Open 'fliuraday and Batuider arenlngii; Well'a Curloalty Bliop. 20 B. 2il.
TV iiruu l1'tlirPn, tiitite Cm una new coli- alltlon. with case, 2.1. AIo. Rnral In ftiic rondltlnn. $20.
and Oliver, Model no. glo. Wiimlu or evcnlnia. 3 ml N. 1-llh at.
ifrv iMri. mm, range wild fowl gun 12 80 Inch, cont IM. glint 10 tlmea, aell IM caali. call uranlte om. alter 7 Ri 101IU chance to acoulrg the wonderful Snr-age waa' er, at a aharp redaction.
Uaed only for Fully guaranteed. Mr. Uual- ler, aiaraei at. glPAIR Ice akatea. all allea, ladle and alao aknlea and ahoei i cligjp; big ee-lectlon.
fineat mnkea. Open Thura, and Sat. ea. Well'a wnop. n.
ai. tVirtf inrr preaaea, Chandfpr A I'rtce, Oold-XHIltiilK Uig9i untveraala, hand A powaf papr enttera. wire foldlnif tnarhlnea. Kelghtmi, B19 Outhbert at. lam.
71.7a. REFRfCERAfdRS" Suitable for hntchcr, hotel or reataprantt good condition. at. BEDROOM SUITS I12R, rglue l.173i floor anjnidea. Henton'a reclaimed fnmlturn Htorea.
1QH4 Kena. ava. nivivr: onr sfnTs Large French Walnuta, 111 nlacca, llOOl gome 190. BKNTON H. A Bt.
USSO REAJII-BSS 12, all wl tape BruageN gi. pretty Oriental blue and tan battet n. ellghtljr uaed. coat 185. Well'a Cliri- oe'tr ji i.
"i imDWllTlATRS. 90c UP Theatre Phalra, T5c np. Iramcillnte dellrerr. CHAirt ExcrtANQR, cmt, OTii BAety SHOW CASES floor raara, ahelvlng wall cgaeg, it. I d'aplay tee p.xea..
niei. t-n c. win 124.50 Kenmleaa bra new high pile Aimln-ate- (12 Alex Smith make, beat. Chlncae tan and blue patterns, worth M0. Alao 1(100 other rug.
and carpeta. Well'a Curl-oal'T Shon. 2i S. 2d at. "MTLLTNERY IIAt CASES New and aecond hand.
onk and manoganr. Hat atnml ch. an. 'iaMca. rnlm.ra.
BF.nxnFlM. 3d and Maater. 115 50 SEAMI Er) Aim.O null brand new ua extra hcavj high pile qunlttr. Alol. Rm tTi make, beaut.
Chinese tnn and old roae natterni. worth .10. Open Tlr'ra. and Bat. erea.
Well'a Khnn. 20 g. 2d. SHOW CASES 10 Jewelrr Boor ceaea, 8 hand eageg. 21 gther allia.
All geconil -hand, rhegp. BEBMIKIM A SONS. 315 Maater St. FIRE ENGINE Motor driven pumper, suitable for amall town. Charlofl L.
Thomta, 1208 Warl borough at. Regent 4.U'3. Be R.U HMuslc rolls, HH-nu 10.1HH) to ne-lect. Alw Victor, Col vnbU. Kiliwin dlc rhoid 2.V each.
We play them. Also any atyle cvlindpr rerord cheap. Well'a Curloalty I' on, IV wpron I.AUOEST STOCK IS PHIT.A. Itr.VOl vlvo CHAIR1 AT IIA' 1'BIC'' OAKWOOD CHAIR MFG. CO.
HYDRO EXTRACTORS Tolhurat extraftora. 40" baaketa, Hclmum A rtM nifir r4 inch baaketa, ennlne-drtven; laundry extrn tore, 80 lucb VhTWW! m8 w. WH ST. BUTCHER STORE or $2: ment block. Htdeeway meat refria-ft'-nfor, $100; hutfe dtmr m'rrof top, M0; bean arale.
C10: Fairbank (loo ap-'le, KtO; delh-Mteaaen ft. floor rofritferatof. $78. Cnh re Inter, computlnft acalea. Old Church, nmi Cherry atreeta.
Old Church T7. R. We will fumlab your home or apart ment. your office or place of bualneaa, ynnf atore, ahop or factory at price far below value. Our gooda rebuilt and reflnlabed and perfect condUiim, See ua about It.
om) ciitMtcn, iirrn a enrngt storetftxtures nrpmoEnATons nRfRlflEH ATnn DISPLAY CASKS WAI.KElt BINS OKOf'EUT PIXTCBM BCAI.ES 8I.1CKRS MEAT MI.OCKI. RTC. In fait erervtbng for complete groearg. delicatca en and meat maraetg at Wweat Dricea: new and TERMS IP IlEHIRED Whr tint trv an old reliable Orm who atand kaia of ererrthlne ther Milt B. T.
RANDALL 881-881 H. IP. BARBER'S NOTICE! Kocha hydranllf rhnlra, 13 dea'tna: mirror caaei, all kind, cheapest and beat to select from; n'Tolvinst and wooden polea all aiaeai ele'trlc eilppi'ra and vibrators, front himd electric to Inrite pedeatuli water bctxteri, washt.anrfii, 4owl tr I ahcare, Amerhan and Imported: eomba, 00 at.v(; bnrbcra' conta, at. 7a. Uhit brcaar and hair'-uttlnf clothe.
Supplies of all deiicriptlona. Write or phone your order. Itn-medlHtt delivery. 1o C. jlenltg, fi.1a Arch tit.
"100 SAMPLE MATTRESSES" Mostly felt, dome allk floaa. A few hair, all alma and evt-ry one a real baraafn. Taking Inventory at the factory and to clear away the odda and ends we have marked them at coat or leaa. ao here'a your chnnca to aret a sood mattrtaa at the coat of a pact one. Phone ordcre filled while they laat, THE RED CORNER Ave.
necond-liaiKl eountero. ahelf las. Ubb'H made to urderPLANg rftES. Millinery Wall Cases Mirrors, Dressing Tablea Cigar Store Fixtures Office Pattttti'fta and Tablea, Laaeft Co ntera aud Htoo. DRUG STORE FIXTURES BERNHEIM SONS 14UI-aV6 N.
THIRD SI. Corner Mi CAhH REGISTERS Largest Dealers in the World of Second-hand Cash Registers LOWEST PRICES We guarantee aell you a better Caab Retrlater for leia money and on lower terma than any other concern In this city. All ftealRtera ffiiarantcefl. Tr National Cash Register Co, TUB ONLY OFFICE IN THR CITT 730 CHESTNUT ST. Phone Walnut 0465; Main 7334 COOK.
I'lilnaaa. ain. In Amarliaa rooking, da- a Aimly IIM H. t. Cook-ijiiiri'd oriiar or dfiitiar cook, tlHik.
ai." roniiiriiclion ant. camp. fir. jorryf dinner tlub M. Inl.Markat at.
foliK. NloMli wlahaa "poalil'oB in hra orilnr or OJn. COOK, coforrd. "il.alrea wokr, A IT" Kdward liav, rimne kvk. ns.
COOK Ool. ail round ap. rapanio of pro- durlngjraaiilu. rrfa, FnJ'nfi. wiah' 'raratkra poalllon.
'iod lif. Jlna'-and rmployadT tlWKCTlviiirroiiinf liil, tralnarnnar prlnt xlJart. daalroa poalllon wttli local ngancjr. irallant rfW SlL i bliAn HMAN. in riitai't.
"diawlin and d.aln. of hoiiiia. raaa.L pract.r Jnij alktat. BllA('nilTMA?" wlaj'iaa po "TiloV Id raara anporlenra. M-fitH).
Inoiilrfr ofnca. DKlidll-B. 'daa! Ia "aiwrTanraii. A 1 raf- arancaa. fanan'a of niaiiaulnA atore, F1U.I.
Markat alract. liiiriOrWri. wanta "railaffor Hat. and Kuinlara or Hat. or Kun.i rat.
A lu. inqniriT, Markft at tijlflUH Haflaiarod manaaar. SO raara' clialn atora aioerlanca. oiwn for nfialllon at enca; A rafarmrj. II Jimnlror offlia.
Dlfr'0-n. M. daaira'a fnuiif Inn. Ill faara' prarllral aiparlanca. Mail rafarancaa.
Hn2, Inoiilrar ofrlra. ra bltlTllH-rirat rrar, V. P. aluifi'ii'l, 1 yaara' aiparlanra. ijTl.
In.nlrr. Harkat at. BliriiK lir A "WaVia tliiira. I. refer, call Vol IDIIIH.
mall dcalraa poaltlon. Bam Hotiingona, pnono itaring i-m. tilt M.Tlf yaara' good ali around rlV. Call Mavauaon KjOK ITllt UrC anil Ittndgjr. I iiMI'OH 11 rcfaraiica, apcaklng Pollah.
II fH InOulrarjilTIca, Market Iiiii'Hr It. "colored, pria ripilon front fnn os- li." M. waiita ataadr poalfloii. good raf. Mlddht ag.
I. i. Irwt. Mgrkat gt, M-T'll rap. of mangl dei.
ponlllon. HI. lini'iircr. 1 pjijuiajQ, a collna irudnala, aaparlancad, 01 iiiialtlon Jnrkaiin OlMT-i Kl ECTIIII1AN nri with 11 veara' contlnimiia atparl- C. and A.
t'. mnkaa ma ra miliar wlfli operating and main PUi.veil nnl wjnt bailor poallloB. Wk), Inq. off tl.BCTKICIAN "wania ranalila taMnii cliarao coiiatructton or mglnlcnuncg. HI, It.iylrer.
Jlaiket al. Kl KI'TIUI'IAN'H holpar. roung (Irrman, wanta atart, willing worker, flltaDUa Knltlah. neat, T. H12.
Inquirer nfllcn. Kf Tllli JAN dca. poa. malnti nancg nr coo troclJ.iB. 1Q erjniefi.
NorilatownjailoJ, TiTKV'ATOIl onariitor or porter work, wiihag tan. In ofHi. hlilg. Add. 708 Franklin.
tXKVATIW oiiarnlor or Janitor, wlahga pi.a. N. Van I'alt at, JOLKVTiili'lAN, maintcnjima, llglu or powaf wiring, MclWmlck, Hliarwoml 111711. kNIllNKKlt f'lvll. ginart gtirveynr, familiar with gll brinichaa municipal atiginaarliig.
daairea to makg permanent connection with reeimnalbla Arm baring beadituartera In or m-nr at eel lent rafg. HI In. I no 1 rer Mnikatat. 12 atearnan3 gaa, con do alactrle wiring, ateanifltliiig, now amtitnyoil gt nlirht but want da work. Il-A Inquirer offlca.
rnrket at. ENINKicirilranaioir wltb'aV'fra. nan. deatfeg iHialiliin taking ulnirKa, can ilu reiiairtng an'i firing tr necaoanrr. I'll.
Columbia H5U.1. at. 8- 7tl alraat. KMIINtKit, ilcanacd. wliliea do own lir- Ing.
jreara' pip. afenm. alectrlcal and ri frig. A raf. N.
Illtll at. I.ocu Al Jl pnaltion. aiw3 wldo amierlenca. accept iilalit or alllft, A I I'hntloWooiIlaiid 4rt70-J. colored, do own firing, dea.
77 Wyalnalni are. Allegheny Phlladalplila fommarclal liouae moving to New York, ilcelrea aacura for blablr valued, tru twurtliv emnlovea aerv-lug lu rear. a. allien executive am! general niiiniikur, poaltlon wild giaiil progroa Ive I'lilla. iiotlee.
Itaa aiilciiillil Initiative unit gem-mi gbllty: hard worker; blgiilr. Jt-lut, Itmuirar ofllca, Markat al, IjXPOitf man. fully ai-qnainled terma, pond. ran. trade In Honlh Central Amar-Irn, Mexico ami Anllilaa t'aoabia organlilng and taking full charge, ntart amall aalgr, al are carnlnaa.
Infyilrer ofllce. FAlnT" MANAOEIt. aalala r.r i-ominereTal. available after I'eb, Ifl. Amrrtcgu, married, gga 411.
thoroughly cineilauced genernl farm-tug. dairy orchard, 11 prnaent Since, farm aold region for chgnga. Hot 7, lerrliai.tvllla N.J, gardener. mi'tliHe-ngeil l-roteatant, no clillil-cn. axperlenced vega-fnhlo gnrilen, lawn, flowerr aiirobnerv.
lo liorMO. eiiwa. noullev. avnllalile nflai- Mar. 1 IPHfl, praacnt p'aca yeara.
rafetancaa from prevent emolover and former emplnver If i-iimfortiihla rottaga and good aviary. ii. .1. fioa g.n. nrvn wawr.
i-a. fa trier anf aon "wlah prwiltlnn' tlHirniigiilj rii. to take full cliargt. SlU N. 17th it, Vl HJoSlAN or wattTiroan wlalifH pnttttlon: rT.
M.l,lralaid.., Mt. Varnwn OA AUB mnnaior, dca. 10 eara ai Jprlfnce. fiflA kmn at. OAHONNKU A "hoiiai'iiiati 1 rea Ion" irallrNl I'tparlpncc In all hraruhea, Rotid N-174.
liniulrrr, Market at. UAifi.ri.r,i or anruf-ni-r a a i utnnt. I (IKN'I. OI.KIIK. enrrp pondt-nt.
8H, If wniit oTia. mod ('ait aiiiary, ad dr Hnydap. H51fl VniidrkB t.L I'lilla. IlKAtT WAITKiC club, riMtanraiitT 1 u-'" i'l' rht t. iT'T'MlOM AN, iTarfur' In ti "Wrt nf "nrJ 'l'-'J Jj.
.124 Bltliat JfANlTOlt wantw tMMiuioii "a-i "nfgt nv jan 1 1 i Mo f1 I'h town 2hh. JAMIi'H, tolnrcil. wntita work, nlfht job or 3ANiT()ii. lion einnn, ntiddtf-iiirpd white. victor LIU HT colorciC man wlahra poaTtlon na iKirtftTr tfllrnnn or hua ro.Tl 8.H0 (mharliie.
Lo. i vi h7 a ii ai''na. raVlliar with it II wnrk, for weave room. At provmt tlniH have rliarita of a weave room. B-IM5, IiMtiilror "rhca MA CM IN tHT.
SI 1 Ten r-' rx on tenTfal work. noBltlon on ancnj ffrada nf wurk In mfr. conrarn. tiiliillnt nnd rcnnli-lntr their L'1 MTrfil'NIHT. elderly, hu "tier." wanta atVadr ave, MAt'HlVmr, factory and "Rlnit isim maliile- at, Tl AITKNANrifl "MA n' to liandle nialntciianre wo.
for fm tnrv, mill or plnnt. Taklntf rtiarae of any nr nil auiomatlr, electric, niuiu-puitlc and utenm-drlvan machine" Machine fbyii practice, woodwnik, ah t. etatlon inunu. aiilonio(lvt, teMtlle, d', Jig nmi t'ol. Willing to locate anr State.
C-74, ft'lir-ff. i MAN AND WIKK. UrBt-t-laBa butler, RiiRlNh, and flral-cliiBH cook. Crcnch, dcalre pmitlnnt tneihr. In nrlvate fumllv.
fan furnish the yprv heat of rceincei, N-DO, Inquirer office, rknt al loct MAN WirR. white no famllj', take full charutt country ratnie. or farm, man vericd nn all modern machinery live atock, wife maid npatalra. cook, gu anywhere, Il-Att, Itm. MnHict atn-ct.
it 3ri, JlritUh. wIhIicb noaltloh at cliiiiiftf'itr And hdiisenitin: handv with toola: nn-Icratiiiula all hen Hub: mid minor rennlrn: A-l lercrcnc Breritt Comatock, 7M) H. lUth t. I'honc Mtiru. 1117.
MAN WIKK wlxh mialllon na l-ong nnq irk. ran irnlali diumI hutler, willing to wm nouinern rer, write or all h. nruwu, mai MAN wIhIipb position, expertenred oii" InittaiTa-tlon and BdiUKtimnta on luduatrhil and do-matic ana annllnuceai mul tneclninical drawing, Jlvp. '''f ,4 1 1 1 1 a In tj at MAN, wh'te, 4.1. wislies poa, aa fireman, vftfe.iniaii let ti.
or nrwtcr, nrcf. hn'd or soft loal. Tall or write r. Morti, ItlU 'a ina at aft, MAN nnd wife. eol.
dr'B. do i. houaamaa hnuffour. conk and mal.l; aevtrnl etu. together, reus wngea.
U71 Alder St. MAN and wife, colored, climil "fetir. houaeman. cook, uuine or maid, young, reflm-d couple, dea. ref.
Kuuwlton. Locust MAN, colored, deslrea iiosltlon, Oretnan, janitor, office or upiirtnient handy 111 minorj-epstrs. ef IN'-'U (ierrltt at. MAN. middle axed, hnndr with carpenter'toolH also other tools wlahea position, atcady pref.
MAN desires position, esp. repnlrmati of electric wnshrra, vacom cleaner, rnnnaet and 'n1' Mrket at. MAN, 55, givid education, dcnlrca nosttlnn cashier, elerlcal. anr llal.t woik, uood referenca. T-jH Market MAN, 110 yesrs, Viigh aiiool, sneak, rend, write French, Hernia n.
Italian, Hpaulah, Kngllah. atj MAN, 8N. fine at flaures and discounts, wltMiea -Tenhig poaltlon two ntiuts a week. c-8l, offlctSlarket at. X1AN, etiiored, wltii wife, de true position 'a STAN, colored, wants pus.
as porter, gniHl ref, siin jnjt 'inn i.cxiititTt. MAN. iit. wanTfl'work Hu'iidiiyarwaih- innn or envtHng. r-Hfi? lug ilrer office, MAN wnntK store or anv kind of work; ref- Ui7 North Slat street.
MAN. desires poa, at wittehman. night or MAN' a'nU V'lFBwia'i" houseWoVk. auburha cliy. atreet.
Iff. A -a t.V. I'e. fTT. r.
and' maid, live li or out Hlhert 31-! MAN" sltgip, WHnts clertral or inalile po- ej ret Uh 'eA Mi8, JnqoffM" 1 TlAN, elderly, fa' very liandy. dcarinaide J'J Jj. MAN, while, liHiniy at anytiiTiig. "waufapoir, r- leopard at. MAN -Colored, desires nfglit work, hell or cleaning.
He a. Preston fil2n-M, MAN, -lured, dea. noa, in nrlv. house-t jtnan or Janitor, fall 1W. aft, ,8 f.
M. MAN, married, wishes a as "helner on truck or nny Jind of work, lit Ma Meuiohls st MAN. 2, 8 yefirs oil bus wants ponj inn -nu liifj i i, MAN, vnung. en! ored, wislies p.iii elevator operator or refw, Jira.lifitf MAN. eoloreiT, deBirea position porter or JauV tor.
refs. mid fntlmrtne at. MAN, R7. di-alre stendy rk of any kind. rei.
j. siaaaey, itmmoinn si. MAN, rolorad, daairea Jnnltor Job work, V-Mlvy 1,1 id M5-J. MAN, wants t-ar washing tor night In giirnge, refs. -4HJi.
HI at at. MAN piltion na Janitor, wife" and child, 11 yeara, A-l fall Itelmout SlAN, elderly, da. cleaning ofHee bldf-or ch honwe. Hebtst, And1 biu, N. J.
MAN with knowledge of bttokkeeplng and t.vp- ipg; inooeiate inu7r, ixt at, jioitun Tre't. ropiar vwi COMl'ANrON7helper7KnK iood Bailor, travel world or Hae here. -m. Ing. a UK at.
COMI'ANl(N Pract. nuraiiig or hekiig. between AM and 8 80 M. Vellned, edu ated wo- Bli9- h'i lct. COOK, VolorVd, dealrna potHUm, private family, call 7 to 8 Hun da, all day Monday and Tueaday.
Jack bo MHO-W, 756 lt. loth atrifc Mr. i iti mmmi iT, c. lored. flrat-claaa, denlre tKialtloii nrlvate family (termantown preferred; beet of ref e.
fMp 4fttp atreet. COOKriolored, lat ciaaa, detlree poaltlon, Jn kaon IMti, 7ti0 So. M)tb W. T. 0.
ran i r. COOK, woman, colored, wfahea poaltlorZ" hotel or raatanrant. iat cuh paatry. ow m. IPth 3rd fir.
LOOK, reatnuiant club room and ta ro jo f.5nw a 1 1 a 1 ft H. 1 1 I t3ooK. etperlanced with referenea wanta poel tlon. aeep out atti H.oan atreet. COOK, rirat-ctiiaa, colored girl deilrea poattloo.
tOOK. Bhorfrdwr, white. Call or write 608 JS. JMa hall at, COOK'," woman, colored deelrag poaltioo, city rof. eleep In, 2n t'tniatlan at.
T66ET A oeter ordra and LucUi AciiBro, fllf r6vrviNj "it downatalrV work wtd by cofoWd fPi' eleep Filbart atreet COHT Cl.l.KK on factory labor aud produc tlou. H.18, Inquirer office. worit7 woman wlahea" Tnra. and j'H W. nn ph.
DKKHhMAKKR. 10 yea raT operator on ttian'a coata, exp. on rubber, ran adaot to otuer tinea, wlahea perm, altuatlon; all repllee eunli-deiiilgl. C-ia Inquirer Ma ket at. i) hi AK 1 NO, 'aaalatant or haiper, dealrea poalilun, phone I'optar ft, HiHMAA KB It eaT la 1 I gat home, ol any kind.
Wrlla load tta nett at. imi.HHMAKICIt, goud flttcri homei dreBaca, coata for Plurlda, out 13 N. apl. Vll.K ri.KKK-Kiperlenced in alph'abptle ani geographical nllng. Is9, Inquirer, Market at.
Ollili, I'roteatant. wlahea poa. ae mother'a helper or any work, not ug landed. 21UH C'lrlBLIjit. "trifet, wlahea day'a work of balf-tlmo.
i'LlJ 'M aveniie- OIIU, colorttd, reflnad, dealrea poaltlon ot any j'hone S(rtH. 01 in, co ored, wanta place eliild'a nurae. a alat with houaework. ldlJTontala at. Oi)(L.
liar It colored, dca. poa, taking care anittll np ar men 1 60. )orrancej Olim colored, wl he a twaltlon, office clean-lag. chatnheimald or If time Work, rer ereio aa. 1.H24 I arnantnf at.
HlHL, SoutKern. wlahea boiiaework "of child1-! mi rue or iady'a maid. uuiiglug. Hailey, TM Obwr at. ii I It rol ored.
deilrea place ifrench anah) or lf p1acei. l2(l llanncr at. (JiHfcoTTdea. hawk, or maid, ita cTiltU colored, half grown, wiflhea houae jivoritBioep qui. tiarign at, UlitL wanta day'i work or by weekT time.
Phone Oranlte 7114. "hall or 011th. dei. gen'l borne of nrlv. fiim.
rail after 1618 N. MoMTWood at. ritf7Tcol.ira3, wlahea da 'g workTltWO Catn- arine at dihT. wlahea poa aa "chambermaid and wa't X' nrlv. tarn ajeep In, 8H4B Market GlltL wniita work or half time, good" cleaner, Jjf.
aoth at. ie. light gen. work, good refa. Tahwrlght.
Of Ml nalnhrldae it OlltL colored, aip. dea. houae work, cooking, tl I II colored. wlMhee hottaawork. Call or wrire, iain Mrrtie afreet.
colored, wlr.ea bouHework to go away. I'hoBj I'oplnr 07fi6-Jt wa iWaland atwet. GftiU rol.Vred. dealrea light houmwork. U007 N'th Heveriteeiith etreet.
ir uflllV. wlahea half time work. 20M7 -J-X." I'flt at. 01 ML, high achool, colored, wUhea 3 hour a 1 11 evening. IMtonc Oregon 624B-H.
OlKL. colored, cap -bfe, wlaiie OuwiiaUilra cooking. 31(1 Mt. Vernon. Kve, H44I).
OIHL, colo M. wlnliea cky or auburbe. nrei'p in. of to l.nujnw atreer, OlItL, colored a fined, wtshe, light hawk, or purr time, nun Mt. yernon.
Bver. fMiu. OIItL. colored, wishes poaltlon. geOarul house- wora.
i not i'yy a a i tlurht refined, aa office attendant, watt ea or ma id. law t. WnrniM-k at. tilllU colored. wUhea days or half time flnrnet.
Din. 52W-M. col. wls'ies part time work, no Run 1747 N. Alderatreet.
(IIHU c.d. retined deairo houanwoik or walt- ing, sleep out, Ilia. 7SB8 M. Mill A. two.
colored, dea. hawk, no iaii'ndrv. f1" m. 'a ar? atrewt. i itiy wioren, wianea nniiaeworg or cooaing, aleep out, Annie Mitchell, 23 N.
Lowher,, col. wlshea housework, exp. colored, waiting, no WPnuaya, VYoodatot-aj I dea. position, no washing, aleep UIKL dealrea half-tlm work, either aa nurae- nJSlJlt woodilnd, 7niJo. colored, wants half time, no dandnyi.
is. zisi at. inamond 47 iku near, ngtit want part time 0 1T2, Inqulrrr offt' Market street. deB. poa.Thotal or rest, at nignt.
luFiTawater afreet. TFoTFL Key nnd mall, floor or Infoimat c'eik. Experienced middle-aged Woman: best reference, tin or before March 15. UT. la 21! 'rer, Market at.
HOTFL Houarkeeper'a aaalstant or tlneg room, experienced, mlddie-agi'd woman: beat reference. On or before March i is, ia, lnqulr er, Maract at I I(H KK I 'K lie Hen nail f'entaailiint Sawi tii chilli aged 7 desires poaltlon, gentleman 'a nt)m or congenial bualneaa couple: treated aa one of the family, end where work la appreciated: good plnla cook, cupa hie taking full cnargr; aa ii-rvw, juqi'irer orrice. lliM'HKKKKf Kit. good cook and manager. woman witn gin aconoi age, aioiitarieaae.
Home or aemMnrat d. fall or write 113 M. New Tork. At'a tc Ofy. N.
J. lU I'SKKkKPKH lady still at home, wlshea full chirae small i rivnte family, wiiere good housekeeping 1b appreciated neat, clean, od inquirer gjtov in. lit) I'M BKK I'B R. widow," witii child ahoo) nr. cuinpetent to take ruircharge, beat -eta.
JV it go to country or ahora. No, 648 Br, Ioq 11th and -Bcn an. Hot1 tiKKRttriClt, young womaii! uneniumber ed. neat, refined, bna, qna'tflcatlona, dea. poa.
tnnnagttig housekeeper, or assist in bua. reference fnrnl'hed. 11 183. Inq. Ma ket at.
Hi HFK KKl'RIt Widow desires poaltlon aa honaekeener where aon can board, Addraaa Mfl An'lrewa ave. Hof HKKKRPRU wanta position In amall re. fined fnmlly. beat of reference. 8(W W.
Queen lane, Phlla. Iltll HRKKRPRlt mlitnla ar woman r1i om p'oyment with bua. couple, Protestant, home JH y.jf'nomjnir. HOfHKKBRPKit idle-aged. des.
pnaltion motherless Imme or care elderly per aon, om n. janey si, MilfRRKPKIl for old couple or father and auns wnere I could nave entire charge, (a at J7 N. flhcdwlck at. II I'HKK KKPEft. nilddie-Agpd.
wnnta bttslnt-aa couple or motherleaa hotna; I rot. I nnenenmhered. Inq, nr.q iit i NKKNicrrcH wiaties poiton with amau adutf famlie. Apply WjS.gP"''' WtiviKKV.tiVKVi In okfa*g- man a nome, iipai IliilHkKFICPrfir dea la in pitesfa house. fi nil iiii.naa'r 7tvj jnaeraioti ut.
iToTrHWKKPfi In'roomlng liouaa. Mr II I2tfi 10 atreet. HOi aRKRKPKH hotel, experience deslret position. flO. Inquirer Market at.
Hof NKKKKPKM or houaewprk wantede by f)ilw, tn SaiH I nncaster. dea. entire apt, hone. best rererencg fintiHRkBKPRH. poa.
In rtkorif' I riaf 1L or nselataet ds. Inatl 1 1 1 ftJJL "'water. while girl dealrea iteltU. AD Id No. Phlltna at.
6 KB It -V iu ng ladv. prtiored, aleeu oat. rer iniw Catharine at. i.ocust 7iPn. tlOf REW0HK rull or half time, wanted by nertt colored alrl.
fall Iflltf Thomptqt. at. HOfaBWOHkTwhlta woman good refer encea. -27, Inquirer. Market atreet rAUYwill aVav wUb'alderry1fgdfrchlTd or i'' nmi uiMir I'n ruuinc traiiu.rnii nil if home, amall fee.
L-H'JD. I nun Irer off ce tAfi'T. reffnedT e.Tnrt raflbed nom, a to -'V fT'NOhEHH, woman wlsnea workMon, ph. lla, lfia N. Marvlne, flrat ilaa'a, dealrea day'a work.
i7i n. neernwoon ai Lw'snftERft, coToVed. day'a work or waah at ej rci'rcnce. ntor atr ee i ArNlURHH dealrea wshin and IroiiTng" home or out, ref. ltfi R.
40th t. LArNDltKHH. 1st ch.aa, wanta wnrk. home. nii.TT Yine atreerrii, LAt'NlHKftfi, wants nil is, hamper or days wnrk refa.
lift r.Ttrl srept. iTit 1 I colored idea, day'a work moire a p. m. ropmr itan u. VlAN AOrn have exp.
and ability to manage or superintend a suhiirhan estate, aiwrtment house or orflce building. Poaltlon cnnaldered a a aferetaev. hotteketie ehanevna In a private home with chiiirn or invaitde. Mr worth to you only tiepruii nt neon me amount ef ai-onsihliUy Phone 4W NI'RKR. colored, dealrea noaltlon with wegltliy family, care for child Invalid or ladlao' metrl.
rltr. aegiliore. Phong Oranlla ftoM, Or -03, Inool-er. Ma ket al. NTRSR tloapltal ggperlence.
maternity anerlallr. doctora' and oattenla' referancea. regionahle. Addreag atatlng datea wanted and k'nd nf caae. C-Plfl.
Inquirer office NmxK, experienced, trained In Infant welfare daairea pratt'en earn of Infant. Prota itant. Bea B-nOl. Inquirer office. M'llKR, practical, colored, dealrgg poaltlon.
ITiw Hwi'n M-a. NrHsH, eip trained, dealrea nog'tlea on'y. l'onlgr H'V' Vt, MiRsB, rractlcal. wl.bea mgtarn'tv or Invalid rg.eaj nnctor a rerert-nca. flaring Nt'RflR.
practical, will care for nervnue woman: good reference, Ph. t'ohnhtg tOTftft. Nl KSK. Knall h. practical, refined durgtaO.
Ksnerlenccil. referencea. Vlclor ff277. MOIHKH and dangliter cook and chnmtiermnld. HI7 N.
lath lat lix rl'KUAToU, typtat and el rk daairea IMialtioni 5 yenra' gap. Phong Pol Igr 7818-W, 8KAM3TRRSS. colored, wanta home gewlng, to tli at. a place wnerg you wirrow iron, UMaj without pajlng mora than tha laggl n. en.l wit Out nJ tOOa.
i- pg-liHriVAt. an I OOfgFl- DE.VTIAL. do not awtlli our ompjorar. neltliar ao wo matt in'imrj v. iie ralallre, or tradea paopla.
nn. I No Endoraorat No Dalarl No Feaa! TOO receiTg tn inn nmooii. -par oulr lor tlia actual tlma iou keP practlcgllF makg otir awg terma. aa Ton renag ua in amall monthlj parmaata ar- writ, or ntir a jriv fftDDr.DiTtriM 832 BANKERS TRUST BLDG. 1317 WAbisur aiAM-rnoNn: ru.BgKTyin 2 WESfWtTEN AVE.
Ngar OarmgntciWB A. rrruiimia r- ME I CAN LOANS money aiW Up to $300 Interest gpeclfied by law, ask about our 24 hour service. AMERICAN LOAN CO. 5204 Chestnut St. RCONI) FLOOR E613 Germantown Avenue OVRB WOOLWORTH'S 851 E.
Allegheny Ave. SECOND FLOOR 1208 Chestnut Street OVRB C11ILP8' 21 Broadway CAMDEN. N. i. PTIONR CONNBl'TlOm READY CASH $10 TO $300 WITHOUT DELAY TO HOUSBK EKPKH8 SCHOOL TBACHKM IJbt'ftl tjrui Mfifl plenty of time to par Ion fft I2U rn-Ji.
VoO Kft rBHh. 12 Monthly Toil Bfft fHI Ton trot rasli. YOU (Tf-t (100 Ci8ll. Yuo Bt I20O rmh, $3 Monthly iem.y 15 Montlil I Oil Rt Bill, Iteuay tin Mont lily nH fntatroat a rt.o urovlrled br liW ou only pi.y for the ftctnal tlma yo QH ffc mono', No fea. no einlor wra.
no pua- IN ANCE CORPORATION 246 SOUTH 15TH ST. 2d Floor. Room 201, Cross Bldg Guarantee Loan Co. Will Loan Housekeepers UP TO 300 AT LAWFUL BATED tow Batoa. Beat Teima.
Long Tina. fl A IO. Poll 20 MOD. HL'l'AtS Kl'AVn g'gj a a A MO. K01f2ll 5Ha.
KKPAYS tM 1 MO. POlf 20 MOS. IlXl lid A MO. MB 20 MOM. iii a mo.
ron 20 hoh. bepays i.wo A A i rlltt lawful Intereat computed nn monthly hal gnreg. ray more or in mil any umv ggg reduce the eoat. Yon pay only for the money need and (or actual time. Information cheerfully g-trcn.
Call or phone moat convenient otncg to 1005 MARKET Room 704 Pnona: IMlhert 71 Haea 10-dt 2700 GERMANTOWN AVE. Cf1lPf l1llrh. Phrnt: Tlnia JVQJ'mHI 23D AND RIDGE AVE. P1K8T PLO0B ColamMa B212 Peru 40-M 62ND AND MARKET SECOND ri.OOK ENTRANCE NO. 7 N.
82.VD ST. Phone Blienrood fW 00. We.f ItH. POPULAR LOANS $10 TO $300 NEW COMPANY POPULAR METHODS IMMEDIATE SERVICE NO ENDORSERS NO FINES Full Affront of Loan f(t Ton. Call, write or phone rithfr nf nnr nfflct for ay fnfnrTnt(nn dMlrpd.
whloh will ba tbacrfiiDy alvon without ohMtrntton tn yon. POPULAR FINANCE CORPORATION 1529-31 Chestnut St. ND FLOOR ItlTTENHorRH i --S WLHT PHI1.A. OrFlCM 6116 MARKET STREET ISI PLOOR HIIEBWOOP 0-S-4- BENEFICIAL LOANS Our Easy Repayment Plan wlpea out principal and intereat almost before you rea'ive It. IteneflelHl lonng furnlgh the meana to get out of debt and atay out.
We Lend Up to $300 to Housekeepers Only lawful Intereat. Call, write ot phone Beneficial Loan Society Two Convenient Locations 404 LIBERTY BLDG. BROAD CHESTNUT STS. Phone Rlttenhouae 2-B-0-8 3653 GERMANTOWN AVE Phone Gladatone 2-5-0-2 OPRN TO SATURDAYS TO 1. l.lennaed by the rltnte anil Bonded to the Public MONEY LOANED QUICKLY to hotiackfepPTi or limn owner UP TO 300 DOLLARS od a atrlctly confidential plan arranged to ulf jour cotiTenttfiKT, lawful Rutea Llbentl A llnwunt NO FEES NO FINES NO DEDUCTIONS NO RESTRICTIONS Call, Write or Phone Industrial loan Service, Inc.
N. W. Cor. 52d and Market Sts. (Oyer I ntted Cigar Store) KHKRWOOI) 7-9-1-1 5625 Germantown Ave.
OEBMANTOWN 3 4-1-0, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS BRAl FUL hrunawich talking fnaehUw, tlactr.c, Oeomlnn 1'erlod mo tel. PUirnuj naed but tn ptrfp't ronditiun. font new 1475. Now onlr $225. terma.
F. A. 0th i.n at. EUlSt-N phomitrraph, mmlel H-l. iromplet with reeordi and attai-hment to play all make re-ordn.
Wnrth 167. M) iipw, No reaaon able offer fuaed. 237 N. RlngoId. Phlla.
WANTED, tenor or banjo, mnat hi rood make and condition. 23, Inquirer, Market at. CHK KKKINiJ parlor Brand piano, solid ma BAXOPnONK. alKer flntah. sold 11.
fine inn-dttlftn, -hea MO Rldg. lim. 770. KtANO 'tonlni, player work eianr. a1 lena, ir i Almond at.
Piano, albrioiit heiu-k. 67io ooontz AVKVI'K. PIANO Cunnin-ham nlarer ntnno. In flrii-fon 1 niintlngdin et, witn raae, ebrant cosdition, aa. nab'e.
Fho-e Oregon 871'. SA0O PIANO for sale. P'V Tm W. Roosevelt MTd. BABY Orand.
Henry F. Mil'er. 1 If. w'end'd fonditUm. 0-144.
Market st. TKN r-al old T.nlln. will aM t-. ti: aeparately. P.
M. Oawald, Perkaale. Pa. TPHIOHT matmeany piano and Hr eondft'on, Sacriflre. 1 af fl.6i KNAPP, HW N.
KITH KTKBKT. PIANOS TI'NKD. KKPAIUINtl. I'lANO. excellent condition, cheap, 1 -ifth HEATFRSJND RANGES HOT.WATBII heat, ri rma.
A ISflO Iiajmentg If dca. BolBHon, Oregon 8127. Jl rt.n, iii'jiurtfT uinrw WKT'a hfji' IKJiHT, lW and tool tii. wanta to iair in tnu arunn. naiarr no oo-frt.
I'm or full Urn. Utiounlt4f, IIANTr. and He. rU-ni h(Ktrum-iit-i ami reilt HHA, j'iuirtr, MOiKLMAKKH." Vj.i7 "im nil k.iirfnf abow iiicniflB. djfl nil I nnKlttl nrt'littet't an'J fiat met Ji pi Hon or ob.
HIS. Jii'lulrp. ofTiro Orrifk ii'A'S aOKII. familiar with corpora tion n'ffMintina. ornr? roimrm arm ucm fnita.
Kip, eorrearmniVnt wltfi M-fonl for tiuil iiHxpi ittttina Iptttra. Htat rf i .0.1. Inqolnr of Hoc, Murkft afr-f. I'ORTKH, culorert, nr n-mt r. r'fi.
f.irn. Hll 21at FtKIM I KM AN. ap. lrtrlVil (tM miTimnliai, wmita jiualtlfiq. J) lnq 'ln-rf'f fl'J.
orKK fiMitlirif mat, of 'rtilrt with f'KS n. Itnowlfd and A raaui of nfti xv ffifi(i'lally rorrcntMindanco. Wall qua llirt and iM'at of re ft' re tic en. H-l In')ill''r ire. CKPirtC.
anlfa oiit bii-iriCH inannkKT, vaitiahl varltil KiDcrlciire. ftlltf N. IWtli OYktK It il AN waitpr. tl.i'clVa'uT aUady or tra, (M)l urtnrinnBt. PaTntkiV With all toula.
ilay or Job. Ali- Khny ttfiStt. FAIN 1 KH Wunin wrk, atl-r'n ml workman, wl 1 work rhffli, Hnmiifn. mh icr I'lCRHONNKL dlrwlor ot doinonatrntftj aMHtf ntwl caiiacltjr tn iara bcbI); -fin-rliriM-rHttUon afieka conn. Tiio'IO Witfitl ri'titn'lir and "oirlr.
prlut I'Ottwr, j'oilnaswood lj47'W, aTvoaTtiva. -au6 North TlljMfH Bt. Act HiKH Ji4 joarB' wanta work, an kind, 870. Iimnlrar offlia, rhlN'i'KIt" all I around, whi strady noltion, ah'e to tnkft clinraa of t-utnp, or vrttBumno. innuinT ia; a iai.
It r'KftTiTK if A A (1 It. MMiihr Nt-w Har, r. flted wluha po-altlfin mm miimiKtir of rml r-iait flriu or cor- porailoiK l-'lj. "ff ItOt'K and "ffVd brflititlna B. Ho aelT.
Hth HI. IMaiiioml JMJ. BAI.KHAne HO. with ymn' ean, flfl aalea- man end act. aalca niaiiaaiT, dcalmiiB of Imnii'diatf worth wlflla coiiuei tlon, W-l.
In- yulri-r office, Markit at. BAI.KNM AN, married. 84 yeara old. trftVela and vie. and aoutheru Jrreer, t-nitlna dry totla and flrt ahopa for lire yenr oiicn fo- any other good Hue, A-I refa.
Old firm rellrlliii. V-lOO. lug. lr It 1 due avi'tiie and IdHinond utrcct, SAi.KHMAN. with five yeara eucca Bfid mud eiiierlfiic-e "fltln ndvertUliiff, wthne to locale lucalir.
No cnnvn-liig, Write Htan-Icy glov. a. VIOft Hie til at, liAl R'HM AN, prnarenBive, etitd dfMt, atore trndf. reprttaent In Phlla. reK'Onalhia concern with atlractlf hue.
lif Inquirer offlca. SALMSlAN'aii yer traylliii experience calllnu on wlilcal and ret, dn and hdvr. trade, IteBtrifcrciK fl-2f Jnqulrer oftlce. HA1 KHMAN. 10 yenra eel ling whuaeBAle and re tit 1 1 grocei cianr and drug trudc.
Have rar fl M. lo'iulrcr lofflw. 8AI.KHMAN wIhIm'm jjo atemly; ma 5 exit. enr Mfiaey jtnH Muitt'in nV. K.Y.f "ii AN AO Kit "ahiiityr wimfw-tent tu aelect, educate, Ititeunlvoir train and direct lane foree of hiah callhre men will miiNhler eltahla.
antind mdie adv. or aert'ee -oluct Willi rlaht aniteal. No houe uiae. Ha tea prom.itlou plan conaldered. VV-170, In- onlrer Mi.rket ''reel- SA 1 tt MM A A i IC ft', aectirltlea" and apeeialtrea, v.xid tiriraiilaer and xeeutlvt, highest refer encea, ('-fill, Inquirer, Market Btv clerk, now nnen fur a'loca-tl tltt.
poa, either tn TriiBt Co. or Office, Flulier rVlOl Riiruce alreet, NflOKMAKKIt. expert, tn modern nmiiagment-In finaeitlon ana pyatrnattitiig of recorda of actual cot; twpnty yenra ahoe factory eapnrl-eiice, wlahea a modenitel? paid poaltlon, I)-21, liiniii-pr, Ainrket at. Bliow "C'AltJ. "IV HI TICK deairea iMMltloa tp, inuuirer orrice.
Hfi, flennan. Ol Vaara' mfirr- 1T- fence wonla ateadv work for Wle an hour. 8 c'MirvlkMTJR'alnut Hri'KWAHl-Voung tnan dealrea poaltlon;" "ali yeara' experience; rapnhle of taking full elinrite. 4 Inquirer, Market at, 8f()itB 'and ability, p-eiently desires heiter position, any a. h07.
Immlr'T offlee, VV'AITKR or porter ilea, pnnfuon. rellnhe, cid-ored. Phone Harlng fWK-H. 41(Ki Powdton avenue. IVllIlam Wr aht.
Jr. dealrea poaltlon, yenra In one p'afe, A reference JtMiulrer Market at. WATrilMAVT manied7aoher7 aleady. willing Xfe-l'jr ijf? 'lJ4 1 IU le a ee AT. TIM AN deatrna poaition, tnwleratanda A Market atreet.
one arm, reiorkei.ii,, ran ure noner. rera. ikh muner avetme I'N iVlWn. AN lOi nllor. with tool a and ladders, wnnta Joh, weekly or contract, H.
on in Hnruce at. VotlVfl MAN. yeara of vnrled mechanical aud managing experience, dealrea poaltlon. one atlon an i care of electric ee nf ra pnirine. oU bumera, rwilers, etc.
t' pah of taklnjt full chnrge of office or apartment l.ldg. A reference. K-113. Inquirer ofTii Ma atiert. VOPNO MAN, wr'alngla, anoj appearance, de-flrea chanao, 6 yenra' exp.
men'a furnlalilnaa and clothing, leading atore. Avai'ahle within two day. HurteM, lixliiatrloua. Have 'P'. 31lilltt.j't YOliNU MAN, technical 3 yeara esporlence central alatlon.
experimental en-geueer on oil hurnera, any kind or J. AN, "capahle and cfm-lent, 4 'vca'rH' extieilence payroliH, factory coata A avatema, acc't routine aalarv eecomlarvt will PPffP. i Int I Market, et, Ytii'NO man dlrpa posltlfm In stock or order deiHirtmont, with future Bdvnnccment, e-ner(ence0-NR, Imiulrer office, Mnrket at. fiMIJKKni'RH, ctmf MCUOKH tKlIK; KH. 1'OH, RVKMN08A RAT.
Ant. T-70, 1N( MAHKKT WT, Yofr Nil MAN. I'roleatunl, wlahea iwg. garilener'a lielpar or any ottiar wnrk. 712U I'l'-la 'an afreet, VOI'NI) MAN dealrea change, with capnhte hnvinf and management, art a llty.
C-tT. Inquirer offlca. VOl'Nli MAN, colurd, wlahea tjoaltioi, either as porter or houaeman. Call or write 0012 ftliiertst-cet 20. would like to lenrn tmrhe frtMle, pirt or full time, no achuola.
Th'11, Ing Irer ftlre. i'ol NU VaNo, Ted. wlahea part time work.atM J.Wooistwk at. o('NOMAN wlaniet' Wition Inaide or lenrn IHngton YOI' NO AN. desires ateady po It Inn," eleC, or Inqulrerjwftlee YOTNtJ 2.1 Vno1iTlV.ViTH.,M Ion '-l8o, ri.lnq.
ro ft nrkct VOi'NO man, "typTat clerk, knowl edge h.Hii-keeping, Jew. po, fri.i off. YOl'Nir MA hnneat A reliable." 'a. Tll.l!X llI1. ri 5 a 1 Oll 1 ai Yol-Ntl MAN.
col. wnnta work, porter or "tOMlrtihstrect; YOI'NO MAN7aft. wiahes noa," any kind, will wn ker, Minith 4'(lli nve Yolo' MaK'-OoihI edqcStlon. eVp. eie-Flf bookkeeper, des.
pos. A-1HH. Inq. Mkt. at YtH1 NO MAN.
coT. dea. poaltion" po-tr or h'Bck, 1 amnc. I'opjar 8mt8. YoVNii MAN.
22 denirea potltion; real estjitet JL.AU,l(!i'ny vt- 6l'NU MAN, colored desires pus. with board nl' 11,1 f- OC Nil MAN dealrea position na cleTk" for retn'J ment. 73.Jnq,. Market at. fOI'Nrt A dea, Inside V'sTdrive" ForA wire st.
Yof'NO man. St, desires is with futuie, knowledge of ateuog.A-?. Market at. YPl'Nii man, colored. ii Trna "work fai.y kind.
1840 N. 22d street. YOI'NG MAN desire position. 0 to 1 P. M.
fall Mnnayiiiik SIXUiTJfJJilJrlil A'l'TKNDANT to -eml-invalid, eicelleiitrcfer encea, espeilenced traveler. Mrs. 11.. Box 28. Fort WaaiiingNmj'a.
ATi HaNT to aemT-lnvalld. ekcellent reF-erviicca. i iperlenced traveler. Mra. 11.
Hot o. rori aaningion, ra. BuOKKKKl'lCH. ohi office 12 ut. tyidat and" general eiperu-uce.
54. la- qlier cfrice, Market street, lltM iK kkkl'KIt-T Yl'IHT dealrea poaTtloni 1 experience: can tnke complete charge aootlrefereiicea. 870 Inquirer ufftce, ButiKKKKi'KIt, typiat, esu. dimoie eutrv. control accounts: apiihle tnklog complete charge, r-i foln.mhiii ji llOOKKKKPEHn.
K. years' cab taka full charge, knowledge of steitog, aphy ref J1; ll(H)K t.RVl ii 1." 7 atftn.ranher itn" cniwble to take chare, fall Orem roimtav or i nninrtrn arter e-unnay IP ri Kl Il'KH stent. 7 vrs. evp. charge ornce, oes.
reii io, iihi. rrt. ar at. li(okKKKI'FJVrperm aged. f.
Inn ks, ref. U-10S Inqu'rer o'flce. ItmiTiiKkfiKPrMt. fern. "dea, noa.
to take fafi cnaige. oinre. lu ink wTtK knowi mod, ani. liar tanw aT (ill attlli ll-W -cnwl grad fhona llflok KKTRH'S aasistfltiT km'iwfcdge orVti? rr no Ttiphy. 1 year'a.
exp. Oriinlte 1 ad. notiKKKKTKit-stenog. dea'rea uti'ifl II afiroi1 tmoka. M-iirc lino.
Tioga 'J1N2-W, after 4 P.M. Kookh HtBlTHi'h''fll gfadu- ate. cimngc posit uu. ornnr ROOKK r9'T'lStP machine owenitor. inilerwiMl and tydat.
poa. CAW, Market at. ItlYriHOtKiilK mkkieper des. itiowl. Of yjiine'.
20 yeara. 0 Inq. Mkt- at- Ht'RlNMK wnintin wlKhea i-oaUlon aelltng. DO cnovaaslng. B-4jl; Inquirer, Market at, CAHMiKlt, quick, position, Iihvm worked In first cUsa restaurant; also checker M-W Inquirer, Market st.
MAMMKltMAlT) dealrea poalllon, prl ate.ret. Ptri 2tn st, fllA HKHMAH desire position, private! referen e. 2th fH. ItFItMAin and waitress desire posit I on I tegetiwr. 21, Inquirer, Market CHAfr-FKI'Tt wishes position with private 4 yra.
prtv, exp. fall Victor IPNtO. fHKF Colored. 1st clans, good oa dinners. Paring 1222.
N. 4ild at. CI.RRK, payro'P, 1,1 year evnertenca. deslrei jpjjsi' loft Rest refene re. Bl, lunnlrer off.
CoUURI) UIUL dea, po. climalug offices. Call Vchnypi kor, I 1 li'M'iircr XllV. MAN. adr.
manaaamanl. Bow crful c*nt wrlfar, Amarican, tiantlla. lad Jnniilrar nn.T plana, ale. or will build comnlcla. p-nnIii, off.jjlarkal SrlHIHttN'T IIOOKKKri'rH, alonngraiihar and afltliplng Clark.
Hint. Ill taltlla Imalnaaa Unrrlad man, 8d. daalraa a poaltlon, aai Y-47, P. o. Hot 11470.
aYTHMOMI alVrfTfrlan." wlaliioi "oaltlon. P'TirKlKI'IIAMtrifa'tVuiaa. i'J for lal 10 vaara In ml own niialnaat, ar-' liri' and ranalr work, wliliaa pnallloii where '-ir xii nantwl. IJIO H. th at.
MOB. ttvrit. wlfFi'moior aarvlca ml aimp fnrviiinn apu can glta rafcronca. I'" fl-irk. I toOKKKKPRII will kcap 'amali aat iif liniika nr do accounting wltern work can og takan koma llanil, lnoiilrarofflca.
linaifTnn, lira com-nioii enkca. pica, awaal ilough, in. vrran, fi Norlh rlil atLcliiiniin. l'gJlall It; BAKEII Kip; fancy ca'ka fiaairr. aliiarlr man.
would taka light 2(1 Job. Ba ng. man N. itii at. rnona.
RKn. roiing "2d.llalit"idwanta tialtlon on BAKMI nrat'cTn'aa ll i-gk'aa ami plea, wTanaa atoailr iioiltlon. SK2I -n n3 fifr; ItAKEn-Voiiiig ai'cnnrt i lin'tinTon cakgg daa. do- H'tJoivJillfi N. Ilowmd pAKKIl" Flr.r iiVii it.
11 rriuill daairaa poa. out ofcltr. I T7j InflnlrwfjMajkat i'CaKKH. lea 'crenin' miikar," g-niri third hand N.jllat gtwt. r.
"bre'lMl and" awaat dough, ill Illrcti i almlenN. fkAkfcri rfrarf ileiiraa poa. raatanrant. iMifal fiAKKil on pnalrr, awaat atari. cllLv nr cotMtrj 4fifl fj.
nth. SaKKK lat or oil "firaod A aweet w-nla gJL iiAKKIlT aeon nd hand bread and gwgat dough) can work HMItll. EiAKKIIY, hotofor rcit.inrant. ffrat claaa baker on enfcea and pnalrr. familiar with all 1 hranrhea of liia bualneaa.
waa at ona placg i'i vaara engaged In Imalnaaa a jeara. Addraia Inker. 21 S. JITIli n1ti rllr. lAKIl'mid "artnViliotir "rT'liaatra lanmir daiiea tvllllng to undergo aur laat.
J. An-' gll') N. J-daiTi at, tt A iHtirj It- airnnd-cigagr AmarlriiH. alnt'lc. wniilil Ilk" poalt'on III flrit-clnaa almp.
4113, luiraiaar BTttllRH ma rrTtnir wfahaaaiaaalg winftlon. iTlTT rrUp!" niioraT man del, poiltlon. fl l'larlon atreet. RAHliKH rouiig inVnr whlta. wanta atead nnalilnn.
I'hadwlck at. ItOOKKKUl'KII--All around ofllca man. mid- rlla-agcit. encelKraf.di'g. Iml.
Itatt- log Ijnl.Markiit al. JToiiKKKlTKlt." thor. g'tp. on lT K. booki.
flnan atatempnta, ref. BOOKKI'KI'RIt. 0. R. in iara' en ileiiraa wilonS.
in ilnig aloro, or anr klnr ofwi.rk. poplar lB, "BYlV. wanta work. 024 Konni iaihat. Wajntitjiltd.
V-fillV. co'iori-il. "rtcaTrea good kind Heat ref. I'll lllonmnil nil2-M lii'iiorii" of wTiiB o-fivfi-ris 1 AVAIIATITW flUir, PH. TtV.O (I2ail.
Oil IlI TI KlV- Kio. wialira poalllon. atciidr work. mn'Tloil, nil around houaamnn. HOI N.
aiat HI rh-oa Pnii'ir WMW CMlPKNTKKnndbanilf man rlralrra work of any ktnil, would ault real aatata, Addreaa lmio N. Harlen i- A It I l'N 1 Kit. active, an aroin i WlKlioa twiattlon atir kind. tltri hshs Cxtll'PM I'll 'I hi wlnlu-a pi'ldon 0-1 JM. I ri wl rTif 0 OrTKN'Tirur v'tii mi? or Job" tj'na.
J. Amrjr8stl -i rAWl'KNTKIt, dea' JolTblriii. altpralTona.ji.--aa ropaljra. day or cnntiact.aa.ira. Jlfl hr.nd iwikiix am ptottTfTit nf an kind.
"Wlaiiaa "work. mart. ad. Talr. not afraid of work, iirlrata truck of i ua'-aiTP, rf Havman.
Hm tMamontl i(HtO-W- ffrl' VH WifTFVU nt. dfulraa prT(In prlvntp fnmtlr on htahuradu carni i- do minor A-l ri'ftivnce. l'lionr orccon 8700. N'm. Jnhnaon.
ronimorrlal boat rf. 140, Inq. lfl(H) ft Btract. 1 rlYXlfrrnrTt. colored, dcalrea in.altltin.
pr'r-nte conniifrclal; city, aulmfha. Al rer. Ionlar 31. T'lYrtTFKI'Il. wtdhca poaitlnn.
fi ejrp IHMd rcfprciKC, 011 Wunilar before 13 nnnn. ranMe awg, BH'20 Vine at. iMTAlTKWrH ifouaVman, no- alllon In pH. famtlf ot bachelor, refa. Vh.wip JVnmood riTAfrrKCH rflln-'ed.
marrlad. deaTreB tma. nr 4 ycara' exoaiiinf. Call or write tJoff. to4 Pearl at.
"ri. AVKKTIt c'oC A-l "ref iaa. ata.f In or out. Bnrna. lull B.
Llorranco. Jaokaun I IA1' rnlnred dea. noa 13 vra. at- iiarlenee rltr nr aut.urba, flrat I'laa; cltt Vri'd WM: t'llArKKBl'll. KnaMali, da.trea rltr or i'lIAI'rKKril.
de Irea nr. It aingia. irT rears evtv.r.-fa. M5 laMrllef al. "nr Miller, f.a"'',i'-h"Ji' Can dr're all grain criMVrrt It.
j-'uung nian. V'bainll. nn.ltl,refmj5.,.JMth.i. i fllAri Frill" rolnreif, ran" nnii raf IW-' 1 .1.1,.., nrivala fnilllvl. I'lHHlg I.n.-llat I 0 'ilAI'rrKI'H.
da Irea noa willing In nlber wVrlTgt T. FlIAI'iTKrR. i-oinred wanta driving nrv 'ajl'wdtSs. fiAfFKF.f'lt. An Vinidllirl JUJ, fanill'' riTAt'KKt'lt l-rtilreii, de.lrea taiattloti irt.
--i- IliTrrKI'll. i-nlnred. de.lrea imaition, rereren'-e. rtn.tre. nmlllen evn.
nr 'ref Hatrhalnr. l.eauua at. i luTrrKI good "rafa. N. Hmeiller nr 1170X1.
gear. MParlanrg on linme mnde dea-' aerfi it nil at n1 'I T1 -her at. BeareXereni-ei, oo-iiien In rir-h. hte nr in-tl-fiiilrav beat rf n-fereni-ea: In or out el torn. -Kltr InnvlrMMarket aLrat.
iirTr-Ti7a7narlvneail dinner, a la earta. prl l-J-L' i-iw" A nm hlltl Cll'h. 1 Unntharn IB jra aip. Mr Kurooean of Ame 11 Rtf "flrat elaea Kurotwan or American nina, Tnirer mm-. rtuv while, ftior.
eipn-. wibii mi charWe Veateiiraot kUchen beat refer- "ftrTii.nit tnniiirer office, re 1 a. a laTM. hflrik or club. 1 HKF, nra.
iia-kM -t. tlnit wher audi training will be ot aervice. T-106. lr'Hr-r- (:. ii i ll 1 (' i 1 i I if.