Rest - Vogelimkafig120 - Octopath Traveler II (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Hikari sat down next to a campfire in the middle of the night, crossing his arms as he looked back on certain events. His fellow travelers were off doing their own things, thus allowing him a moment for himself. It had been a month since they liberated his nation of Ku from the clutches of his half-brother Mugen. Although it was something to celebrate joyously, the swordman couldn’t help but think back on the lives that were lost.

“Ritsu…” Hikari whispered solemnly, watching the embers dance to the sky.

Ritsu was Hikari’s childhood friend, fondly recalling precious memories of them having spars from sunrise to sunset as well as having rice balls made by the former’s little sister Mikka. During their better days, they would talk about their dreams for the future. However, Hikari was unaware of the darkness lingering from within Ritsu. The moment that his friend had betrayed him for Mugen’s loyalty, it was already too late, despite Hikari wishing that there was some ray of hope.

“Could we have done something different? Any other outcome?” he asked, only earning himself a gentle blow of wind as his answer.

‘Go on, Hikari… change… Ku… create a world… where Mikka can be… happy…’

Those were the last words that Hikari heard from Ritsu as he grasped onto his hand until the latter caught his final breath. Despite all that he had done, Ritsu’s greatest concern was the safety of his little sister. The guilt washed over Hikari’s body as he grieved for his fallen friend, doing all he could to not break down in front of his companions. He wished that he was able to convince Ritsu to fight alongside them, but that was out of the question once the former friends drew their swords at each other.

However, Ritsu’s last words had given him enough strength to press forward and challenge his half-brother’s rule. And so, Hikari was able to wrest control of Ku from the hands of Mugen’s tyranny, ushering in a new era for his nation. There was a lot of work to be done, but the citizens of Ku had assured Hikari that they would take care of the nation’s affairs while he continued to travel alongside his friends.

“Of course, all we can do is ensure that the same tragedy doesn’t befall on others.” Hikari assured himself, smiling softly afterwards, though the tinge of sadness had lingered.

His mind wandered to his friends, amused at how a group of eight people from different backgrounds could become an effective and trustworthy team. A particular person within their group made Hikari think of fondly the most. It was none other than Agnea Bristarni. Hikari adjusted his position as set his eyes to the night sky.

Agnea was the very first person that Hikari encountered when he started his journey. The dancer explained to him that she wanted to travel around Solistia in order to become a star, much like her late mother. He saw the passion that brimmed within, convincing him that she was determined to reach her goal. It was an admirable one, he thought, especially since it involved honoring her mother’s memory. That goal was reached a week ago exactly, and Hikari couldn’t had been prouder of Agnea, watching how jubilant she was to celebrate her accomplishment with her little sister and father, as well as those that she met along the way. Chuckling to himself, the swordsman was truly amazed at Agnea’s perseverance.

Then, as Hikari set his gaze back to the fire, his thoughts decided to keep focusing on the dancer, causing him to feel his heart swell. “This feeling again? Why?”

Questioning himself. Hikari’s thoughts went back to the moments that he had shared with Agnea. She had been nothing but kind and caring towards him, even when she had witnessed him at his most vulnerable. He didn’t like to look back at the moments when the darkness within took its hold on him. Despite allowing the swordsman to quell any obstacle that would endanger himself or his friends, each time he tapped into its power only caused him to get closer to its maddening embrace. His will was strong enough to propel it’s influence but he remembered how frightened Agnea was the first time. Thankfully she understood his circ*mstances as well as promising that she would never give up on him.

Agnea’s voice resonated the most when Hikari was battling against the darkness within his heart. By thinking of her and all his friends and allies, Hikari broke free of his evil counterpart’s grasp as well as using his newfound powers, bringing light to the darkness. The bond between his friends was a powerful force, but Agnea’s stood out above the rest. It wasn’t to say that Hikari couldn’t care less about his fellow travelers, of course.

Suddenly, Hikari heard the bushes ruffling, causing his focus to shift. “Is someone there?”

“Just me!” a feminine voice spoke happily until she suddenly yelped. “Ack!”

“Agnea?” he called out with worry. “Are you hurt?”

“Oh no need to worry about me. Just me being clumsy.” Agnea assured as she made her way to Hikari’s spot.

Once the dancer had gotten herself seated next to Hikari, she dusted herself off carefully until she formed her usual cheerful expression despite the brief embarrassing moment that had occurred.

“That aside, what have you been up to?” she questioned, eager to await his response.

“I was… thinking of our time… with everyone.” He began, pausing himself in order to ask Agnea a question beforehand. “If I may ask, how was your rest?

“Oh! Well, I was just practicing my dancing. It may not be considered as resting for most people but to me it was relaxing.” the dancer answered jubilantly, watching her friend’s face form a grin.

“I’m glad to hear, Agnea. You amaze me each day, truly.” Hikari admitted until he noticed the crimson tinge burning on his friend’s cheeks. “My apologies for making you uncomfortable.”

“No! Don’t be, Hikari!” Agnea assured adamantly as she gazed at him. “I-I mean… I’m happy that you have so much confidence in me. Being trusted by you… and the rest of our friends… it does mean a lot to me.”

The duo merely sat in silence as they took the time to stare at the stars, enjoying their quiet moment of peace. Agnea took a quick glance at Hikari, wondering to herself on how kindhearted and considerate he had been to her since day one. Most royals would cast a country bumpkin as her aside, but there was something different about Hikari that made him stand out above the rest. Not once did he ever think about himself or was in it for riches and glory. All that he ever wanted, in his own words, was a world without bloodshed. To many, it was an idealistic goal, but Hikari had no intention in giving up.

Throughout her time traveling with Hikari, she learned new things about him, such as his love for music as well as the culture of Ku. He would also tell her stories about his late mother who was the main contributor to his selfless nature. She truly wished that she had the chance to meet her. There was a moment in which Hikari had cooked up a traditional dish of his homeland for her and all their friends, and by the gods it was delicious, even Temenos and Osvald were at a loss of words.

However, there were times in which Hikari needed to be assured that he wasn’t fighting his battles alone, even if he knew that fact already.

“Umm…” the dancer hummed, getting back to the topic at hand, “what were you thinking about earlier?”

Hikari proceeded to make a stoic expression as he set his sight back to the campfire, clasping his hands together. There was a lot on his mind, but he believed that it was right to speak about it to his friend, a close friend as a matter of fact.

“I was... also thinking about the lives… that were lost for us to achieve our goal back in Ku.” Hikari revealed as he closed his eyes.

“Yes…” Agnea agreed, thinking carefully of her next choice of words. “You went through a lot, Hikari. Oh, I’m sorry if that was all that I could sa—”

“No, Agnea. You had no ill intent in your words,” he assured her by breaking his view to meet hers, resting his hands on her lap, “I had to… spill the blood of my old friend in the process…”

“Your friend Ritsu…” she spoke softly, her sympathetic expression directed at her friend.

The swordman nodded his head to confirm her speculation, taking in a deep breath afterwards. He had enough time to pay his respects to his fallen friend as well as promising Mikka that he would provide her with anything she needed. After all, it was his fault that her brother was taken away. Although the younger Mishuyo assured Hikari that she harbored no resentment towards him, the latter could tell how sad she was. She spent the first day doing all she could to help around Hinoeuma after its liberation, most likely to keep her mind off Ritsu.

“Hikari? Are you crying?”

Agnea’s concern caused Hikari to blink his eyes, thus confirming her suspicious. He wiped away a few tears with his right hand. “When I picked up a sword, I promised that it was to be used to defend the people I care about, never to… claim the life of a friend. And yet… I couldn’t keep that promise…”

The dancer could tell how strong he was trying to be in front of her, but she would never, ever judge him for expressing the sadness in his heart. The pain of loss was something that Agnea was familiar with, and it wasn’t something that would go away with time. Even if we tell ourselves that we had overcome it, it was always right next to our doorstep. Those were the words that were explained to her by Temenos.

‘What should I do?’ she pondered tentatively.

Making her decision, Agnea boldly put her hand on Hikari’s tear-stained hand that was resting on his lap, much to the surprise of the latter.

“A-Agnea?” Hikari whispered incredulously.

“Hikari… as your friend, never feel that you must keep your true feelings to yourself. I want to… be there to support you.” the dancer stated as even her eyes were beginning to swell.

The swordman continued to remain silent as he watched his friend trace soothing circles around the palm of his hand.

“I may not have the best choice of words or advice to tell you, but I know that Ritsu is happy that he could entrust the future of Ku to you. I remember seeing his smile… when he spoke to you for the final… time…” Agnea continued, feeling hot tears run down her cheeks.

Looking back, there was truth in his friend’s words, recalling how in Ritsu’s final moments, he accepted his fate and decided to leave the future of Ku and his sister to him as he smiled weakly before his eyes became heavy. Loss was inevitable in any war or battle; it was painful beyond comprehension whenever it involved a close friend or relative.

“That’s why… time… as well as the decisions that you make as ruler of Ku… will determine how people will feel about you. I can say that you are doing what you can to make their lives better than before. A brighter future.” she finished, giving him a sincere smile through her tears.

“Thank you… Agnea…” he responded, forming a soft grin at her.

Minutes had passed after their heartfelt talk, silence returning to the duo. A huge weight was lifted off Hikari’s chest; being able to confide in someone as sincere as Agnea. After all, he wanted to make a world where no one had to be put into the same situation as him into a reality. Learning the mistakes of his family and their dark history, a new dawn will surely shine upon Ku.

“Oh! I completely forgot to say this but you’re very welcome, Hikari. I’m happy that I could be of use.” Agnea appreciated as she looked down to her feet.

“There is no need to depreciate yourself. How you contribute is not determined by its weight but rather by the person’s convictions.” Hikari stated, turning his head to look at her.

“In other words, I did okay, huh?” she asked innocently, earning an approving nod from the swordsman, much to her relief.

Things quieted down afterwards as Hikari and Agnea were pensive on how the conversation should follow. The swordsman felt a bit ashamed that most of the topics involved himself. So, he decided to ask Agnea on how she was doing. “Agnea… are you happy… being with us?”

“Huh? What do you mean by that?” Agnea questioned, perplexed by his question.

“Being away from your father and sister for a long period of time. Do you miss them?” he added as he turned his face in her direction.

“Naturally, yes. I do miss papa and Pala, and everyone back from Cropdale,” the dancer admitted, smiling at the thought of everyone from her village, “on the other hand, I’m able to go around the world and bring joy to people with my dancin’. That’s why, my journey isn’t over yet.”

“I see… it is great to have such a loving family to support you, truly.” he earnestly complimented.

“Yeah… but to think that I had almost given up back at the Grand Gala. The pressure got the best of me.” Agnea responded, shaking her head at the memory.

Back then, Agnea and Dolcinaea decided to have a showdown at the Grand Gala in Merry Hills on who would stand out as a true star. Despite the amount of practicing and singing the native of Cropdale had put in, she was no match for such a world-class dancer and singer. On the verge of tears and giving up, Agnea was surprised to hear her papa from the stands, cheering her on. Not only him but Pala, Gil, Gus, Giselle’s Troupe, and her trusted friends. Tapping into their support, she got back up on her feet and bested Dolcinaea with the Song of Hope. Agnea Bristarni had finally achieved her dream of becoming a star.

“Moments like that can be truly overwhelming, even if we think that we are at our best. However, the fact of the matter is that you have people that will offer you support. With that, you can push through any adversity.” Hikari stated as he crossed his arms.

“Can agree on that.” the dancer nodded her head until a thought ran into her head, causing her cheeks to redden once more. “I’m sorry for my behavior after I had won.”

Hikari looked at his friend for a moment until the scene of Agnea rushing towards him as she hugged him with all of her might rushed into his mind. The swordsman’s cheeks had also reddened as he recalled being in utter shock at her demeanor until he calmed down and returned the hug. After all, he was proud of his friend for making such a big accomplishment.

“There’s no need to apologize, Agnea. You were merely happy, so that’s nothing to be ashamed of.” the swordsman assured with a soft smile of his.

“Well, I’m happy that papa didn’t do anything rash when he saw that,” she giggled, reminding herself of her papa’s overprotectiveness, “but then again, he has a soft spot for you, Hikari.”

“Oh? I was not aware of that.” Hikari commented curiously.

“Yeah! He’s told me that you are a very respectable man, and that he would like to get to know you more once all things are said and done. Not only him, but Pala as well. It’s like they’re welcoming you to our small family.” Agnea expressed with such enthusiasm.

“Hearing that makes my heart happy. I’m honored, truly.” he grinned as his eyes wandered back to the sky. “Your mother is very proud of you, Agnea.”

“I know she is.” she agreed, sighing softly as she thought about her late mama. “Mama may not be in this world anymore, but she still lives on in my heart as well as in my dancing.”

Moments later, Hikari immediately noticed a few tears cascading down Agnea’s face, causing him to become concerned. “Agnea? I’m sorry for making you cry. It was not right of me to bring up the matter of your mothe—”

“Don’t be.” the dancer countered as she raised a hand at him until she brought it back down and faced him. “These are happy tears, is all.”

Cuani Bristarni was such an important figure in Agnea’s life. When she and her sister Pala were younger, they would go to each show and watch their mama dance with such grace and eloquence. Their father was also very supportive at the time up until when their mama became ill and then passed away due to overworking herself to make people happy with her dancing. The tragedy had changed Garud into a very overprotective parent, refusing to allow the same thing to happen to his daughters, especially to Agnea.

It took a lot of convincing for Garud to accept Agnea’s goal of becoming a star like his late wife. He reinforced his support by giving his eldest daughter the same dress that Cuani used to wear for her shows. When Agnea had tried on the dress, her papa mentioned that she looked like an exact splitting image of her mama. Of course, Agnea promised that she would return to Cropdale in one piece.

“Because of her, I got to meet all of you. Honestly, I’m so grateful for that. That’s why I want to keep on dancing and make her proud each day. Really, I’m happy that I met you as well, Hikari.” Agnea proclaimed with such conviction.

“Agnea… thank you, truly. I’m grateful to be in your company. You are an important friend to me.” Hikari replied as the both of them fixed their gazes at each other.

“Hearin’ you say that makes my heart race, Hikari.” she said, smiling through her blush.

“I’m happy that we can confide in each other, no matter the subject at hand. Your presence is always welcome, Agnea.” the swordsman commented, earning a nod from his friend.

“Don’t need to tell me twice!” Agnea chirped, her cheerful behavior being intoxicating to Hikari. “After all, you’re stuck with me.”

Upon hearing that kind of commentary, Hikari and Agnea proceeded to laugh together. The power of friendship was an immeasurable force to be reckoned with. However, the duo’s respective thoughts began to wonder if something more would develop in terms of their relations with each other. Love, perhaps? But of course, the answer was only known to the gods. Their journey would have to meet its eventual end, and they were going to make the best of it.

Rest - Vogelimkafig120 - Octopath Traveler II (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.